
Shvetsov Vadim Arkadevich: biography, career, family

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Shvetsov Vadim Arkadevich: biography, career, family
Shvetsov Vadim Arkadevich: biography, career, family

Shvetsov Vadim Arkadevich - a man helping to raise the Russian auto industry to a new level. The outstanding achievements of the entrepreneur are due to a kaleidoscope of curious events that led the atypical tycoon to the top of Olympus.

Consider the biography of Shvetsov Vadim Arkadevich.


The future businessman was born on August 30, 1967 in Cherepovets. In the early 90s, he received his first higher education, graduating from the Moscow Institute. And in the early 2000s he received a second higher education.


Even before starting his studies at the university, Vadim worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. After graduation, he received the post of head of the youth affairs department.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vadim is promoted to the position of Director General. At the age of 30, a novice businessman took up the post of sales director.

The position received was the starting point in his career. In the early 2000s, Vadim Shvetsov became the instigator of the purchase of shares of automobile assets.

In 2002, the businessman received the position of CEO at Severstal. Thanks to the acquired asset base, the businessman forms his own enterprise. Subsequently, the formed company is called Sollers.

In mid-autumn 2012, a novice entrepreneur receives the position of UAZ General Director, while simultaneously occupying a leadership position in Sollers.

Work in UAZ

In the early 90s, UAZ became a direct partner of Severstal. All work carried out exclusively on barter exchange. However, in the early 2000s, the Soviet industrial auto industry was in a dangerous position. The created lineup could not pay off, because of which the company was in a deep crisis. This resulted in significant financial losses.


Vadim instantly created a successful integration, which he recommended to the owner of Severstal. Productivity integration was focused on end customers. Additionally, an unexpected devaluation contributed to the receipt of specific bonuses by the domestic manufacturer. A secondary benefit was the re-examination of sales and the improvement of the production process.

As a result, Severstal acquired a controlling stake. Shvetsov Vadim became the head of the board. Initially, it was planned to manage a Moscow enterprise, managing the formed staff. However, in reality, such an idea was impossible to implement.

This led to the emergence of a second strategy, namely the business trip of consulting company specialists from the Russian capital. This helped restore order, restart the plant improvement plan. The meaning of the improvement was to stop working on barter.

The first year showed that it was impossible to achieve rapid success. The main problem was the outdated technical park, which in every possible way refused to retrain its own specialists. As a result, the yield was a miserable 1.8%.

With such poor results, it was problematic to judge the full-fledged work of UAZ, not to mention import. However, Shvetsov was able to find a way out of a difficult situation.


The solution to the problem was the complete reorganization of the UAZ. To carry out perestroika, it was necessary to establish relations with leading foreign partners. However, this could not be achieved even in leading automotive companies. In order to establish ties with European alliances, it was decided to create a completely new product, which was the new UAZ Patriot.

The founder of the Russian automobile industry

Created by Shvetsov Vadim Arkadevich "UAZ Patriot" became a "creature". The new "work of art" UAZ has become a symbiosis of the old driving school and the latest European technology. The advantages of the new car consisted of a large and spacious body, which Toyota SUVs can boast of, the European development of the hydraulic booster, as well as the Korean gearbox. When driving an SUV, the driver and passengers can feel comfort and convenience.


Creating a new SUV model cost $ 35 million, which is quite modest by today's standards. To pay off the investment in a new SUV, it was necessary to sell more than 10, 000 cars in a calendar year. As a result, about 12, 000 cars were sold in the first calendar year. All kinds of experts assured that buyers would spend money not on another Soviet car, but on a used foreign car. After a dozen years, Shvetsov personally admitted that it is difficult to create a new model based on the old image and capabilities.

Cooperation with the state

With each subsequent year, it was difficult to compete with international corporations. To align the level of forces, I had to resort to the help of the state.

The businessman began to revise his initial views. This led to the fact that Shvetsov became the initiator of the increase in state duty to 50%.


After the businessman became the head of the Association of Russian automakers, he achieved high goals - creating a duty-free assembly. The meaning of this bill was the impossibility of importing foreign spare parts to companies that carry out most of the work on creating cars in domestic factories.

Thanks to Shvetsov, duties on new foreign cars and rates on used cars increased. The entrepreneur has become the link between foreign management and domestic.

The current situation

To date, Sollers owns two combined enterprises: Mazda and Ford.

At the beginning of last year, UAZ headed for export. According to Shvetsov, exports should be sent to Asian markets.

At the moment, the plant in the near future is the heart of the transport association. Such actions will help to find new partners for the production of spare parts and cars. The introduction of electric motors is planned. Collaboration with SONA will help create the first Russian electric car.