
How much fly to Mars? And most importantly - why?

How much fly to Mars? And most importantly - why?
How much fly to Mars? And most importantly - why?

Video: Earth vs Mars - How Do They Compare - Space / Planet Comparison ? 2024, July

Video: Earth vs Mars - How Do They Compare - Space / Planet Comparison ? 2024, July

The exploration of Mars began back in 1971, when Soviet scientists sent the first research apparatus to the red planet. This attempt failed because the probe could not land on the surface. The following launches were more successful, and already in 1987 the Viking module successfully landed and later transmitted over 50, 000 priceless photographs to Earth. This point can be called the starting point of many attempts to study Mars.


What time is it to fly to Mars?

This question occupies many minds of both scientists and ordinary people. In 2001, the head of NASA, Daniel Goldin, claimed that the mission would be three years, and from that time, astronauts would have to spend 10 days on the surface of the planet. At the same time, he rather optimistically stated that the first people would be able to visit Mars in 10 years, as time has shown, this flight remained only in plans.


How much fly to Mars, according to the authors of science fiction works?

Unlike real scientists, writers are not limited by technical capabilities, but only by their own imagination, so if some authors take such a flight for years (even longer than calculated by experts), then others transfer their heroes from one planet to another in a matter of minutes according to the principle commuter train. Which of them will be closer to the truth will show the further development of events.

And how many fly to Mars to our devices?

Not so long ago, the flight of a research probe was more than 8 months. Currently, such a trip will take from 150 to 300 days. Such a wide spread in time is caused by the fact that many factors will influence the duration of the flight: initial speed, position of the planets relative to each other, predetermined trajectory and volumes of fuel.


How long will astronauts fly to Mars?

In our country, studies were conducted in conjunction with the European Space Agency to create a model of a real flight to the red planet. For 520 days, six volunteers of different nationalities lived in a room simulating a real ship, unable to get out of it. So scientists checked how the mental state, performance and health of crew members will change after a long stay in a confined space. So future astronauts will fly to the red planet in about 240-250 days.

How long to fly to Mars, according to ordinary people

The network often conducts similar polls, on which everyone seeks to speak. In general, we can say the following: if weed out jokes, most people are sure that the flight (one way) will take at least a year or two.

And now back to the question: "Why does humanity seek to visit the surface of another planet?" The answer is quite simple: it’s not even that humanity will be able to better understand the structure of our solar system, perhaps find water or life, and also lay the foundation for subsequent colonization, although all this is also important. In fact, people from different countries, united by one goal, will forget about conflicts among themselves for a while.