
Shevtsova Lilia - biography of a political scientist

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Shevtsova Lilia - biography of a political scientist
Shevtsova Lilia - biography of a political scientist

Video: Lilia Shevtsova: Russia After Crimea: A Global Challenge (Livestream) 2024, June

Video: Lilia Shevtsova: Russia After Crimea: A Global Challenge (Livestream) 2024, June

Politics is the prerogative of men. So many representatives of the strong half of humanity believe. But literate and educated women do not get tired of proving the opposite. Lilia Shevtsova is one of those women who are well versed in political movements, are able to analyze and make forecasts. The famous political scientist Shevtsova is a doctor of historical sciences, a leading specialist in his industry.


The birthplace of the Russian political scientist is Ukrainian Lviv. Lilia Shevtsova was born on October 7, 1949. She is often called "Watching the Russian Government." Indeed, Lilia Shevtsova, whose biography is disclosed in this article, pays great attention to the issue of Russian-Ukrainian relations. Whether this is connected with the political scientist’s historical homeland, or does she objectively evaluate the activities of the government, we cannot say for sure.

Almost nothing is known about the childhood and youth of Liliya Fedorovna to journalists. Relatives of the political scientist note her determination, ambitiousness and perseverance.

Lilia Shevtsova successfully graduated from the Lviv school and entered the Lviv National University. I. Ya. Franco.


Student years

Being an active student, Lily did not want to connect her life with her native city. Having learned about the possibility of transferring to Moscow, she did her best to move to the capital of the then Union.

After graduating from two courses of law faculty of LNU. I.Franko, in 1967 Lilia Shevtsova packed up her things and left for Moscow. The girl with excellent points was accepted at MGIMO. But before her was a tough condition: admission to a prestigious university will be carried out only as a result of the successful delivery of course subjects for 2.5 years of study.

It was not easy, but the girl managed. Studying at the international faculty, as Shevtsova herself admitted, was a pleasure for her. There she met many interesting and freedom-loving personalities, no one infringed on the rights of students, and life in the hostel was filled with fun.

In 1971, Lilia Fedorovna Shevtsova received a diploma of higher education with the seal of MGIMO.

Among her interests were always political scientists, the history of Russia and electoral topics.

Shevtsova’s education was not limited to the Institute of International Relations. Later, she became a graduate of the Academy of Social Sciences, which functioned under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Being engaged in scientific activities and defending dissertations on the history of political science, Lilia Shevtsova received the title of Doctor of Historical Sciences.


Scientific activity

Lilia Shevtsova - political scientist, scientist, publicist.

Since 1974, she officially engaged in political research, working as a senior researcher, and then the department of the Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

After 15 years, Shevtsova was appointed deputy director at this institute.

And since 1991, she combined this position with the leadership of the Center for Political Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which she headed until 1994.

From 1993 to 1995, she managed to work in foreign universities. She was a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and lectured at Cornell University. She was invited as a professor to Washington.

Throughout the year, Professor Shevtsova worked as a researcher at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Research Center.

He is engaged in active scientific and teaching activities. Liliya Fedorovna Shevtsova is an active public figure, member of various public organizations and movements.

So, for example, she is a member of the scientific council of the Kornegi Foundation (Moscow Center).

In 1997, professors were invited to her native MGIMO, where she shared her experience with students for 4 years.

In 2004, a Lviv-born woman was invited to the position of leading researcher at the London KIMO, where she still works.

In addition, since 2014, Doctor of Science Lilia Shevtsova has been a freelance employee at the Brooklyn Institute.


She tirelessly studies in the field of political science and history, studies the prospects of international cooperation, publishes her works and gives lectures to students.

Moreover, Shevtsova is a member of the Russian Association of Political Sciences; Women for International Security Association. He is a member of the editorial boards of many political publications.

The political scientist is a member of the leadership of the International Council for the Study of Central and Eastern Europe. And this is not the whole track record of this fragile woman.
