the culture

Snob is a layman dressed up as an aristocrat

Snob is a layman dressed up as an aristocrat
Snob is a layman dressed up as an aristocrat

Video: How to sound posh - Part one 2024, June

Video: How to sound posh - Part one 2024, June

Have you ever been near a person who speaks through his teeth, smiles at any of your remarks and looks past, not even honoring you with a glance? Didn’t it, then, it seemed to you that this person has every right to behave like that - after all, he is some chosen one (perhaps even your boss). If so, then there was a snob next to you. We’ll try to make out the meaning of the word now.

Snob is, according to book concepts, a person who considers himself (pay


attention: himself, and not others) a carrier of high taste and intelligence. With all his appearance, behavior and manners, he diligently advertises his “chosenness”, “peculiarity”. Arrogance, or simply swagger, is the hallmark of a snob. The rejection of everyone and everything that does not fit into their personally set framework, as a rule, helps these people to keep a “distance" and thus separate themselves from others.

Why is this needed? Perhaps the snob understands aristocracy, intelligence, or, as they say, God's chosenness. For some reason, he cannot rank himself as such people, therefore he builds around that atmosphere of a feature that will replace the unattainable for him.

But the most interesting thing is that, despite his tricks in exaltation, a snob is the same layman. What can lead a lot of evidence.


Snob, like a layman, does not live his own mind. The only difference between them is that the average person has rather common ideas and attitudes, and the snob - only those that distinguish him from the general mass. Without a pattern to imitate, it is not possible. For people of this type, it is important not what fills the concept of aristocracy, but only how it manifests itself. Manners, conventions are more important here than the idea of ​​honor, duty, and often even morality.

Everyman and snob are always confident in their innocence. This is because they adhere to common attitudes. True, the layman is in common with everyone, and the snob is in common with his chosen ones. This unwavering assurance is also based on the fact that both of them, in general, do not need the truth. They are content with their ideas about her.


The average person is snobby, like a snob. But he mockingly treats precisely those who do not want to be like everyone else, go beyond the framework of established ideas. But the swagger with which the snob lives is an opportunity to prove to others his chosenness, belonging to the "highest" circle by snobbish standards.

The average person is afraid to seem ridiculous or funny. For him, the opinions of others are of great importance. Snob is most afraid of not “being accepted”, of being despised by those whom he carefully imitates, into whose “clip” he is trying to get.

It's funny, but the average person also likes to use the word "elite", giving children to elite schools, relaxing in elite resorts and buying luxury goods. Snob is his own elite. But in everything else, he was not far from the average man in the street, despite all his superficial sophistication.

Therefore, the meaning of the word snob cannot be fully revealed without a deep understanding of how poor these people are inwardly, dependent on their surroundings and are afraid in their souls. After all, this is what makes them crawl out of their way, proving that they are special and that they can do something that everyone else can’t.