
The snow is not really white! Some interesting facts about snow ahead of winter

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The snow is not really white! Some interesting facts about snow ahead of winter
The snow is not really white! Some interesting facts about snow ahead of winter

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Video: TUTORIAL: Rendering snow scenes with Forest Pack and 3ds Max (advanced) 2024, July

In our society there are many people who love snow and look forward to when it falls. Usually, snow is popular not only in winter, but also in summer. A man tries to travel to those countries and places where the snow lies beautifully and where it is remembered somehow in a special way. But it turns out that the snow is actually not white at all. Here, on the eve of winter, we will learn about the most interesting facts about snow.

Color and size


It turns out that the largest snowflake record has already been set in the world. It has the following dimensions: about fifteen inches across and eight inches in thickness. Such a giant snowflake was found in late January 1887 in Montana. And then she was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.


If you carefully study the structure of snow, you can see that it consists of crystals, so its structure is rather complicated.

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Crystals have tiny surfaces that successfully reflect visible light. And this proves that the snow is not white at all.


The sun's rays are absorbed by the snow with great difficulty, and therefore it seems that it is white.


There is also a scientific explanation of how magnificent snowflakes appear, and indeed the snow itself. Scientists have proven that oxygen atoms have a strong attraction to the electron clouds of two hydrogen atoms and help to attract them closer. Gradually, such a snowflake begins to grow, since it combines positively and negatively charged particles that are attracted to each other. The result is a snowflake that has an unusual three-dimensional pattern and even hexagonal symmetry.

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Beautiful and dangerous snowfalls


One-day huge snowfalls constantly occur in southern Italy. The city is 4, 662 feet and its population is approximately equal to thousands of inhabitants. So, in Capracotta at the beginning of March 2015, about a hundred inches of snow fell in the evening during the day. But the Baker ski area in the state of Washington set a world record for snowfalls, where about 1, 140 inches of snow fell during the season from 1998 to 1999.


It is also proved that fresh water on our planet is eighty percent frozen, that is, it is either snow or ice.