
Is a separatist a swear word or a social term? The social and legal essence of separatism

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Is a separatist a swear word or a social term? The social and legal essence of separatism
Is a separatist a swear word or a social term? The social and legal essence of separatism

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In dictionaries and encyclopedias, separatism is defined as the political and practical isolation of part of the territory to obtain an independent status or a separate state. A separatist is a person participating in such a separation process.

Who were the first separatists

The peaceful church community, which separated from the state English church in the 16th century, was the first voluntary association of people of the same faith, with the same interests. Members of a group of believers signed a contract upon entry into an organized community. The post of pastor was elective. The implacable attitude of the “Brownists” towards the adherents of the Catholic, Puritan and Anglican beliefs, which the separatists considered too strict and radical, complicated the lives of the members of these communities. The Plymouth colony was organized in 1620 by one such group that emigrated to America.

Who is called the separatists now

Separatists - who are they? Bandits or terrorists, as the authorities sometimes try to represent them? Or is it a group of people seeking to gain greater autonomy, more opportunities for their territory, in accordance with international law on self-determination? On the one hand, the emergence of liberation movements violates the borders and integrity of the state. On the other hand, one of the causes of separatism is a gross violation of human rights, national minorities and religious groups.


Where do the separatists come from, who is it? These people are not guests, but citizens of this state. And not always territorial schism is their goal. Most often, a separatist is a fighter for his civil, religious or national rights. This is a group of people who do not agree, do not recognize the current government in the state. The willingness to defend one’s beliefs with arms in hands is most often provoked by power structures.

Types, causes and goals of a split in society

Strikers can be divided into several groups:

  • performances of the lower layers of the population - are provoked by economic factors and are suppressed mainly by force;

  • representatives of the middle layer of society - advocate for their national interests with a demand for greater autonomy;

  • representatives of the elite - are fighting for power, using both groups mentioned above to achieve their goals, supplying them with weapons, money, food and provoking open aggressive actions.


Legal science divides separatism into religious and ethnic. Each of these groups has its own goals, which are defended by associations of adherents. At the same time, all issues and requirements can be solved both by legal, soft, and by force methods and means.