
Shakkum Martin: biography and photos

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Shakkum Martin: biography and photos
Shakkum Martin: biography and photos

Martin Shakkum (see photos below) is a Russian politician and statesman, deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the United Russia party, first deputy chairman of the State Duma committee on construction and land relations, member of the Duma commission for the construction of structures and buildings that are designed to house the Parliamentary Center, as well as a member of the Supreme Council of "United Russia". In April 1996, he created the Socialist People's Party and headed it.



Martin Shakkum, a biography whose nationality is of interest to many today, was born in 1951, September 21, in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region. His father is Latvian by nationality, and his mother is Russian. After receiving secondary education in Krasnogorsk, he graduated from the Higher Military Engineering School in the city of Kaliningrad, and then - the Civil Engineering Institute. For three years he worked in the laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Space Research.

In the period from 1978 to 1991 he worked in Glavmosoblstroi as a set-up engineer, chief engineer, deputy chief, head of the department of special works.

From 1991 until the election to the State Duma, Shakkum Martin was the general director, vice president, president of the Reform fund, which he created together with political scientist Andranik Migranyan, academic economists Leonid Abalkin and Stanislav Shatalin, as well as other prominent public figures and scientists.

Presidential campaign

In 1996, Martin Shakkum, whose biography is the topic of our article, participated in the presidential election, where he took eighth place. As the election campaign progressed, he published 2 decrees, which in case of victory in the elections he was going to adopt. They concerned the protection of citizens from corruption and the arbitrariness of the authorities and the establishment of order in the economic sphere. In many ways, the content of these decrees anticipated the ideas that later laid the foundation for Putin’s power vertical.

Shakkum Martin also defended the natural monopolies, primarily Gazprom, and warned against attempts to fragment them in the interests of foreign capital.


Work in the State Duma

Shakkum was elected to the State Duma in 1999, 2003, 2007. He was the head of the Central Bank Subcommittee.

In December 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation in the Istra single-mandate electoral institution (Moscow region). He was supported by the electoral bloc "Fatherland - All Russia." In his election district, Shakkum Martin was ahead of three current deputies, of which two were chairmen of the committees.

In the State Duma he became a member of the "Regions of Russia" group. He served as Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Financial Markets and Credit Organizations until April 2002, then he was Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Activities of the CBR and led the Bank Bankruptcy Commission. He participated in the adoption of a number of legislative acts aimed at protecting the rights of depositors, ensuring the transparency of the work of commercial credit organizations and the Central Bank.

He took the chair of the Committee for Construction, Industry and High Technologies in April 2002, and in December 2003 he was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation and continued to work as chairman of the Committee.

In March 2003, he was approved as a member of the Board of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Housing and Communal Services and Construction.


Personal qualities

Oleg Morozov, a prominent United Russia party leader and head of the Department of Domestic Politics in the Presidential Administration, said he had been in constant contact with Shakkum since he was included in their group.

Morozov immediately realized why Martin won the election with a record for the Moscow Region and in his district beat the venerable deputies of the previous convocation. According to Morozov, Shakkum is firm in his beliefs and promises, he always brings to the end what he has begun, and he gets along well with people. He is a serious politician and first-class economist, and his deep competence is especially valuable to colleagues.

Work in United Russia

Martin Shakkum was a member of the Presidium of the General Council of the party in 2004-2005, and since 2006 became a member of the Supreme Council. In a number of publications and speeches in 2000 and 2004. actively supported Vladimir Putin as part of the presidential election campaign.

At a meeting of the faction’s activist with Putin in July 2006, Shakkum publicly invited him to join the United Russia party and lead it. He told the Russian president that he wanted to see him as a national leader, which caused a thunder of applause in the hall. The newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets called Shakkum’s performance “a real hit.”


Subsequently, Martin repeatedly spoke on behalf of the faction during government reports in the State Duma, government hours and other events.

Currently, Martin Shakkum is the curator of one of the party projects "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar". Its goal is to create a hub of industrial and transport infrastructure to facilitate the development of natural resources of the Ural region.

In December 2007, Shakkum was elected to the fifth convocation by the lists of United Russia. He became the head of the Committee on Land Relations and Construction.

In 2010, in the ranking of lobbying deputies according to the Russian edition of Forbes magazine, it took third place.

In 2011, in December, Shakkum Martin was again elected by the lists of "United Russia" the State Duma of the sixth convocation. He was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Construction and Land Relations.


A statesman has various government awards. So, he was awarded the State Duma Certificate of Honor and the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow." He has the Order of Friendship, which was awarded in 2003 for his conscientious work over many years and his active work in the field of lawmaking. In addition, he was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland of the third and fourth degrees in 2012 and 2006, respectively. The Order of the fourth degree was awarded for conscientious long-term work and active participation in lawmaking, and the Order of the third degree - for active lawmaking and a significant contribution to the development of parliamentarism in Russia.



Martin Shakkum wrote a large number of articles and gave interviews in leading Russian and foreign publications, including Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Vedomosti, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, and Company ", " Moscow News ", " Socialist Russia "and others.

A significant number of interviews and articles by Martin Shakkum were published in editions led by Yevgeny Yu. Dodolev - My Newspaper and New Look.

Income and property

According to official data for 2011, Martin Shakkum’s income amounted to 5 million 160 thousand rubles. The annual income of Shakkum’s wife is 2 million 380 thousand rubles. The deputy’s family owns a residential building, a land plot, two passenger cars of the BMW and Mercedes brands.
