
Sergey Zaporizhsky, Ukrainian political scientist: biography, personal life, career

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Sergey Zaporizhsky, Ukrainian political scientist: biography, personal life, career
Sergey Zaporizhsky, Ukrainian political scientist: biography, personal life, career

In modern society, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of freedom of speech. But too often, defending their right to express their own point of view, people talk exclusively about what they consider necessary, silent about facts that are objectionable to them. It is no secret that freedom of speech is closely related to politics. The desire to become famous at the expense of one’s sayings often leads to public censure and negative fame. One of those who gained such scandalous fame is the famous Ukrainian businessman and political scientist Sergey Zaporizhsky.



The observer and blogger Sergey Zaporozhsky on the site of the radio "Echo of Moscow" expressed confidence that there are no "interethnic problems" in Ukraine, there has never been and never will be. The blogger writes that the country has begun the fight against traitors and thieves, against corrupt officials and occupiers, and it will last until the end. Sergei Zaporizhsky says that a new generation of free people, true patriots who do not want to remain slaves, has grown in Ukraine. The country is not going to return to the “soviet stall”.

Speaking about the price of choice, the political scientist declares his confidence that it will certainly be high. But Sergey Zaporizhsky is convinced that this price is insignificant compared to the one that the Russians will have to pay for interfering in the affairs of Ukraine. The political scientist is confident that in the future Ukraine will become a single successful country. The fate of the Russians he sees in a very sad light.


"Malchish-Plohish" of modern media

Many are interested in what Sergey Zaporizhsky does. In Ukraine, he is known primarily as the author of Bandera Football (a popular political microblog on Twitter). In it, the author severely criticizes Russia and enjoys the "successes" of Ukraine.

But not everyone knows that a political scientist with such a bright pro-Ukrainian position, Sergei Zaporizhsky (real name is Kutsenko), has Russian citizenship. More than once they were told about their ardent desire to obtain Ukrainian citizenship. Today it is known that the blogger lives in the city of Lugansk.

Political scientist Sergei Zaporizhsky has become familiar with various political talk shows on Russian television. With his rather harsh statements and behavior, which many consider boorish, he managed to make a lot of enemies both in the studio and on the other side of the screen. Angry viewers on social networks have repeatedly called for removing this character from the air.

On different sides of the ideological front

In recent years, the format of various political shows has been incredibly popularized in the Russian Federation. The key to their success is the presence of heated debate and reasonable discussion. To ensure the intensity of passions, authors and presenters are invited to invite experts to the program to uphold a European, American or Ukrainian position. The same people who are positioned as guests “from the other side of the ideological front” pass from transfer to transfer. Often, participants in disputes with their statements cause such strong emotions that they have to leave the studio with bruises. Political scientist Sergey Zaporizhsky (Ukraine) is one of the most notable “whipping boys” on Russian TV.

Scandals on the air

Ukrainian political scientists, experts and colleagues of Sergey Kutsenko (Zaporizhzhya) often become participants in conflicts on RosTV, but continue to visit these broadcasts with enviable regularity.

So, in November 2016, during the filming of the “Vote Right” program on the TVC channel, Tomasz Matseychuk (Polish journalist) and Igor Markov (ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the seventh convocation) got into a fight because of the statements of the parties about Ukraine.

Earlier, in 2015, Eduard Bagirov (a well-known Kiev lawyer) and Konstantin Dolgov (co-chairman of the Popular Front of New Russia) entered into a tough skirmish threatening to turn into a brawl. The latter first promised to break the opponent’s jaw, and then with unambiguous intentions went to the enemy. The air was saved from the fight by the leading Tolstoy, who managed to extinguish the conflict.

In the same year, one of the Ukrainian political scientists Vyacheslav Kovtun and Vladimir Oleynik, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, had a fight on the air of Sunday Night with Vladimir Solovyov. The scandal erupted due to Kovtun's unethical statements about starvation in Mariupol for a 7-month-old baby.


In May 2017, during a live broadcast of the political talk show “Process” (Zvezda channel), Kovtun managed to unbalance Yuri Kot, the former leading TV channel Inter, who talked about his son and his friends who remained in Ukraine and not supporting a radical ideology. Kovtun got quite a bit from Kot's face after he promised to figure out "what kind of son this is, " as a result of which he even had to write a statement to the police. However, this was not the last time that this character had to get by physiognomy.

In October, he was beaten by people who remained unknown to the general public. The incident occurred during a commercial break on the talk show "Time Will Show" (Channel One). Then Kovtun was again beaten in the dressing room by one of the founders of the self-proclaimed DNR, Alexander Borodai. This happened because of his "malicious laugh" at the time when the murders of children in the Donbass were discussed.


In September 2017, Sergei Zaporizhsky, a Ukrainian political scientist who was invited as an expert, was expelled from the studio of the NTV television channel after an argument with the host Andrei Norkin during the broadcast of the venue "Meeting Place". The program was dedicated to discussing the latest interim results of the investigation of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing over Donetsk. In a conversation with one of the participants, the presenter tried to prove that the arguments of Russia were ignored by the international community and that for the first time the version that the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian bomber was not voiced by the Russian Federation, but by an American blogger, to which he received active objections from Zaporizhsky, who accused Norkin of lying. After that, the presenter removed the Ukrainian political scientist from the studio, saying that after working for 28 years in journalism, he did not intend to tolerate this.


Sergey Zaporizhsky: “Time will tell”

In the same year, another incident occurred on Russian TV with the participation of experts invited from Ukraine. According to media reports, at the beginning of the broadcast of the “Time Will Show” program, Sergei Zaporizhsky, whose biography allows him to be called “the son of a KGB officer, ” was physically injured by a Kiev political scientist Andrei Mishin. The fight ended with the fall of Zaporizhzhya on the studio floor.

Viewer incident

In April of the same year, on air of Channel One, a political scientist from Ukraine, Zaporizhsky, tried to tempt one of the studio's guests, who could not stand his anti-Russian statements. A video of the broadcast demonstrates how a Ukrainian political scientist shouts something obscene at Russia, preventing the presenter from talking about the residents of Donbass who were not afraid to protest the criminal actions of the current government in their country. At this time, the viewer, sitting behind, tried to calm down the rampant guest.


One of the guests of the talk show, Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine, in his comments on the scandal published on his blog, recommended that Russians respond more calmly to provocative statements and remarks of such people, calling Ukrainian political scientists “zoology.”


According to many, Channel One has truly become proficient in voicing awkward ideas and statements. But at the beginning of 2017, the Russian audience got the opportunity to enjoy a real dessert. During the next broadcast of a popular political show, its host Artyom Sheinin brought a bucket of excrement to the studio, according to his statement, intended for Sergey Zaporizhsky, an odious Ukrainian blogger.

Footage of the scandalous broadcast was published by Ukrainian journalist Denis Kazansky on his Facebook page, the news was also broadcast by Rush Hour. As always, passions boiled on the air. The TV presenters demonstrated a fake account of a Ukrainian blogger who promised to eat a manure bucket if the annexed Crimea does not return to Ukraine by 2017. In his comments, Kazansky ironically noted the “high professionalism” of the Russian television people who participated in the scandal, who, according to him, “were sensitive to their audience”.

Regarding Zaporizhzhya, the journalist noted that he personally does not feel pity for him. This is exactly what Denis Kazansky believes, and one must act with those who agree to participate in such television shows.

Another opinion

It is known that in an interview with Vesti, Ukrainian political analyst Vadim Karasev expressed a different position. In his opinion, since Czechs, Poles, Americans, Dutchs perform at many Russian talk shows, Ukrainians should also go there. This is necessary in order to convey their position, break the scenarios of opponents and defend Ukraine. If you refuse this, there will always be other people who differ in anti-Ukrainian position. Of course, there is no assistance from the hosts of these programs, the opportunity to speak to the Ukrainians, according to Karasev, should be literally “scratched”. Participants have to be prepared for both intellectual battles and significant psychological pressure.

A few words about the biography

It’s not easy to dig up the biography of Sergei Zaporizhsky, who calls himself a businessman and political scientist, in the bowels of the Internet. There is incredibly little real information about him, but a lot of speculation and conjecture. It is known that on Facebook he is the owner of 655 subscribers, and also has a mark on training at Young Bandera.


How old is Zaporizhia Sergey, can only be determined by his appearance. Many believe that he is about 35 years old. Information on the personal life of Sergey Zaporizhsky is not freely available. The presence of Russian citizenship of the “political scientist-businessman” has already been mentioned.

By the way, the pseudonym Zaporizhzhya (real name is Kutsenko) is not at all surprising if we take into account the character’s love for everything Little Russian. It is known that our hero tried in sports journalism, but without much success. Then attempts were made to do business, which were also unsuccessful.

Ideally, everything at the “political scientist” developed only in the field of Russophobia. Sergey managed to attract the attention of the public as the leading “Bandera football”, a microblog on Twitter, popular in Ukraine. Here he sharply criticized the Putin regime and extolled the achievements of the new Kiev authorities. Zaporizhzhya is the author of many articles of anti-Russian content. As a result of his speeches in all kinds of political shows on Russian TV, in which the "businessman-political scientist" justifies the actions of the Ukrainian regime, which replaced the legitimate authority of Yanukovych, and blames Russia, he became widely known. Particular favor of a certain category of spectators was won by his style of behavior on such shows.

The reader should pay attention to one important detail. On his Facebook page as a future profession in 2024-2034 Zaporizhzhya “modestly” indicated the position of “President of Ukraine”.


Why do Ukrainians participate in Russian shows

According to experts, the topic of Ukrainian politics on Russian television was, is and will be one of the main in the near future. Unfortunately, as many analysts note, people who are a priori incapable of civilized discussion are arriving at a talk show in the Russian Federation from Ukraine.

Many people wonder why Russian TV channels increase their personal ratings by inviting such people to their talk shows. Indeed, with this approach, the discussion of serious and painful problems turns into a real circus.