
Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev Nikolay Georgievich: biography, personal life, films

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Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev Nikolay Georgievich: biography, personal life, films
Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev Nikolay Georgievich: biography, personal life, films

Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is a famous Soviet screenwriter who worked in feature films. Also known as a documentary cameraman and director. He is the biological father of the famous theater and film actress Maria Golubkina. Though raised and raised by her adoptive father, People's Artist of the RSFSR Andrei Mironov. Masha's mom is a popular actress Larisa Golubkina.

Screenwriter Biography


Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev was born at the very beginning of 1945. Throughout his career, he worked at the State Committee on Foreign Economic Relations. At the same time he was engaged in literary activity, and it was closely associated with cinema. Moreover, he has two higher educations. Nikolai Sherbinsky-Arsenyev graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Gorky Literary Institute in the capital.

For his work received three international prizes. His most famous work is the novel "According to the law of wartime." In 1983, he was filmed by director Igor Slabnevich.

Interestingly, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev is a nobleman by birth. From his pedigree it is reliably known that grandfather was an admiral of the Baltic Fleet under Emperor Nicholas II. His other maternal grandfather held a high post of vice-governor of New Russia.


The cinematic career of Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev Nikolai Georgievich basically took shape at Mosfilm. His track record has about fifty documentaries.

Among his most notable projects is the drama "Somewhere the Oriole Cries …", directed by Edmond Keosayan, and Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev - as a screenwriter. This is a story about a six-month-old Marina, who was taken to Belgium from Russia in infancy. During the Second World War, she enters the ranks of the French Resistance, fights against the Nazi invaders. She commits a daring assassination of a high-ranking German officer, for which she is sentenced to death. It is noteworthy that the feature film is based on genuine events that occurred with the daughter of the Russian general Shafrov.

In 1982, Igor Slabnevich’s war film “Under the Laws of War”, which we already mentioned, was released on Soviet screens. It tells about the very beginning of World War II. In a small Soviet town, the train is preparing to be sent to the front. The main characters are four soldiers who, having gone on leave, were late for the departure of the train. During the war, such an act was regarded as desertion. Therefore, the comrades decide to act independently. They make their way to the railway bridge, on which they discover a group of German saboteurs. Soviet soldiers engage in an unequal battle, saving their bridge and train from death at the cost of their lives.

In 1984, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, whose biography is described in this article, writes a script for Oleg Viktorov’s melodrama "The Road to Yourself". It tells about young Vienna Sidelnikov, who secretly goes from his parents to work on a large Soviet construction site. There he encounters real difficulties that help him to show his character, to understand what he stands in this life.

The last notable work in the movie of the hero of our article was the script for the crime detective Igor Popov, "86, 400 seconds of work of the police on duty." The tape is based on real events that took place in 1974, when in Riga criminals robbed collectors, killing a driver.

Relations with Golubkina


Larisa Golubkina - a popular theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. She became famous for her roles in the musical comedy of Eldar Ryazanov's "Hussar Ballad", the lyrical comedy of the same director "Give a plaintive book", the comedy musical of Naum Birman "Three in a boat, not counting a dog."

In 1969, she met the scriptwriter Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev Nikolay Georgievich, with whom they began to live in a civil marriage. In 1973, the couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. True, for the hero of our article this was not an occasion to make Golubkina an offer of a hand and a heart. Young people continued to live unregistered. As a result, in 1974 their union fell apart.

Golubkina soon met Andrei Mironov, with whom she officially formalized relations in 1977. They lived together until the death of the actor in 87th.

Daughter of Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev


The personal life of Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev can not be called successful. Officially, he did not formalize relations with Golubkina, in fact, left the family when his daughter was about a year old.

Maria Andreevna Golubkina took the name of the new parent and his middle name. Officially, she never recognized Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev as her father, although this was obvious to everyone around.

In the mid-90s, Maria Andreevna Golubkina graduated from the Shchukin School, following in the footsteps of her parents. She made her film debut in 1990 in the tragicomedy of Vyacheslav Krishtofovich "Adam's Rib".

Her most successful film roles were work in the dramatic comedy Pavel Lungin's “Wedding”, the comedy melodrama Vera Storozheva “Frenchman”, and the biographical television series Igor Zaitsev “Yesenin”.

Acquaintance with Golubkina

For many years, practically nothing was known about the relations between Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev and Golubkina, until the scriptwriter somehow told the journalist the story of their relationship in an interview.

Shcherbinsky assures that he met Larisa Golubkina in 1968 at an evening at the House of Writers. It is December 27th. This accuracy is easily explained - that day just turned 30 years old from the death of Osip Mandelstam.

Shcherbinsky in those years was a recognized writer, and Golubkina sang on stage. Polyglot and refined scholar immediately won the heart of the actress. He dedicated her spiritual verses and beautifully courted. Soon they began to appear together at social receptions.

Golubkina and Mironov


And already by that time Golubkina was well acquainted with Mironov, and Nikolay knew that. Larisa and Andrei met in 1963. Golubkina claimed that Mironov was crazy about her, made her an offer several times, but she constantly refused. Finally, in 1971, Mironov, desperate, married actress Ekaterina Gradova.

By that time, Golubkina and Shcherbinsky had been living together for several years, it seemed to many people that it was a wedding. But Nikolai constantly put off this question.

As their friends recall, their family life did not work out initially. The mother-in-law was dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law, and Larisa and Nikolai often quarreled over professional issues. Shcherbinsky was convinced that it was necessary to act only in high-quality cinema and did not support when Larisa played for the sake of earning.

Birth of mary


In an interview, Shcherbinsky assures that the birth of his daughter was a long-awaited and joyful event for him and his common-law wife. He himself named the child in honor of the grandmother Maria Konstantinovna. Initially, the girl was registered in his name as Shcherbinskaya.

When Masha was only six months old, Nikolai and Larisa broke up.

Mironov, by the way, also had a daughter in the same year, and also family life soon did not work out.