
Sergey Mironov, "Fair Russia": biography of the leader

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Sergey Mironov, "Fair Russia": biography of the leader
Sergey Mironov, "Fair Russia": biography of the leader

He is a significant figure in the political Olympus of Russia. Colleagues call him a prominent representative of the systemic opposition. Heading one of the leading factions in the domestic parliament, Sergei Mironov (Just Russia) is trying to provide real help to people when it comes to lawlessness and arbitrariness. Once he even put forward his own candidacy to run in the presidential election - his political ambitions were so great.

Today, Sergei Mironov (Just Russia) continues to actively fight for the Russian voter in order to put the party’s goals into practice. What was his path in his political career and what was remarkable in his biography? Consider these issues in more detail.

Years of childhood

The biography of Sergei Mironov ("Fair Russia"), undoubtedly, contains many interesting and noteworthy facts.


He was born on February 14, 1953 in the provincial town of Pushkin (Leningrad Region). The father of the future politician worked at a local military school, and his mother was a party registration instructor.

Young Sergei learned to read, write and read in Leningrad school No. 410. Having matured a bit, he gravitated more towards the humanities, but the exact disciplines were worse for him. As a child, Sergei Mironov (Fair Russia) was a companionable and sociable child. During this period of his life, he decided on the choice of profession, saying to everyone that he wants to become a geologist. The boy developed an interest in this field of activity due to the fact that at his leisure he liked to collect beautiful stones and some copies were sent to them even to the Mining Institute. Sergei Mironov (Fair Russia) was proud when he found out that the stones he had sent were part of a particular collection of the institute.

Years of study after school

Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man successfully passes exams at the Industrial College, having previously selected the faculty of Geophysical Methods of Search and Exploration of Minerals.


However, after studying for several months, he doubted the correctness of his decision and temporarily left his studies. A year later, Mironov Sergei Mikhailovich still returned to the college he had left. Soon after, the young man sets off on an expedition to the Kola Peninsula.

Service in the sun

As a sophomore, Sergei Mironov (Just Russia), whose biography is interesting to many, makes a radical decision - to join the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces. Despite the fact that the students were supposed to be deferred from the army, he voluntarily went to the draft board. The choice of troops was small: construction battalion and radio. Having chosen the second option, the young man accidentally ended up in the Airborne Forces. Yes, at one time the leader of the Just Russia party was a paratrooper. Mironov Sergey Mikhailovich himself later wondered how, with such a “mediocre” physique, he was identified as an elite in the Soviet army. However, soon his physical data due to his service in the airborne troops became almost ideal. The current leader of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov, partially served in the Lithuanian town of Gaižiūnai. Then he was transferred to Kirovobad. Over the years of serving the Motherland, the future politician has established himself exclusively on the positive side, implicitly carrying out all orders and showing the utmost diligence in his studies. From the army, he returned to the position of senior sergeant.

Studying again and starting work

Having given his debt to his homeland, Sergei Mironov (A Just Russia party) decided to continue his studies by entering the Leningrad Mining Institute, where he sent stones unique to the collection in his youth.


Comprehending the theoretical foundations of geological matters, he tried to apply the knowledge gained in practice. For this, Sergei Mikhailovich got a job at the Geophysics NGO, where he helped to search for uranium ore. After some time, he moved to the Rudgeofizika NGO, whose leadership entrusted him with the post of geophysicist engineer. Today’s leader of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, at the beginning of his career, actively participated in a number of geological expeditions. He continued to work at the Rudgeofizika NGO until 1986.

Work in Mongolia

In 1986, Sergei Mikhailovich went to Mongolia, where for a long time he was engaged in the search for uranium ores. After some time, he took the post of senior geophysicist, and he was transferred to Ulan Bator. Here he works until the moment of the coup d'etat.

The collapse of the Soviet system put an end to the career of a geologist. Officials who came to power significantly reduced funding for the industry and for months did not pay salaries to researchers. Seeing this state of affairs, the future chairman of the party "Fair Russia" Sergei Mironov immediately goes to his homeland. Upon arrival in Russia, a graduate of the Leningrad Mining Institute thinks hard about what he will do.


In the early 90's, he got a job at AOZT Russian Chamber of Commerce (Pushkin), where he was subsequently entrusted with the position of executive director. After some time, Mironov receives a paper from the Ministry of Finance of Russia, which states that he has the right to engage in brokerage activities with securities. This area of ​​activity also interested him.


It is noteworthy that the head of a large fraction in the State Duma has as many as 5 diplomas of graduation. He is a geologist (Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov, 1980), and an economist (St. Petersburg State University, 1998), and a manager (Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 1997), and a lawyer (St. Petersburg State University, 1998), and a philosopher (St. Petersburg State University, 2004).

Political career

Sergey Mikhailovich came to power structures in 1994, when he became a parliamentarian in the Legislative Assembly of the city on the Neva. His candidacy was put forward by representatives of the All Petersburg block.

In the spring of 1995, Mironov already held the post of first assistant to the head of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, and three years later he was temporarily acting speaker.

In 1998, Sergei Mikhailovich again ran for deputy of the regional legislative body and won, securing 70% of the vote. Soon he decides to become a member of the parliamentary party "Legality".


At the beginning of the zero years, Mironov joined the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg, he was appointed deputy head of the above structure.

In 2001, lawmakers of the Northern capital as their representative nominated Sergei Mikhailovich to the Federation Council. Six months later, a graduate of the Leningrad Mining Institute took the chair of the chairman of the upper house of the Russian parliament.

Participation in projects

In 2003, Mironov became the head of the political structure Russian Party of Life. The politician deliberately does not participate in the gubernatorial elections in St. Petersburg, supporting the candidacy of Valentina Matvienko.

In 2004, the future leader of the Fair Russia party, Sergei Mironov, tried his hand as a candidate for the presidency, but this time his ambitions were not realized.

Party creation

In 2006, Sergei Mironov already had a significant status in domestic politics, and the Just Russia party that he established became further evidence of this. He himself led the created brainchild, which appeared largely in order to “United Russia” did not become the second Communist Party.


Soon, Sergei Mikhailovich was once again elected to the post of speaker of the Federation Council. Mironov, with the support of party members, took the initiative to extend the presidential term from 4 to 7 years, and a person could hold this high post three times in a row.

One way or another, but, supporting the domestic policy of Vladimir Putin, the chairman of the Upper House of Parliament has repeatedly stated that he will act as an opponent of the United Russia faction.

Deputy position

In the summer of 2011, Mironov becomes a member of the State Duma and actively participates in meetings of the Duma committee, whose competence includes solving problems related to science and technology.

At the next congress, the Justicarians spoke out in favor of Sergei Mikhailovich continuing the struggle in the presidential elections scheduled for 2012. However, the second time, Sergei Mikhailovich did not win, he received only 3.85% of the total number of voters. In the last election, the head of Just Russia became an outsider.

To date, he is engaged in lawmaking, being a "servant of the people." You can write a letter to Sergei Mironov ("Fair Russia") through the Internet reception (http://new.mironov.ru/internet-reception/).

Personal life

Sergey Mironov is a happy husband and caring father. He has three children and two grandchildren. Unfortunately, he practically does not have time to spend time with his relatives. Noteworthy is the fact that he tied himself four times by marriage.


He made friends with his first wife at school. But the real romance broke out a little later, when Sergei Mikhailovich came from the army. Having entered the institute, Mironov and his bride submitted documents to the registry office. The wedding celebration was modest. Elena gave birth to a son. However, family happiness came to an end after Sergei Mikhailovich periodically began to leave for Mongolia, where he struck up a relationship with a girl named Lyubov. She was also interested in geology, so against the background of this they became very close.

Sergei Mikhailovich courted for a long time, endowing his beloved with rare minerals. In the evening, he sang serenades, accompanying himself on the guitar. The second marriage lasted almost two decades.

The third time Mironov married his assistant when he was engaged in lawmaking in the parliament of St. Petersburg. It was a kind of "office romance." His new chosen one, Irina Yuryeva, eventually grew from an ordinary secretary to the chief adviser to the head of the Legislative Assembly. She was inseparable from Sergei Mikhailovich, accompanying him not only on business trips, but also keeping him company on vacation. Mironov proposed to Irina in 2003. Idylls came to an end after the head of the Just Russia left the post of speaker of the Federation Council.

For the fourth time, Sergei Mikhailovich married when he was sixty years old. His choice fell on the twenty-nine-year-old TV presenter of the St. Petersburg television channel Olga Radievskaya. Beauty and youth won.