
Sibinskie Lakes, Kazakhstan: description, location, nature and reviews

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Sibinskie Lakes, Kazakhstan: description, location, nature and reviews
Sibinskie Lakes, Kazakhstan: description, location, nature and reviews

There are many beautiful places in Kazakhstan, but having once visited the Sibins, it is impossible to forget the amazingly beautiful nature. The combination of granite and lakes is not a rare phenomenon in nature. But the uniqueness of the Sibinsky complex is that five reservoirs with crystal clear water parallel to each other are surrounded by rocks, like pearls in a granite rim of a bizarre shape. Mountain fresh air, clean cool water, tranquility and tranquility are what attract vacationers and travelers.

Historical sights


Silence and peace have been found here since ancient times. In the seventh century, the Sibin lakes attracted the attention of the Dzungarian Khan Ablai, and he began the construction of a monastery near the lake Sadyrkol, the first of the reservoirs. The Buddhist temple later gained its fame thanks to the richest temple library where ancient Tibetan manuscripts were found.

Behind the low granite wall of the monastery, a small rocky reservoir "hid" in the mountains. The lake, which according to legend has no bottom, is being studied by scientists. They do not quite understand where it feeds from. It looks like a pond of black color, but if you scoop up water with your hands, you can immediately see that it is absolutely transparent. According to the legend, Ablai Khan and the monks hid treasures, including gold, in their human growth, a Buddha statue and valuable books in this small lake.

Just above the monastery you can see the ruins of an ancient Dzungarian fortress. Immediately behind the fortress is the Baukouys Cave, which has preserved the traces of ancient people and rock carvings of animals. Ablaykit (monastery) is a historically unique place, whose silent stones still keep the secret of monks. And who knows, maybe someone relaxing on the Sibin Lakes will help reveal the secret of Khan Ablai.


Scuba Diving Paradise

Ablaykit lakes, also called Sibiny, are located at altitudes from 710 m above sea level to 880 m. Their total area is 31 km 2. On three sides, the lakes are protected by cliffs, practically devoid of vegetation. Their height reaches 1300 m above sea level. Lakes are fed by water from cracks in granite and numerous springs. Between each other ponds are connected by ducts. There are 5 lakes in total:

  • Sadyrkol;

  • Tortkara;

  • Shalkar;

  • Korzhynkol;

  • Karakol.

Their depth is from 2 to 40 meters. The transparency of water in reservoirs is about 6.5 m. The average Shalkar lake is the largest and deepest, its area is 251 hectares, and the transparency of water in it reaches 11 meters. Sibin lakes attract divers, freedivers and underwater hunters. For several seasons in a row festivals for lovers of underwater sports are held here.

The organizers of the Festival 2015 held a competition among hunters for the largest fish, the trophy of the winner was a common carp weighing 12 kg. Local lakes are rich in fish, roach, bream and perch prevail. Large crucian carp, tench and fairly decent sizes of pike and carp are found. A good indicator of water transparency is largely determined by the fact that Sibinskie lakes are chosen for such events.

Reviews of fans of "natural" tanning tell that on the opposite shore of Lake Shalkar there is a real nudist beach. It is also called the "golden beach" because of the pure golden sand.


Water world

The aquatic vegetation of the lakes is represented by more than 30 species, some of which belong to relict plants - pierced leaves, yellow water lily, sea mollusk, archer, pemphigus, duckweed, mountainous bird, etc. There is a rare tetrahedral water lily that is on the verge of extinction. Sibinskie lakes were chosen by ducks, gulls, coots. They are found in reservoirs and muskrats.

According to divers, corals grow on the bottom of lakes. In appearance they do not differ from the marine ones, similar in shape and similarly colored, but for some reason soft. Water lilies grow at a depth of three to four meters, from above everyone can see their flowers. And under the water, long, thick stems go, and under the water it seems that you are walking past trees. The bottom of the lakes is covered mainly with char. Diatoms, filamentous and green algae are widespread.

Flood plants are reeds, reeds, cattail, sedge and oats. Representatives of the flora spread to the adjacent territory, which are characterized by dry and anhydrous soils, the so-called xerophytes. Feather grass, bluegrass, yarrow, muzzle, plantain, timothy meadow, geranium grows in large numbers. Shrubs of roses are found.


Natural laboratory

This is what chemical granite weathering can be called. Thanks to this ability, Sibin lakes are rich in potassium, calcium, sodium carbonates. The total mineralization of water is 26 g / l. Pure mountain water has the effect of soda baths and has a healing effect. After swimming, vivacity appears, working capacity rises.

The climate in Sibin is sharply continental. The warm period lasts 210 days. In summer, the maximum temperature reaches + 35 ° C, the average - + 19 ° C. Such a climate, combined with transparent mountain air, has gained popularity; Sibiny have become a favorite vacation spot for tourists.


Where are the Sibins located? Where to stay?

A unique natural complex, famous for its lakes, is located 85 km south of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Wellness centers, recreation centers and private cottages have been built on the territory of Sibinskie Lakes. At all recreation centers, good living conditions are created, tours and entertainment programs are offered.

In 2014, a new Sibiny-Shalkar camp site was opened. According to the administration, the guests are offered comfortable houses and yurts, hiking and horseback riding, medical equipment, and a massage room. On the basis of the created conditions for recreation for people with disabilities. Always fresh products from nearby peasant farms: honey, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, meat.

The places here are very beautiful. Mixed forests, in the logs a deciduous forest with birch, willow, aspen, mountain ash, viburnum, bird cherry, and hawthorn are slightly less common. Large thickets form juniper, cotoneaster, honeysuckle, wild rose and currant. A relic fir forest grows on Mount Medvedka. From the mountain peaks, magnificent views of the Sibin lakes open.


The recreation center "Sibiny"

Provides comfortable holiday homes. They are equipped with modern furniture, TV, microwave oven, refrigerator. The houses have satellite TV, hot and cold water, a bathroom and shower. There is a guarded parking lot for cars, there is a shop and a summer cafe on the territory of the base. It offers guests: boat rental, catamarans, tennis courts, volleyball courts, soccer fields.

The base is located on the second lake, prices range from 3, 000 to 22, 000 tenge / day. In addition, the administration of the base offers an entertainment program, discos, fishing and hiking in the surrounding area. It is for this that vacationers go to Sibinskie lakes. How to get there? On the days of arrival, tourists are delivered to the base by bus. You can get there "on your own."
