
Jewish authority named Arnold Rothstein: biography and photos

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Jewish authority named Arnold Rothstein: biography and photos
Jewish authority named Arnold Rothstein: biography and photos

Video: Arnold Rothstein (Part 1) 2024, July

Video: Arnold Rothstein (Part 1) 2024, July

In the history of gambling, there are individuals whose lives are very closely related to gambling. Arnold Rothstein, nicknamed The Big Bankroll, can be considered one of these heroes.

Who is Arnold Rothstein?


This is a famous gangster who is even more famous as a casino player and sweepstakes. This man, the first gangster of our time, is also a character in the series called Underground Empire. He played poker at the highest rates, died while still young. The news of his death caused a great resonance. It was discussed by dancers and judges, truck drivers and murderers, mayors and card cheaters. After that, everyone was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

How did Rothstein die?

Rothstein did not die his death. He was killed in 1928. In the hotel room where he was staying (Park Central), someone fired a bullet into Arnold’s stomach. Many believed that it was the Irishman MacManus. Rothstein should have guessed that this is how his life would end. Gangsters rarely die.


Arnold's friends filled the corridors of the hospital. They waited for his breathing to finally stop. Did Rothstein imagine on the day of his own death about what place was reserved for him in the history of America, what kind of place he would forever remain in the memory of the people? After all, he became a friend and accomplice of the Great Gatsby from S. Fitzgerald's novel published in 1925. The prototype of Meyer Wolfstein is Arnold Rothstein. The book is called The Great Gatsby.

Arnold personality


Biographer Leo Kutcher, who wrote a biography of Arnold in 1959, described him as "The Morgan Underground, " "Banker and Master of Strategies." M. Lansky - the main organizer of crimes, spreading his influence throughout the United States, said that Rothstein was a very intelligent person. Instinctively, he understood the essence of any business. Meyer Lansky notes that if this person were a law-abiding financier and economist, he would have earned no less money than gambling and racketeering.

At the peak of his career, Rothstein was one of the most influential gangsters on the east coast. This person had more connections than one could imagine. He was a shrewd, albeit sharp, businessman. Arnold Rothstein was involved in such matters as importing drugs, managing gambling houses, and consulting in the field of gambling. He knew the right people, loved beautiful and young women, was an accountant, diplomat and, at the same time, a fraudster.

Arnold did not need weapons and business cards. He was surrounded by people who always had weapons with them. He also had accomplices, like two drops of water resembling Lansky and Luciano, involved in the implementation of Rothstein's business projects. Among them were army generals and executive directors of various corporations. Arnold had his people everywhere, even among the police and judges. Therefore, Rothstein was never charged. Surely you were interested in the fate of this amazing person. We offer to get to know him better by reading his biography.

Origin of Arnold

Arnold was born in New York in 1882. His father was an Orthodox Jew named Abraham. Arnold's older brother, Bertram, was preparing to become a rabbi. His father was a respected entrepreneur in New York. He was nicknamed Abe the Fair for his personal qualities. In the European business community, this person was especially well received. He could resolve any conflict.

The way Arnold decided to go


However, his son, Arnold, was not interested in the religion and affairs of his father. He even dropped out of school, while having brilliant intellectual abilities. Already at the age of 16, Arnold began working as a salesman.

It is hard to imagine New York in 1905: everywhere there was coal smog, the sound of horse hooves on the pavement, factory horns, and on the streets heaps of garbage. New York at that time was reborn, gradually becoming one of the greatest cities in the whole world, which it already was by 1920. And Arnold Rothstein owned and disposed of this particular city.

Opening your own casino, first successes

However, this did not happen immediately. Rothstein was at first a petty thief and played cards. He stood on the corner of the street, waiting for a passing wagon in order to get to his new wife on it. Her father promised Arnold to lend $ 2 thousand to purchase a gambling house located on 46th Street.

When Rothstein turned 20 years old, he realized that you can only win gambling with a gambling establishment. Back in 1909, he made his purchase. 1909 was a great year for Arnold. After buying a casino, he managed to win $ 4, 000 from J. Convey, a native of Philadelphia. By the end of 1910, Arnold was already the sole owner of all casinos located on 46th Street. It was this street that brought Rothstein influence, power and money.

The fixer

Arnold, moreover, was a real loan shark. He hired artistic people for this work. Their task was to withdraw money from frightened customers. It is impossible to count the number of bones that were broken due to this. Also, no one knows for certain how many Arnold arranged contractual races and fights for his life. This man almost everywhere had his hand. One of Arnold's nicknames was The Fixer, which means “intermediary, ” that is, a person who is able to agree on any business.

Scandalous series of games

In 1919, the World Series of Games was held between the White Sox and Reds. They were overshadowed by one of the largest scandals in the history of America. This story broke the hearts of many boys and made Rothstein truly famous.

Such was this adamant man, Arnold Rothstein, who, it should be noted, did not know about anything and did not adjust anything. He did not even know that Abe Attell, his friend, personally delivered $ 100, 000 to bribe Sox team members so that the team lost a series of games. Abe Attell denied everything. He did not admit to financing this defeat, stated that he was just an innocent businessman.

Arnold Rothstein himself, whose biography interests us, told the following. It all started when many players, including Atella, decided to place their bets on what the outcome of the games would be. Everyone knew that Arnold was also involved in this deal, but he refused. According to Rothstein, Attell (his photo is presented below) used his name to fulfill his selfish goals. Arnold himself would not have bribed under any circumstances and would not have put a single dollar on the outcome of the games after he knew the whole story.


As a result, 6 players from the White Sox team were disqualified for life, but none of them reported a crime. Arnold did not appear before the court. And Attell convinced the court that he did not bribe, but some other Abe Attell.

Arnold begins to do drugs

Rothstein in 1922 began to engage in drugs. This happened after he realized that it was in his power to subjugate this whole market in New York. As a result, the fortune possessed by Arnold Rothstein significantly increased. His underground empire was truly huge.

Big win

Rothstein in 1925 began to play craps with a very famous player named Nick Dandolos (his nickname is Greek). This man only recently returned to New York after having played successful poker games in San Francisco. He managed to bring more than $ 1.5 million with him. Nick Dandolos played for almost 2 weeks, until he lost completely and was left without a dollar in his pocket. Dandolos and Rothstein a few months later participated in the same tournament, held at the highest rates. In a stud poker tournament, Dandolos (photo below) won several hundred thousand after 10 hours of play, until he stumbled upon the “Rotstein curse”.


During the hand, Dandolos received one king in his hands and one more on the board. And Arnold had only the king of a tambourine. Then Dandolos opened for 10 thousand dollars, and Arnold raised the rate to 30 thousand. Dandolos was given a four, and Arnold - a nine tambourine. Then Rothstein made an even larger bet - 60 thousand, to which Dandolos answered. Gambling legends continued the battle. Arnold Rothstein received the fourth tambourine with the last card, which also did not improve the combination of his opponent. Dandolos claimed a flash draw, but was not sure about it. Then Rothstein again increased his stake (up to 70 thousand), and his opponent went all-in, betting 140 thousand. Rothstein answered him again. Dandolos now got seven clubs, and Arnold got seven tambourines. Rothstein showed an ace of a tambourine, after which he took the bank. So the gambling celebrities ended the battle. Arnold Rothstein, by the way, won then 604 thousand dollars.

Foul play

Poker led to the death of Rothstein, which occurred 3 years after that. Arnold found out that one game against him was unfair. Jimmy Meehan, Titanic Thompson, George McManus and Nate Raymond were also at that game and then lost 50 thousand each (in September 1928). Rothstein lost over 300 thousand.