
Sergey Adonyev: biography and marital status

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Sergey Adonyev: biography and marital status
Sergey Adonyev: biography and marital status

As a rule, any civilized society closely monitors the life and actions of not only politicians, athletes and actors, but also businessmen. In our article, we will talk about a man named Adonev Sergey Nikolaevich - an entrepreneur and a large investor who is in the second hundred of the richest people in the Russian Federation with a capital of 800 million US dollars.


Birth and youth

The future millionaire was born on January 28, 1961 in Lviv. In the early years of his life, Sergei Adonyev moved with his parents to Leningrad, where he successfully graduated from the Polytechnic University. In the same institution of higher learning, he remained teaching, and spent several years as a mentor to students. It was while working in the St. Petersburg alma mater that he was able to crank out his first serious business venture, which was to supply computer equipment to his own department.

And to this day, the friends of this richest man say that he remained to some extent a teacher who is not lazy to repeat what he said and in every possible way instructs people. In any case, this is confirmed by one of the first business partners of the hero of the article, billionaire Belotserkovsky.


Banana oligarch

Sergey Adonyev, whose biography is given in the article, in 1991 became the founder of a company called "Albi Jazz". The co-founders of the company were also Oleg Boyko and Vladimir Kekhman. This commercial project specialized in the supply of various overseas fruits and sugar to Russia. In just one year, the company became a leader in suppliers of these products in the Russian Federation. But during the crisis of the banking system in 1995, “Albi Jazz” went bankrupt. In this regard, in 1996 Sergey Nikolaevich and his partners opened a new project - the Joint Fruit Company (JFC) concern. It should be noted that this organization also went bankrupt, but already in 2012. True, the Russian at that time had already sold his shares for a long time.

Prison term

Sergey Adonyev is a vivid example of the fact that a person should never renounce a dungeon or a bag. Even during the existence of JFC, the businessman came under investigation. The case was related to the fact that he was charged with bribing Kazakh officials in order to ensure the supply of a batch of Cuban sugar to Kazakhstan in violation of international law. Also, the entrepreneur was found guilty of money laundering. As a result, he ended up in an American prison and stayed there for 30 months, and also paid a four million fine.

While in custody, Sergei Adonyev devoted a lot of time to reading literature and was constantly in the know about the world stock market. Such curiosity allowed JFC to survive in 1998 and not experience the consequences of default.

Also behind bars, the businessman came up with a brand called Bonanza, under the guise of which JFC subsequently sold bananas for many years.

Two years after his release, Sergei sold his stake to partners, but nevertheless, a nickname “Banana King” was attached to him.


A look into the future

After receiving money for his shares in JFC, Adonyev acquired a part of SPN Digital, which specialized in the sale of content for cell phones. In 2006, the entrepreneur learned about WiMAX long-distance signal transmission technology. And after that, the man decided to establish a new mobile company in Russia, which will work on the basis of modern standards.

As a result, Sergey, along with Denis Sverdlov, launched the operator Yota. The project started in 2008, and a year later the company became profitable. Her income was $ 6 million. In 2010, Yota was the first in Russia to be able to put LTE technology into practice.


In 2012, Sergey Adonyev concluded an agreement with the main shareholder of Megafon Usmanov Alisher. Based on the contract, these two companies formed a single holding Garsdale. Such a deal was made in order to reduce the cost of doing business and its further development.

In 2013, Adonyev decided to sell his shares to Usmanov. And two years later, Sergei Nikolaevich sold half of the securities he had to the Chinese giant China Baoli Technology. Nowadays, a Russian owns almost 38% of the shares of Yota Devices.

In the summer of 2015, it was reported that Adonyev, together with his business partner Avdolyan, owned 1.3% of the Russian IT brand QIWI.


Work in other areas

Sergey Adonyev, whose wife supports his all endeavors, carries out his commercial activities not only in the field of telecommunications, but also in the greenhouse business. In 2014, he allocated money for the construction of the greenhouse complex Lukhovitsky vegetables. Also, the entrepreneur is one of the founders of Aviamotors, which is designated as the main official BMW dealer in North Palmyra.

In February 2017, Sergei Nikolaevich sold his share in the greenhouse business to his partner, Sergei Rukin. It is worth noting that Adonyev owned 80% of the shares.

Investment and charitable activities

Russian owns a blocking minority in ZAO SPN Publishing. This publishing house was founded in 1990 and nowadays it publishes in Russia a local version of the world's most popular Rolling Stone magazine and various teaching aids.

Adonyev is the founder of the Ostrov Foundation, which was created to provide full assistance to children suffering from cystic fibrosis. Sergey not only pays for treatment to those in need, but also provides all kinds of support to the families of these sick children. The foundation pays special attention to those regions of the country where the level of medicine is extremely low.

In 2009, a businessman opened the Strelka Institute, which teaches architecture and design. Adonyev also allocated money for the repair work of the Stanislavsky Electric Theater, located in Moscow.


At the end of 2016, the entrepreneur was awarded the title “Patron of the Year” following the results of the national award.

By the way, the oligarch has a very interesting hobby, which is collecting Soviet porcelain.