
Family, children and wife of Ilya Kovalchuk

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Family, children and wife of Ilya Kovalchuk
Family, children and wife of Ilya Kovalchuk

Video: Ilya Kovalchuk rates Instagram, Atlanta and more 2024, June

Video: Ilya Kovalchuk rates Instagram, Atlanta and more 2024, June

Ilya Kovalchuk is one of the most successful and sought-after hockey players of our time. He managed to conclude one of the largest and longest contracts in the history of the Continental Hockey League. In addition, it can be seen on the pages of fashion magazines, sometimes it works as a model. The young man has a beautiful appearance, high growth and good physique.


The wife of Ilya Kovalchuk - Nicole Ambrazaitis - is a singer in the past, and he, although young, is already a large father.

There are legends about his sports career, but in this article we will talk about his family, wife and children.

How it all started

Little Ilya was brought to hockey by his father Valery Nikolaevich, an athlete himself in the past, when he was 4 years old. Father certainly wanted to see his son as a sports star.

In addition to hockey, Ilya, named after Ilya Muromets, was engaged in swimming, gymnastics, general physical training. Training continued in both winter and summer. The decisive role in the career of the future champion was played by the acquaintance of Valery Nikolaevich with the famous coach Viktor Zhukov, who then trained Kovalchuk for many years.

At age 14, Ilya moved to Moscow, where, in addition to hockey, he studied at the Moscow School of Olympic Reserve. By the way, his classmate was Alina Kabaeva.

Sports career

At 16, Kovalchuk was able to sign his first professional contract. So he was immediately in the adult team of the Moscow “Spartak”.

In 2000, his team won the Challenge Cup in Toronto, Ilya was in the Canadian Hall of Fame, becoming the best player in this prestigious tournament.

Unfortunately, after two years at Spartak, having earned all conceivable and unthinkable awards and titles, his best striker signed a contract with the NHL. No one was able to keep Kovalchuk in Russia, and already in 2001 he became a hockey player for the American Atlanta, for a seven-year contract he earned a record amount of fees.

In 2002, at the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, our team led by striker Kovalchuk confidently took third place, and he himself earned the honorary title of Master of Sports.

After that, he took part in the Ak Bars teams, in the Chemist near Moscow, then again a five-year contract in Atlanta.

For some time Ilya played for the New York Devils. At first, for him, the game in the “New Jersey Devils” was not quite successful. But in the end, with his help, the team got into the playoffs.


To date, the best forward of our hockey team has returned to Russia, having lived for many years in the United States of America.

As we see, he had to change many places of residence, and all this time his family was a reliable companion and support for him, in particular the beautiful Nicole, his faithful lover.

Meeting with the future wife

Sometimes completely random things turn our life and destiny 180 degrees. This happened with the world famous hockey player.

Once, while relaxing from matches, he watched TV in the company of friends and accidentally saw the performance of the Mirage group. He really liked one of the then soloists of this group - Nicole Ambrazaitis, a girl with blue eyes and blond hair.

I must say that it was 2002, and the young athlete was only 19 years old. Constant training and matches did not give the opportunity to establish personal life.

But, using his perseverance, this time on the love front, Ilya, thanks to a friend who arranged this meeting, invited Nicole to a cafe where the young people liked each other even more.


Needless to say, from that moment on, the beloved almost never parted. The future wife of Ilya Kovalchuk followed him like a Decembrist. We know how volatile and inconsistent the life of a hockey player is.


Nicole Ambrasaitis could become famous, but she had to end her career as a singer in the infamous Mirage group, she wanted to devote herself to her husband and children.


By the time she met Ilya, she managed to be a model, filming for candid photos in the nude style, which at one time was filled with the Internet.

But, as we see, this did not stop the hockey player. Ilya always said that he likes smart women. And, despite the hair color, Nicole is fully consistent with this.

First child

Ilya Kovalchuk and his wife Nicole Ambrazaitis lived in a civil marriage for almost 5 years. Among fashionable parties, there were many rumors about their personal lives, everyone was interested in one question: “Why does a young successful hockey player not marry his beautiful lover?” The young people themselves did not pay attention to gossip and continued to enjoy a life together, but without a stamp in the passport.


In 2005, the couple had a daughter, Carolina. Since her very birth, Ilya Kovalchuk with his wife and daughter often appeared in public.

Ah, this wedding, wedding

When little Carolina turned almost 2 years old, the couple finally decided to get married. To the delight of fans and gossip, Ilya organized two weddings at once: in Moscow and in his native Tver.

A magnificent ceremony was held in Moscow, where almost a hundred guests were invited. Ilya also has many relatives in Tver, they organized a wedding ceremony with horse-drawn cart rides, a loaf and an original Russian feast.


A year later, the young married in the Novodevichy Convent, becoming a husband and wife before God. The already held wife, Nicole, Ilya Kovalchuk and their daughter moved to America.

Father of many children

The wife of Ilya Kovalchuk could not immediately leave the stage, a five-year contract was signed, after which she completely took up the family.

In 2009, the second child of the couple was born - the son of Philip. When the baby was 4 months old, Nicole found out that she was back in position.

So Ilya Kovalchuk, whose wife in 2010 gave him another heir - Artem, became a father with many children. There is only one year difference between his sons.

Five years after the birth of the third child, the star couple had a daughter, Eva.

The wife of Ilya Kovalchuk and her children now permanently live in Miami, where Eve was born. There, a loving father bought a posh house for his family.

According to the hockey player, Nicole likes the climate and living conditions there.