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Sculptural compositions and monuments of Belgorod. Sights of the city of Belgorod

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Sculptural compositions and monuments of Belgorod. Sights of the city of Belgorod
Sculptural compositions and monuments of Belgorod. Sights of the city of Belgorod

Video: Best Attractions and Places to See in Belgorod , Russia 2024, July

Video: Best Attractions and Places to See in Belgorod , Russia 2024, July

On the streets of any modern city you can find many amazing sculptural compositions and monuments. Belgorod was no exception, the highlight of which is their record number. Below we will talk about the most interesting monuments of Belgorod, which in 2013 ended up in third place in the list of “Top 100 Best Cities of Russia”.


It is not possible to get around the existing sights at once; there are so many of them. Most of the sculptures were created by the Belgorod talented sculptor Taras Kostenko. Another creative person, Anatoly Shishkov, is not inferior to him in the volume of work performed. The size of most works reaches human growth, for this reason, the favorite pastime of citizens and guests of Belgorod is to conduct photo shoots near them.

Would you put things in order?

Recently, sculptures have appeared on the Belgorod streets, as if frozen in everyday situations familiar to all of us. Thanks to them there is a cozy and friendly atmosphere. Such monuments of Belgorod very quickly began to symbolize good luck, happiness, to ensure that all desires are fulfilled. To do this, you just need to touch the sculpture or, remembering the fairy tale story, rub it with your hand. One of these sculptures is a monument to the janitor.


This composition belongs to the most common and occurring in other cities. Its installation date is 2006. Place of installation - Fiftieth anniversary street of the Belgorod region. The janitor has a broom in his hands, a companion of him is sitting at the feet and carefully looking at passersby of a decent size cat. Citizens and guests tend to pet the animal, so its head thoroughly shines. Belgorod residents also feed the cat. And if he does not pay attention to the sweets, the neighbors are taken up. Also, the sculpture is distinguished by the presence of traditional attributes of this profession: an apron and a cap.

The weight of the bronze sculpture is 175 kilograms. Height is almost two meters. It was made within three months, the casting was made in Kiev.

By the way, in 2009 the city was recognized as the cleanest Russian city. A great contribution to cleanliness, of course, was made by Belgorod wipers. Therefore, it is certainly not worth wondering why a monument to the janitor appeared in this city.

Monument in memory of events

Many urban sculptures perpetuate certain historical events. Such objects include the monument to Vladimir the Great. This is the largest statue in the city and the largest monument in the world to Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko.


Despite the lack of documentary evidence, the foundation of the city is attributed to this historical figure. The decision to install the monument was made in the 1990s. The sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov worked on it. The construction was carried out under the leadership of Vasily Boltenkov.

Description of the monument

The prince’s figure was set on a pedestal 14.5 m high. The composition itself consists of three tiers: on the first two, reliefs depicting saints are installed, on the third - a princely figure. The prince stands firmly on a laurel wreath, as if it elevates him above everything around him. Vladimir holds the cross with his right hand. The left is a shield, as if to say that he will do everything so that the Slavic peoples are under reliable protection.

To build a monument, they used more than one and a half tons of copper. Funds for its construction were raised through voluntary donations and sponsorship. Near the monument there is an observation deck, climbing up which you can enjoy beautiful views of Belgorod.

Monument to the victims of Chernobyl

The Chernobyl accident … According to some reports, the number of victims in it exceeds the number of victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. We will meet with its consequences for a long time. April 26, we not only remember those who died, but also thank the participants for their salvation. Usually, rallies are held in different cities to mark this date. Their venues are sites where monuments and memorials are installed.


The monument to the victims of Chernobyl in Belgorod is installed on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue. The sculpture was made by A. Shishkov in 1998. A man standing on a pedestal has his head thrown back and his arms are outstretched. As if, making incredible efforts, he was holding back some danger behind his back. Behind it are two stone "sails" with inscriptions on them. Curves twist between these figures; their peak is crowned by a schematic representation of an atom. For the manufacture of sculpture used copper.