
Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi: biography, cause of death and interesting facts

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Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi: biography, cause of death and interesting facts
Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi: biography, cause of death and interesting facts

Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi - the son of the famous Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy and People's Artist of the RSFSR Irina Kupchenko. His fate was not easy and even tragic. On the causes of his death, many are still wondering.

Son of a folk artist


Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi was born in 1976. If V. Lanovoy named his first son in honor of Pushkin - Alexander, then Sergey was named in honor of another Russian poet - Yesenin.

Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi did not follow in the footsteps of his parents. I have never experienced a special craving for art. Instead, he took up the more exact sciences, and as a result became an economist. He was often called the "dark horse" in the family, no one ever knew what to expect from him and what he was capable of.

Sergey Vasilievich Lanovoi married early. But this marriage was fleeting, and soon the couple divorced. Soon a second marriage followed, however, personal life proceeded in scandals and quarrels, often they ended up on the pages of newspapers.

Lover on the phone


For example, the story that the son of Vasily Lanovoy Sergey filed an application with the police against a girl named Elena was widely publicized. According to the testimony of Sergei himself, as well as his father, Vasily Semenovich, the girl for two years has not allowed their family to live in peace. They said that she constantly calls, insults everyone who picks up the phone, but generally behaves extremely inappropriately.

Allegedly calls himself the mistress of Sergei Vasilyevich Lanovoy. The history of this confrontation hit the newspapers. In addition, the hero of our article behaved ambiguously, hesitantly claiming that he had seen this woman only a few times, everything was limited to a few walks in the metro area.

Parents hoped that their sons would be able to adopt the intelligence of the mother and the characteristic hardness of the father. But in relation to Sergei, we can say for sure that this did not happen. He could not figure out his personal life without the participation of his parents, even when he grew up.

How this story ended was unknown to the media. It was rumored that Lanovoi was planning to turn to the servants of Themis for help, but how true they are is not known. Allegedly, he claimed that the girl at one time was a priestess of love in a casino. At the same time, Elena claimed that Sergey beat her often and even extorted money when she was very drunk. In addition, he constantly went to her first from the first wife, and then from the second. This story dealt a serious blow to the family's reputation. After all, she was covered in great detail in the media.

Sergey's death


The death of Sergei Vasilievich Lanovoy, whose biography is in this article, became known in October 2013. He was only 37 years old.

Initially, nothing was known about the causes of death. Sergei's parents did not comment on this situation, fencing off from the press. The veil of secrecy was opened by actress Olga Belan, who said that Sergei was not originally a safe child. In addition, he grew up in the 90s. In a suspicious environment, among drugs and alcohol.

Upon learning of the death of his son, Vasily Lanovoi did not cancel his performance at the Vakhtangov Theater, but his wife could not go on stage that evening.

Sergey Lanovoi often found himself in the section of public scandals of the yellow newspapers. So, in 2007 it became known that he became a participant in a traffic accident.

Relations with a psychologist


Details about the cause of the death of Sergei Vasilyevich Lanovoy was told by his last lover, Olga Korotina, known as a crisis psychologist. They had a close relationship, despite the fact that Sergei was 10 years younger than her.

Korotina noted that they met in Moscow when Lanovoy’s son came to see her at the Center for Healthy Youth. This is an organization that helps people in difficult situations, as a rule, drug addicts and alcoholics.

She characterizes Sergei as a deep and subtle person, but at the same time she is closed from others. According to her, he wrote amazing lyric poems that he refused to publish anywhere.

Sick soul


By that time, Sergey, who knew English well, earned money by translations, although he was an economist by profession.

Korotina admits that she immediately realized that he had a sick soul. He felt that he had not justified some hopes, the labor that his parents had invested in him. Women literally throbbed at his one glance. Sergei himself was handsome, touched by how he managed to win female hearts.

From his first wife, he left a daughter who was a teenager when he passed away. They rarely talked. Anya, that was the name of the girl, lived with her mother in Arkhangelsk, only occasionally coming to Moscow on vacation.

Korotina herself had an adult daughter, who at 17 became a mother. By the time she met Sergei, the woman already had three grandchildren.