
Feline family: list, description of animals and their habitat

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Feline family: list, description of animals and their habitat
Feline family: list, description of animals and their habitat

Video: Cat Family - Species of Cats | Cat’s Story (Nat Geo Wild) 2024, June

Video: Cat Family - Species of Cats | Cat’s Story (Nat Geo Wild) 2024, June

The Feline family is one of the largest groups of animals in the world, it consists of several genera. Specialists, in turn, divide all wild cats into large and small. In total, science knows about 35 species of these mammals.

In this article we will consider the most popular representatives of the Feline family. Find out where cougars, panthers and other wild cats live.

Origin of the Feline family

It is reliably known that the first wild cats appeared on the planet during the Miocene. In the territory of modern Asia and Europe, the first species of the Feline family, Proailurus, inhabited. It was from him that all other varieties of these animals subsequently descended. This ancient mammals possessed an elongated body, small paws and a very long tail. The main weapon of this predator was its sharp teeth and claws.

Scientists believe that the proyalurus is the ancestor of a more modern animal - pseudoelurus, which lived on Earth about 20 million years ago. He had a more typical cat family appearance and was found not only in Europe and Asia, but also in North America. This predator had a flexible slender body and powerful muscular legs. The pseudo-elurus spent most of his life on trees.

Later, about 2.5 million years ago, smilodons appeared, which scientists also attribute to ancient wild cats. In color, these animals were like a modern snow leopard.


Where do they live

Wild cats are found on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. They live on all islands, with the exception of New Guinea, Greenland and Madagascar.

Most species of these predators prefer to live in a tropical and subtropical climate zone. However, some species are also found in temperate climates. The list of the Feline family includes such animals:

  • lynx;
  • cougar;
  • Amur tiger;
  • forest cat;
  • Far Eastern cat.

It is noteworthy that although the cat family is one of the largest groups, the population of large species is declining more and more. This is due to widespread poaching. It is interesting that in primitive times, ancient people also preferred hunting for large wild cats. This also had a certain impact on the future number of predators.

What is the difference between cheetah and leopard

One of the most noticeable differences between these wild cats is observed on their head. Cheetahs have the so-called tear stripes located on the muzzle. Leopards do not have them. The second visible difference to the naked eye is the color of the skin. The body of the leopard is covered with spots collected in sockets, with a dark background inside. The cheetah skin is dotted with clear black spots, without any ring patterns.

If you look at the anatomical structure, you can see that the leopard is larger. Often in these animals there is a fat layer, which is due to a passive lifestyle. The maximum weight of this animal reaches 70 kilograms, it grows up to 250 centimeters in length. The cheetah has a slender, muscular body. He has no body fat. An adult reaches 140 centimeters in length and can weigh up to 50 kilograms.



The list of felines continues to the jaguar. He is the largest predator living in the United States of America. Jaguar, the description of the animal emphasizes on this, is beautiful and graceful. The sizes of adults are pretty impressive. Their weight can reach 160 kilograms. Jaguar is the third largest wild cat in the world, which is second only to a tiger and a lion.

This mammal looks similar to a leopard. It has a similar color, but much larger in size. The jaguar has rounded ears on its head. The color of animals can vary from rich red to sand tones.

Jaguar is the brightest animal of Central and South America. Unfortunately, its population is rapidly declining due to regular hunting. In this regard, the habitat of the jaguar has significantly decreased.



This wild cat is considered the largest representative of the cat family. Tigers can weigh up to three hundred kilograms. The length of the largest specimens recorded by scientists exceeded 3 meters. In this case, the sizes may vary depending on the variety. The largest are the Bengal and Amur tigers.

The predator has a flexible, strong body. The tiger is practically the only one in its family who is able to distinguish colors. The animal has a keen ear and excellent sense of smell. Thanks to these features, it can pick up even the faintest odor over very long distances. This makes the tiger one of the most dangerous predators in the world.

The skin of a tiger comes in several colors: brown, white and yellow. Traditional vertical stripes are drawn on it. The length of the coat depends on the habitat. Southern species have a rarer and shorter cover. The coat of northern specimens is denser and longer.



Leo belongs to the cat family. He is rightfully considered the king of beasts. This predator is inferior in size only to some species of tigers. The diet of these formidable mammals depends on the habitat. But all of them prey mainly on large herbivores. The victims of African lions are often zebras, buffalos and antelopes. Individuals living in Asia prey on wild boars and deer.

Lions are social animals. They are combined into small groups, which include several females and one male leader. It is noteworthy that the extraction of food lies entirely on the shoulders of females. Males themselves rarely hunt.

Each pride has its own clear territory, its protection and protection is carried out by the leader.



The list of felines continues one of the most mysterious predatory animals. For a long time, the panther was considered a separate species. Later, scientists found that this animal is not one, but several types of wild cats, which have a high content of black pigment in their hair and skin.

The origin of panthers is still controversial. Some experts are convinced that the black color is caused by genetic abnormalities. Others suggest that this skin color is due to life in impassable forests. In such places, twilight always reigns, as sunlight practically does not get there.

Black panthers include such predators:

  • jaguar;
  • tiger;
  • leopard.

Panther is not a separate species, but a whole genus, united by genetic changes. This feature is called melanism. It is noteworthy that it is inherent in almost all existing animals. In nature, there are even black foxes, which are called silver fox. In this case, the skin only from afar looks homogeneous. For example, on close examination of a black tiger, stripes will be visible, and spots on a leopard.
