association in the organization

Socio-psychological climate of social organizations: formation factors, management features, research

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Socio-psychological climate of social organizations: formation factors, management features, research
Socio-psychological climate of social organizations: formation factors, management features, research

Video: #IGNOUMPC004 ||#M.APsychology||#AdvanceSocialPsychology ||#Block 1||#Unit 1||#Part 1 2024, June

Video: #IGNOUMPC004 ||#M.APsychology||#AdvanceSocialPsychology ||#Block 1||#Unit 1||#Part 1 2024, June

The problems of the socio-psychological climate in social organizations are particularly acute. Consider what is commonly called such a climate. We will analyze the features of managing it. An equally curious aspect is the varieties and nuances of formation.

What is it about?

The socio-psychological climate of social organizations is the state of all members of such a community. It is closely related to the life of the group as a single object. The second version of the interpretation of the term is a reflection of the states and relationships of members, units of the object. This includes aspects of communication. Climate implies the mood of people, departments included in the institution, psychological and emotional indicators, views. All these aspects have a great impact on the results of the organization as a whole. In many ways, the climate under consideration corrects the level of discipline of each individual group member. Structurally, the climate is a combination of intellectual characteristics and specific emotional status. It is formed by attitudes and depends on relationships, determined by feelings, beliefs of participants, their mood.

Considering the climate, they talk about two options: it can be healthy or not. Under the first, it is customary to understand one whose functions are useful to the community. It is formed when the group members are satisfied. The functionality of such a climate does not conflict with public, state functions. The unhealthy socio-psychological climate of social organizations is a phenomenon that occurs when an organization does not work properly. If its activity turns into a danger to society, we can confidently talk about the unhealthy climate that reigns inside.


Social organization

To correctly understand what constitutes the socio-psychological climate of social organizations, you need to know what these groups are. Currently, social organizations are called communities that have joined together in order to work on some stable task, to fulfill a function. One of the possible motives for the formation of such an organization is a specific goal, agreed in advance.

To characterize such an organization, it is necessary to describe its type. The group may be commercial, but it may exist on budgetary funds. Communities are open and closed, dedicated to production or science. Social organizations of a charitable type are possible, but there are also criminal groups. For a more complete assessment, it is necessary to characterize the lifestyle of participants, their level of existence, quality of life. People can live in the city, village. The third key aspect is conditions. These are divided into describing the environment and society. The second group includes conditions that apply to political, social, economic, and cultural aspects.

Climate and environment

The characteristic of the socio-psychological climate in the organization necessarily includes a description of all types and conditions specific to a particular group, since it depends on them what the situation inside the community will be. A feature of such a community will be the fact that social relations cover all aspects of life. The climate of such an organization is created by numerous external and internal factors.

Any group exists in a macro environment. There is an environment, there is a large space of social interaction. Any team has one, and it is in it that he lives and realizes his functions. In addition, the macroenvironment is also the nuances of the economic state system and social structure. The climate within a small group depends on the degree of development of the power, the presence of significant social institutions. In many ways, the degree of unemployment and the risk of becoming bankrupt play a role.


About factors

Climate formation is influenced by the material, spiritual level of the progress of society, within which the group has formed. The influence is exerted by the degree of cultural development of the state. The climate also depends on public consciousness. This is the name of the phenomenon due to the conflicting aspects of being society at the current moment of its development, progress.

Finally, among the macro-factors that explain the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the organization, partnership with other communities should be noted. Any group has, to one degree or another, numerous connections with some associations, individuals, who consume the results of the organization. The degree of influence of this factor is determined by the market economy. The more stable it is, the more strongly it affects society, the more significant this factor.


This has its effect on the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the organization. The microenvironment is a sphere of constant daily activity of people who make up the organization. These are material, spiritual conditions that accompany a person’s work day after day. At this level, the impact of the environment for any individual is strictly defined and associated with the experience she has gained. At the micro level, you can see the maximum effect of the application of laws, other documents aimed at determining the order in society. At the macro level, the person’s desire does not always correspond to what she achieved.


Climate relevance

The need to manage the socio-psychological climate in the organization follows from the fact that it is this aspect that largely determines how fluid the personnel of the enterprise will be. It is customary to talk about three aspects that are designated climatic zones. The first involves a climate within the group, due to the ability of each individual person to realize the common tasks facing the group as a whole, goals. Such a climate appears due to a personal example on the part of managers who are passionate about what they are doing, as well as from compliance with all important standards and the development of democracy in terms of production management.

The second zone is the moral climate. It is determined by the values ​​that dominate the team. This climate is strictly local and inherent in some primary group. The third zone is a climate formed between individuals who regularly interact with each other in the process of working in a group.

Structural nuances

When conducting a study of the socio-psychological climate in the organization, the managerial staff responsible for it must take into account the structural features of the phenomenon. If the team is in an unhealthy environment, there is a frequent change of workers, the level of productivity will probably be below average. It is noted that the maximum susceptibility of a poor climate is inherent in youth, women. The level of performance is directly related to the mood of the staff. If it is good, the level of productivity increases by 5-10% in comparison with the average. In poor climates, a similar decrease is observed. As a result, only the attitude of the working personnel already changes the degree of productivity of the enterprise by 10-20%.

Perhaps managing the socio-psychological climate in the organization. In particular, observations have shown that functional music can be resorted to. Only this aspect allows you to increase the productivity of the working day by 3% (with a possible deviation by a percentage up and down). As studies of the influence of music on groups have shown, if a group works with adequate soundtrack, the risk of manufacturing defective items is reduced by about 7%. At the same time, culture is growing inside society. The use of functional music as a management method is a good solution to reduce staff turnover and reduce the incidence of personnel.


Structure: not so simple

Carrying out studies of the socio-psychological climate in the organization, it is necessary to take into account the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon, the presence of several aspects. It is impossible to form an unambiguous idea of ​​the climate prevailing in the social group, therefore, it has not yet been possible to formulate uniform and commonly used approaches to the study of the phenomenon. Typical modern tactics involves introducing specifics into factors, conditions by which you can visualize the dynamics of changes in climatic conditions. When planning to work with climate as a phenomenon, management personnel are obliged to investigate the real difficulties inherent in an individual team. Already on the basis of the information obtained, they determine what will be the relevant tasks for studying the climate inherent in this group.

The process of analyzing the socio-psychological climate of a team in an organization involves determining the structure of the climate and the forms of its manifestation, the nuances of the impact of climate on aspects of the life of the group, individual community members. Take into account not only the specifics, but also the forms of climate influence. The climate is caused by an element of relationships - they are the basis for the phenomenon under consideration. Specifically, you can evaluate the relationship through communication, mutual actions, the influence of persons on each other. Take into account the manifestations of relationships, the processes of cognition and acceptance prevailing in the team. All these forms are the nuances of the implementation of social actions. Through them, cooperation and hostility, competition and agreement between the participants become real. These forms allow cohesion, non-conformism, and other aspects to manifest themselves.

About relationship

The socio-psychological climate that is being formed through mutual relations in an educational organization, commercial, state, and any other is the result of the interaction of key factors. Their list includes social relations, through which the relations between persons in the aspects of the economy, politics, ethics, and law are revealed. Such social relations are characteristic of individuals united in a certain group, and always affect the climate as a whole.

In many ways, the formation is due to interpersonal relationships. They are associated with social, psychological forms that implement relations in society through interaction, collective work. In many ways, the nature of such relations depends on the functions of the collective and the conditions of its activity. Interpersonal relations are not only in production but also in domestic conditions. They are characteristic of families.


Status Role System

This phenomenon is an important aspect that must be taken into account when analyzing the socio-psychological climate in the organization’s team. Certain nuances of interaction appear and are realized through the status-role system of connections and relations within the team. Such relationships are formalized through a post structure adopted by the group’s administration. This consolidation allows you to adjust control options, sanctions, as well as track individual actions, actions of group members. The status-role system is determined by the hierarchy of administration rights, the pyramid of responsibilities inherent in different posts and employees occupying them.

Perhaps the emergence of role relationships between individuals. In any team, such relations are formalized and do not have such a design. Informal usually appear spontaneously and are not determined by the conditions and norms of group administration or depend on them to a small extent. They are due to individual inclinations. An important aspect of the analysis of this phenomenon is the identification of the ratio of informal, formal role relationships.

About the rules of analysis

The socio-psychological climate of the group in the organization is analyzed, evaluating what is the normalized internal official structure. This can cover the whole range of production situations or only part of it. Often, it applies only to circumstances in which it is necessary to quickly respond, quickly coordinate activities. In this case, informal relations conceal the weaknesses of the administrative structure and “cover up” the problems of production relations.

Positive informal relations between people in a team can positively affect relations in general, since the climate largely depends on the emotional status of all participants. It is determined by current ethical standards, morality, communication of group members, their interaction. As a result, the climate is wider than simple industrial relations, while normatively such relations act as an element, part of the overall climate structure.


Climate Forms

Knowing the above factors affecting the socio-psychological climate of the organization, having an understanding of the manifestations, we can describe the climate as a combined phenomenon that includes several aspects. Climate conditions are realized through attitude to work, well-being of the person participating in the group. This is often associated with its potentials and abilities, conditions, and the possibilities for their implementation. The climate is formed from factors related to attitudes towards people. It appears as a result of the joint work of persons, becomes visible in the analysis of collective activity, methods and actions of individual participants. To analyze the climate, it is necessary to determine the behavioral characteristics, manners, the specifics of communication and some subjective forms of demonstrating the impact of climate on the group.

The formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in an organization depends on many factors, including group ones. There are classified as group manifestations of the climate. This includes the cohesion of the group and its tendency to conflict, the ability of people to work together, their compatibility, unity of belief. Every form is a mirror of the relationship between individuals. When planning to explore this form, you need to take into account the relationship of structural elements, the differentiation of the group, its organization, functionality, role structure. When exploring the climate, it is necessary to evaluate how informal, official structures correspond, as the relations between managerial employees, chief specialists and their substitutes. It is necessary to study the volume of mutual work, how intensively the group members are in contact, what is the internal role differentiation, are there any comfort zones, and what kind of interaction gives rise to conflicts. The researcher draws attention to the management style and its influence on the climate, on the development zones of the group.

Exploring aspects

The analysis includes making a stability forecast, determining the personal parameters of managerial personnel, and relations between managers. Features of managing the socio-psychological climate of the organization oblige to study in detail the nuances of relations between groups, since the climate of such interaction affects the internal one. There may be conflicts between groups in an organization or several organizations. As part of the analysis of the definition of management methods, it is necessary to study what are the motives, conflict zones, and work with them in more detail.

It is important to analyze how strongly the interactions of managers affect the climate within the group. Take into account that the relationship of leaders can change the psychological situation in society. This affects the intellectual mutual work, staff communication. No less significant is the formation of a generalized scheme and the determination of key parameters of tension.

A favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization is observed with an adequate degree of saturation of communication. Important aspects are technological mutual work, organizational interaction, joint activity, and cooperation activity. After analyzing all these parameters, you can form an opinion on the key manifestations of climate in the framework of a specific social organization.
