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Alkaline soap: composition, properties, application

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Alkaline soap: composition, properties, application
Alkaline soap: composition, properties, application

Video: Soap Making Beginner's Guide. Soap Making ingredients Fats/Oil and Lye. Understand your soap recipe! 2024, July

Video: Soap Making Beginner's Guide. Soap Making ingredients Fats/Oil and Lye. Understand your soap recipe! 2024, July

Recently, alkaline soap is becoming more popular. Often you can hear that they prefer to use it instead of existing store counterparts. In this article, we will analyze in detail its features, properties, composition and areas of application in order to come to the final conclusion: is it really as good as they say about it or not.

What it is?


The definition of alkaline soap is as simple as possible. This is a special soap that is made from alkali. If we are dealing with solid samples, then from sodium hydroxide, and if with pasty, then from potassium hydroxide. Also, fats of animal or vegetable origin are necessarily added to its composition.

In the course of the corresponding saponification reaction, fats are broken down, and from them the glycerin and salts of fatty acids we need are formed. This mixture is the very natural alkaline soap that many today value and praise. The result is that it is made from natural oils and alkalis. This is the composition of alkaline soap.

When in the past it was popular to cook sound soap, fats were necessarily mixed with excess alkali. Then the mixture was heated, the soap was salted out using a solution of sodium chloride. As a result, it surfaced in the form of a dense coma, which was called the core.

Modern techniques


Nowadays, manufacturers of household chemicals already know exactly all the coefficients of saponification of fats. Salting out is no longer required, because the amount of alkali needed is accurately calculated using a special calculator. Therefore, in our time, alkaline soap is brewed in a completely different way.

Take the heated oil, the amount of which is measured precisely according to the recipe. It is mixed in the required proportions with an alkali solution of the desired temperature. The resulting mixture should be stirred to a characteristic gelatinous consistency, and then sent to the oven at a temperature of 80 to 85 degrees for two, two and a half hours.

When the soap is almost ready, it remains to add active ingredients, caring and essential oils. After that, it is laid out in forms, and after complete solidification, gently cut. Now he is given time to dry, usually one to two weeks. Note that in this case the so-called hot method is described, the production of “cold” soap is much longer.


Here is another simple alkaline soap recipe. To prepare it, we need five hours and the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of coconut oil, it can be found in specialized stores for soap makers or ordered online;
  • 201 grams of sodium hydroxide (it is not recommended to replace it with anything; you will find it in the same specialized outlets);
  • 15 grams of citric acid;
  • 380 grams of purified water, ideally it should be ice and water in a ratio of two to one;
  • two liter silicone mold;
  • a ceramic, glass or enameled container for mixing soap with two and a half liters;
  • silicone spatula or spoon;
  • blender
  • kitchen scales with an accuracy of weighing up to 1 gram;
  • porcelain mug to breed alkali;
  • disposable cups for weighing citric acid and alkali;
  • disposable spoon to pour alkali;
  • a porcelain spoon to breed alkali;
  • a plastic strainer for filtering an alkaline solution (it is strongly not recommended to use a metal one);
  • a glass spoon or stick for diluting citric acid;
  • a thermometer with a scale of up to 100 degrees Celsius;
  • a sufficient number of paper and fabric towels to protect surfaces; rubber gloves are on hand;
  • water bath, for example deep stewpan;
  • oven with thermoregulation.

Now you will understand exactly what soap is alkaline. Before you start cooking, close the work surface with oilcloth, pay special attention to the place in which you will dilute the alkali. This is best done next to the sink in order to measure and breed everything above it. It is recommended that you take precautions yourself: protect your hands with tight rubber gloves, ideally have a respirator and safety glasses. Or at least common sense, so as not to bend over the container with alkali, not to inhale its vapors, not to sniff strongly, not to sprinkle dangerous powder.

Cooking method


In a container for mixing soap, place 1 kg of coconut oil, put it in a water bath so that it melts. Make sure that the water does not boil, and the oil does not overheat. It is optimal that alkaline coconut soap is made at a temperature of 45-50 degrees.

During this time, measure citric acid, which should be dissolved in 80 g of water. In a porcelain mug, measure 300 g of ice and water. Ice will be needed to reduce the temperature of the alkaline solution at the right time. Remember that the dissolution of alkali occurs when there is a lot of heat, so this condition must be observed.

Pour alkali in small portions into a mug of ice and water, stirring constantly. Ensure that the alkali crystals are completely dissolved. Now remove the heated oil from the water bath, aligning the temperature of the alkali and oil. Then filter the alkaline solution into the oil through a strainer. Stir the resulting mixture with a blender. The appearance of characteristic streaks on the surface of the mixture indicates that the components mixed well, the saponification reaction began.

We shift the soap into molds, and on top we tighten the film so that premature evaporation of water does not begin. Put the forms with soap for three hours in the oven, preheated to 80 degrees. In the first half hour, the soap rises, as happens with the test, and then calm down. Outwardly, it will resemble a translucent kissel. When the soap becomes waxy and loses its transparency, it will mean that it is ready. Take it out of the oven to allow it to cool and harden. After two to three hours, get out of the mold, chopping into pieces.

Let the soap "lie down" for a couple of weeks, after which it can be used. This soap is alkaline.



The action of soap is based on the ability of alkali to emulsify the stratum corneum fats, form foam, remove dust, dirt, and also microorganisms contained in them.

There are several types of product that are now actively used in the household. Many are interested in which soap is better to use - neutral or alkaline. If the alkaline effect is based on the corresponding reaction of the same name, soaps with a neutral reaction contain very little alkali, but when exposed to the skin, free alkali has practically no effect. Neutral include all toilet soaps that are on the market.

Some, having figured out whether this soap is alkaline or neutral, prefer the latter. It is important that it does not affect the natural pH level of the skin, treats the natural layer as carefully as possible, acting as a natural defense against infections and other troubles.

It must be remembered that people have different types of skin. If some suffer from dryness, then others have a higher concentration of fat. Neutral soap is recommended to all, without exception, as the effect of it is minimized.

For some, it is important whether alkaline or not laundry soap. This is partly because it contains sodium hydroxide, which is an alkaline chemical element. Many recommend using it carefully, since the alkali contained in the laundry soap can, for example, completely destroy hair if you start to regularly wash your hair with it. It is important to ensure that there is not too much alkali, since in reality no dye or detergent will work if alkali is not added to it.

Advantages and disadvantages


Admittedly, a highly alkaline soap, although natural, has a number of obvious disadvantages. Raw materials for its production are too expensive. These are vegetable oils, natural fats, alkali itself. In addition, the production process is much more complicated, which further increases overhead costs.

However, it is much more economical, in addition, when using it, the need for a large number of additional products disappears. For example, balms, masks, styling products, compositions for the restoration and treatment of hair and skin. Therefore, it is simply unprofitable for manufacturers to put the production of such goods on stream.

Ultimately, it turns out that the main harm from alkaline soap is done to large corporations, since the income of industrialists in this case can be significantly reduced.

A natural product has many obvious advantages - it does not contain carcinogens, poisons and allergens, unlike synthetic products. In addition, it is completely washed off from the hair and skin, perfectly contributes to the regeneration of the epidermis and its cleansing. It is also possible to regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the skin mite population, and fight against fungi and parasites.

Application methods


If your product has an effective soap-alkaline environment, it can be used in a variety of situations. Coconut soap, which you can make at home, foams well even in hard water, perfectly washes and washes without leaving an unpleasant odor. There are many options for using alkaline soap.

For example, it is used for washing dishes. If porcelain or glassware is still allowed to be washed using industrial products, then silicone, plastic, non-stick and wooden surfaces retain too many synthetic detergents. No matter how much they are rinsed after this, they will still fail to be removed. Even in the case of porcelain and glassware, you can be sure that industrial products can be washed off only after rinsing six times.

For effective dishwashing it is recommended to make a special alkaline paste based on this coconut soap. To do this, grate soap and then mix with soda ash. This is a wonderful water softener, which you can easily buy in any supermarket, in the dishwashing department. By the way, this is one of the few tools that are allowed to take for washing pharmacy dishes. This should be done in a ratio of one to two, heating in a water bath with a minimum amount of water, and after that it is necessary to allow the composition to cool. The result is a soft paste that is convenient and easy to spread on a sponge for washing dishes. With the same paste it will be useful to wash toys and all children's dishes.

Alkaline soap for washing is very effective. They should especially wash clothes that are constantly in contact with the skin, including kitchen towels, bedding. For small washes, you can use lump soap, you can even not use gloves, and for a classic wash you should rub a bar of soap on a grater, mixing it also with soda ash, but already in a one to one ratio.

As a result, you get washing powder that can be used for hand washing or washing in a washing machine. When you use hand wash, the powder can be poured directly into the basin, and for the machine it should be thoroughly dissolved in hot water beforehand. To do this, it is better to use a spoon and a measured plastic cup with a spout. After that, the resulting solution is poured into the cuvette of the washing machine, acting further in the usual way.

It is only necessary to warn that alkaline soap is not suitable for washing when trying to get rid of stains of fruits and berries. So when washing such laundry, it is advised to add oxygen bleach. If the pollution is too strong, then a preliminary soaking of the laundry in a solution of soda ash will give a positive result. This soap is completely harmless, so it is great for washing children's things.

After washing with natural soap, the linen smells pleasant, it becomes soft and silky, it smoothes much better. The main thing is that a natural and simple composition leaves no chance for the development of allergic reactions, when synthetic detergents are extremely allergic, can cause serious harm to children, especially newborns. Moreover, the compositions of such synthetic agents can be so dangerous that it will not be possible to determine in what way the allergic reaction was caused. After all, even in the composition of the most common washing industrial powder contains up to four to five types of surfactants. As a rule, they are anionic, that is, the most stringent.

Due to water softeners, acidity regulators, bleaches and complexing agents, bleach activators and enzymes, flavorings and antifoam agents, hydrotropic substances, such agents can be too dangerous. Most of these components are almost impossible to wash off with water, they remain on the surface of the laundry. As a result, we constantly contact them through the mucous membranes, skin and respiratory tract. Natural soap helps to avoid all this. Its quality can not be compared with industrial soap.

Liquid option


There are various options for liquid alkaline soaps that are useful to use on the farm. It is made on a natural basis, being an almost liquid analogue of traditional laundry soap. It is intended for cleaning all kinds of hard surfaces, mechanized and manual cleaning of indoor spaces, such as washing floors and walls, plumbing equipment in the home and shopping centers. And also in medical and preventive and medical institutions.

Liquid alkaline soap is used for washing clothes and washing dishes, as it has a bactericidal effect. Therefore, it is so successful. Liquid soap is a water-soluble concentrated mixture with an admixture of inorganic additives.

Such a liquid soap is considered universal for degreasing and cleaning hard surfaces from any materials. First of all, natural and artificial stone, linoleum, aluminum, stainless steel, bronze, copper, glass, brass, earthenware, ceramics and many other delicate coatings are well cleaned. It is also used to clean painted surfaces, and a special formula allows you to emulsify fats and oils, effectively dissolve them if necessary. This soap is used in water of any hardness, it is biodegradable and non-toxic. It is important that this product is insensitive to low temperatures, it does not freeze.

Precautions must be observed. If such a product gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. In case of soap ingestion, seek emergency medical attention immediately.


There are many names of alkaline soaps on the market. So it’s not necessary to prepare such a product at home, you can buy it in specialized stores if you really care about the health and cleanliness of your things.

The famous name for alkaline soap is "My Baby". It is suitable for caring parents who pay close attention to the safety of the products they purchase for their children. This brand has been on the market since 1998.

Among its distinctive advantages is that it is considered ideal for caring for a newborn, does not contain dyes, therefore it is hypoallergenic, based on a special prescription soap base.

Soap brand "Recipes of purity" on the market for about half a century. This is a universal option for practical families in which traditional quality is really appreciated. You will come across traditionally high quality, affordable price, family packaging and fragrances familiar from childhood.

The same cosmetic soap under the brand name VANDA is produced in Indonesia. It will definitely remind you of exotic resorts. Having enjoyed this smell, you can again plunge into serenity and bliss.

This soap has many distinctive advantages. This is a world-class transparent glycerin soap at an affordable price. It contains natural cosmetic ingredients that help care for the skin of both adults and children.