
Shpansky fly - the strongest aphrodisiac

Shpansky fly - the strongest aphrodisiac
Shpansky fly - the strongest aphrodisiac

In many women's novels, there is mention of some miraculous aphrodisiac called the Spanish fly. Having tasted a little drink with the addition of a few drops of this drug, the main characters of love stories begin to feel such a strong excitement that I even want to envy them with green envy. But there is no need to do this, because such a tool is not an invention of the authors of works, it actually exists and is one of


the strongest aphrodisiacs. Moreover, it can be purchased at any sex shop, as well as ordered in specialized online stores.

It is called “Golden Spaniard Fly” and is not so cheap, but, they say, the effect gives the most unexpected. The product itself is odorless and colorless, it can be mixed in juices and wine (it is not recommended in hot drinks and vodka, since the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced to zero). True, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should refrain from using this remedy.


So what kind of crap fly is this and why does it lead to increased libido? In general, a beetle from a family of pliers is called a flypan or an ashpan. The insect has a beautiful green color, cast in the sun in blue or bronze. His head looks like a heart, and under the hard elytra there are large webbed wings. This bug is also distinguished by an unpleasant odor similar to a mouse. When meeting with an insect, it is not recommended to touch it with hands, since the beetle is poisonous. At the slightest touch, the Spanish fly (photo gives you the opportunity to find out how it looks) produces cantharidin - a toxic substance that can not only cause a chemical burn, but also affect the nervous system and damage the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Moreover, this beetle is a real pest, it feeds on the leaves of selected plants (ash, lilac, privet and others belonging to the family olive and honeysuckle).


Span fly has been known since very ancient times, but it was especially popular in the Middle Ages. In particular, the drugs from this bug were actively used to create political intrigues. After all, if any official of those times was convicted of treason, his career could come to an end. The notorious Marquis de Sade also used a fly to make his orgies brighter and more sophisticated. The drug was added to fruits, sweets, and other foods. But since the Spanish fly is poisonous, cases of poisoning have repeatedly occurred, due to which the Marquis was imprisoned as a poison killer. Therefore, even modern drugs made on the basis of cantharidin should be taken very carefully, only in accordance with the instructions and preferably after consultation with an experienced doctor. Otherwise, it is not known what side effects may appear.

But the flypan is used not only to increase libido. From this bug they prepare a drug called Cantaris. Its purpose is the treatment of cystitis, as well as burns. This homeopathic remedy is recommended for the effective removal of warts, treatment of rheumatic diseases. Surprisingly, it is also used for emotional and mental disorders - such as nervousness, anxiety, and even nymphomania (excessive sexual excitability).