
The power of Fatum is Discussions about the future and fate

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The power of Fatum is Discussions about the future and fate
The power of Fatum is Discussions about the future and fate

Video: The History of Israel-Palestine: Peering into the Future 2024, July

Video: The History of Israel-Palestine: Peering into the Future 2024, July

Present, past, future … What is time? Is a person a full participant in this “action”, or are we just the silent “subordinates” of Her Majesty of Fate? It is not possible to give a definite answer. Some people think that time is an irreversible movement, flowing in only one direction - from the past through the present to the future, and a person is free to choose how to swim along this course … Others believe that the future is a blank sheet of paper, and ours desires, thoughts, actions - these are the colors and shades, by mixing which we ourselves create a picture of life. However, there is an opposite opinion - belief in blind fate, that all events are already destined for us, and a person is not free to choose. What does Fatum mean …


The inevitability of fate

Once between the Roman emperor Domitian (51-96 AD) and the famous astrologer Ascletharion, a conversation took place about the inevitability of fate. The emperor asked what the stars said about the last minutes of the life of the soothsayer. The answer was unexpected - his demise would come soon, and a pack of dogs would tear his body apart. Domitian laughed and immediately ordered the killing of the fortuneteller. On the same evening, during a pompous dinner, the emperor bragged to his friends about his resourcefulness and courage, because he managed to circle his very fate around his finger and change his destiny. All those present supported the ruler with more than one glass of wine, with the exception of one person, the mimic actor Latina. He was gloomy and silent. Domitian drew attention to this and asked him what had happened, why did he not share universal glee? To which the actor said that just today he was passing the square where criminals are usually burned, and he saw the body of the astrologer brought. The bonfire could not be ignited. He constantly faded from strong gusts of wind. And after a while the comedian saw a flock of wild dogs tear to pieces the poor corpse of Askletarion …

So what is our life - fatum or freedom?

And if you imagine the life of an individual person as a kind of journey, say, by train, from point A to point B? Here the passenger sits by the window, lazily sips tea with lemon, and successive species swiftly pass by - a forest, a river, a bridge, sown fields, cities … He cannot see a lonely tree or a large stone on the side of the road in advance. He will notice them only in that brief moment when they will catch up with him. However, this does not mean at all that the tree and the stone did not exist until this moment. They were always there. It turns out that the events happening to us in the future are not born and are not formed as a result of something or for something, or rather, they really appear for certain reasons. A causal relationship exists, but all this is already “present” in any case, like parallel-laid steel rails, which are so necessary for the movement of a train, a well-thought-out route of a trip, and landscapes due to meet on this path … In other words, it is impossible to influence change the event in the future, as it is impossible to reconsider actions in the past. They are uniquely interconnected, but from the moment they were born, they have already been recorded in the script of human life. Hence the very concept of fatum. This is fate, predestination, both with a plus sign - a fortune that brings good luck and joy, and in a negative sense - rock endowed with malicious intent and treachery.


In the occult sciences, they consider such elementary properties of fatum as completeness, correctness in relation to matter and hierarchy. Checking these things is difficult, rather, even impossible. Therefore, the main properties of Fatum will be considered irreversibility and immutability.