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Sergey Udaltsov: “I won’t leave anywhere!”

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Sergey Udaltsov: “I won’t leave anywhere!”
Sergey Udaltsov: “I won’t leave anywhere!”

Video: Dozens detained after demo calling for freedom of gatherings 2024, June

Video: Dozens detained after demo calling for freedom of gatherings 2024, June

In the summer of 2014, the Moscow City Court indicted the leader of the Left Front opposition party, Sergei Udaltsov and his associate, Leonid Razvozzhaev. Oppositionists were accused of organizing the May 2012 riots in Bolotnaya Square, as well as failed anti-government protests in a number of Russian cities. Despite the fact that Sergei Udaltsov and his associate denied their guilt, they were sentenced by the court to 4.5 years in prison. By a decision of the Supreme Court, the sentence was upheld.


Who is Sergey Udaltsov? Position

One of the most active left-wing politicians in Russia, an irreconcilable opposition leader, the leader of the Vanguard of the Red Youth movement, the leader of the Left Front, Sergei Udaltsov has consistently upheld the idea of ​​building socialism in Russia. The only acceptable method for implementing this idea is “the democratization of the bourgeois revolution”. In the development of modern computer technology, the opposition sees a means of creating a "direct democracy", which should replace the parliamentary one, which is currently experiencing an obvious crisis. The politician considers the main enemy of the country to be plutocracy, in which state power belongs to the oligarchs. Sergei Udaltsov believes that the renewal of the left party, the unification under its banner of the forces of the Communist Party and Just Russia, is a necessary step towards strengthening the struggle for democratization of society.


Despite positioning himself as a consistent fighter with the Putin regime, the revolutionary declared support for the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the idea of ​​creating New Russia.

About biography

Sergei Udaltsov (real surname - Tyutyukin) was born in 1977 in Moscow in a famous family of Soviet intellectuals. His father is Professor S. Tyutyukin. The politician took the surname of his mother, whose family is glorified by the activities of prominent people: the uncle of the politician Alexander Udaltsov was the Russian ambassador in Latvia in 1997-2001, and his great-grandfather, Ivan Udaltsov, in the past was the rector of Moscow State University, the first director of MGIMO.

He graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Transport. By training a lawyer.

The meaning of life is socio-political activity, the struggle with the system.

The politician is married, has two sons.

Social and political activities

Since 1998 - the organizer and leader of the "Vanguard of the Red Youth" (an offshoot of the party of V. Antipov, "Labor Russia").

In 1999, upon graduation, as a lawyer, he collaborated with the Glasnost newspaper, from the Stalinist bloc, he was running for the State Duma. The list fails to pass the 5% barrier.

In 2005, he was the initiator and member of the Left Front organization.


In 2007, he was one of the co-founders of the Council of Initiative Groups, uniting a large number of organizations. After some time, the organization will be transformed into the Moscow City Council, which is engaged in the social protection of Muscovites.

In 2008, he was elected to the Council and the executive committee of the Left Front, as a deputy of the National Assembly of the Russian Federation, and became the head of the committee for interaction with protest groups.

Since 2009, Udaltsov has been one of the co-chairs of the Organizing Committee of the movement “Russian United Labor Front”.

In 2012, the presidential election supports the candidacy of G. Zyuganov. Journalists read him into the successors of the leader of the Communist Party.

Detentions and Arrests

According to the politician, the account of his detentions and arrests during rallies and demonstrations already exceeds a hundred. Many times he had to defend the right to fight for the truth with the help of a hunger strike, including a dry one, undermining his health, but effective as an argument in the argument with the system.


Arrests, detentions, skirmishes and fights with the police, searches, slander (accusations of possession of weapons and drugs, in bribery - participation in a supposedly paid rally, in beating a girl during a demonstration) - these are the everyday life of a revolutionary.

The words of the politician, uttered by him in March 2012 on Pushkinskaya Square, were symbolic. Sergei refused to stop the protest against the presidential election, saying that he won’t go anywhere, "until Putin leaves."