
Sofya Abramovich - daughter of Roman Abramovich: biography

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Sofya Abramovich - daughter of Roman Abramovich: biography
Sofya Abramovich - daughter of Roman Abramovich: biography

Not so long ago, in the secular press, information was circulating that the average daughter of multimillionaire Roman Abramovich Sofya is very complex about being overweight. The heiress was criticized for the lack of a figure by subscribers from social networks of which she is an active user. It is known that criticism negatively affected Sophia Abramovich’s self-esteem and her self-confidence. The article contains information about the daughter of a multi-billionaire, her brief biography, as well as the latest news about the girl.


Sofya Abramovich: information

The famous Russian billionaire is a father of many children. He has seven children from different wives. The life of the heirs is an object of close attention of the paparazzi of the whole world. Sofya Abramovich, the daughter of Roman Abramovich from his second wife, is an active user of social networks. The girl often shares in her microblog on Instagram the news of her life and photos from the family archive.

Roman Abramovich: briefly about him

The famous businessman and rich man was born in 1966 in the city of Saratov. For some time, his parents lived in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (in the city of Syktyvkar). Roman Abramovich early became an orphan and raised by uncles, first in Ukhta, and then Moscow. He studied at the Ukhta Industrial Institute (forestry technical faculty). He served in the army in the Kharkov region. (Ukraine).


In the period from the late 1980s to the beginning of the 1990s, he began to engage in small business (production, intermediary and trading operations). It is known that at first the future billionaire made rubber toys. Then he switched to oil trading activities.

In 1996, Abramovich became one of the members of the board of directors of Noyabrskneftegaz JSC, and headed the Moscow representative office of Sibneft. In 1999, Abarmovich was elected to the State Duma by the Chukotka single-mandate electoral commission. In 2000, he became governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. In 2003, it acquired Chelsea (an English football club) and actually moved to live in the UK. It is known that Roman Abramovich repeatedly made attempts to resign from the governorship, but always refused his intention after meeting with President Putin. The businessman’s desire to leave responsible public office was approved by Dmitry Medvedev in 2008 when he was president of the Russian Federation. Since then, Roman Abramovich is the chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Region.

According to Forbes rating, for many years the businessman is in the top 200 richest people in Russia. According to March 2017, his condition is determined by the amount of $ 9.1 billion (the 12th position in the rating).

His wives and children

The businessman was married three times. His first wife was Olga Yuryevna Lysova, his second wife, a former stewardess Irina Milandina, gave five billion children five gifts: Anna (25 years old), Arkady (23 years old), Sophia (22 years old), Arina (17 years old), Ilya (15 years old). The third wife, Daria Zhukova, with whom Abramovich officially broke up this year, is growing up son Aaron (7 years old) and five-year-old daughter Leia.

Recall that acquaintance with Zhukova at Abramovich took place in 2005 in Barcelona at a party after the Chelsea match. At that time, the marriage of a businessman and his second wife, Irina Malandina, was already about 15 years old.

Family life after divorce

The ex-wife of the oligarch decided not to get married anymore. Irina does not need to work: thanks to compensation in the amount of $ 300 million, she and the children are not in poverty. The ex-wife (Sofya Abramovich’s mother) is exclusively concerned with family and home: she devotes a lot of time to raising children, the eldest of whom, Anna and Arkady, have already managed to flutter out of their native nest, while the younger ones, Sofya, Arina and Ilya, still remain under the wing of their mother, takes care of pets (several cats and dogs live in the house) and takes care of the household (a whole staff of helpers helps her in this).

After breaking up with her husband, Irina Abramovich, as she reports on social networks, is not bored. She with children runs between Russia, Britain, Switzerland and the south of France.

Despite the departure of his father from the family, Sophia continues to actively maintain relations with him. The oligarch, in turn, spoils her beloved daughter in every possible way, arranges her gorgeous birthdays, gives expensive gifts.


What is the story of criticizing the girl?

Who would not agree to be the daughter of a billionaire? As an option - a son? It is unlikely that there will be such. Everyone understands how pleasant it is. But not everyone wants to know that this is also not easy enough. Sofya Abramovich is envied by many: both young and pretty, and rich dad is available.

It is known that the daughter of Abramovich and Irina Malandina - Sofia - last year had to retire from Instagram because of insulting comments that fell on her about her appearance and figure. Shortly before that, the girl promised that she would not go into depression and would not succumb to negativity, but instead would engage in self-improvement. And she kept her word, paying close attention to her body, mood and health in general.

After a year, it is safe to say that Sofia Abramovich lost weight. A photo of a prettier girl in an expensive swimsuit appeared on her Facebook page, which gathered a lot of enthusiastic comments and “likes”.

How does this story reveal its character?

Readers can judge by the fact that the young heiress has a strong will and can show character, as the young girl steadfastly fought with the desire of envious people to break her spirit. Many spiteful critics tried to sow seeds of bad complexes in her mind, but the girl managed to resist them, which testifies to her personality maturity.

“I'm coming to you”: the girl entered the fight

As it became known, last year on social networks, Sophia reported that some people wrote her so “terrible things” that the girl was forced to resort to blocking them and deleting comments. This led to the fact that she began to be shy of her appearance and figure, she developed complexes. Sophia confidentially shares with her readers her understanding of the peculiarities of her own complexion: she was never thin, with the parameters of a model, which she long ago put up with. But the girl also understood that her body is not as healthy as we would like. That is what Sophia was going to change in the first place.

Be always positive and happy!

In addition, as the girl noted in her post, she came to understand that everyone is guided by their own ideas about perfection. And although it cannot become absolutely perfect for anyone or for itself, it is more important for her to be always positive and happy. Friends, as the girl shares, explained to her the other day that a healthy lifestyle can not only achieve weight loss, but also extend life, as well as improve appearance and health in general.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve the opportunity to feel happy right now. The body itself will tell you what it really needs. Starting from the day the post was published, the girl was going to be as positive as she could. She, as Sofia shared, has a lot to do, for which she should be thankful.

As the girl confessed, she is scared and alarmed by the fact that being surrounded by truly amazing people in her life, she allows herself to become depressed due to negative comments on social networks. From now on, she is going to always block them, since she no longer wants the comments of envious people to somehow reflect on her mood and life.

In her post, Sophia announced that from now on she was going to start eating right. No, she will not become vegan, will not exclude sugar, gluten or carbohydrates. Everything that her body wants to receive, she will receive. But the girl will now begin to regularly visit the gym, actively run and devote more time to walking with the dog.


Well, the heiress deserves applause!

Yes, we can only applaud Sofya Abramovich. The young heiress met criticism in her address, rolling up her sleeves. Instead of burning anger towards everyone and everything, the daughter of the oligarch Abramovich took and lost weight. Of course, the figure of the girl is far from ideal. It is known that the height of Sofya Abramovich is 162-163 cm. Data on her weight is more difficult to get. There is open access information a year ago that the weight of Sofia Abramovich at that time was about 70 kg. But the girl was on a juice diet for a year, so you can only guess about her real parameters.

Experts believe that if the young lady does not lose the race, within a year she can fashion a truly model body. Sophia has all the data for this: already many are admiring her narrow hips, shoulders unfurled, long legs.

An undoubted plus of the girl is the presence of her, despite her young age, sobriety and solid character, and most importantly, an adequate attitude to herself - a trait rarely observed among the heirs of millions.

For those who want to know more about her

Those wishing to learn more about the girl will be pleased to hear that the 22-year-old rich heiress (born April 3, 1995) is not yet married. The girl’s Instagram account is currently closed. Those wishing to subscribe to her page must first make a request.

Sofya Abramovich: biography, lifestyle

Sophia is the middle daughter of Roman Abramovich and Irina Malandina (all in the second marriage, the oligarch had five children: three daughters and two sons).


The first thing that catches your eye when looking at her page on Instagram is that the girl loves her family immensely. She often uploads photographs of her brothers and sisters with their parents in childhood.

Study and leisure

While studying at the prestigious English school Godolphin and Latymer in West London, where the sisters were taken every day by special helicopter, and then at Royal Holloway College, she spent her vacations in St. Tropez, in one of her father's houses, and in Sardinia. Sophia is engaged in winter sports in Courchevel.


Sophia is fond of horse riding, actively participating in competitions in Monte Carlo and London. The girl stands for Russia and regularly takes prizes.


Horses are one of Sofia Abramovich's favorite expensive hobbies. In her stable there are two beloved horses - Rainbow and Bugsy, each of which costs 300 thousand British pounds (about 427 thousand dollars). The average daughter of Abramovich generally loves animals. Three dogs live in the house (Labrador, Jack Russell Terrier and King Charles Spaniel) and a cat with a parrot.


Sophia, like all the girls at her age, really likes taking selfies. At 22, Sofia Abramovich boasts not only a brilliant education received at the University of London, and a round sum in the bank, but also considerable sports achievements.

It was this fact that at one time attracted wide attention to the middle of the daughters of Abramovich: when they began to write about the young heiress in the British press after gaining another victory, Sofia suddenly acquired a mass of fans, and thousands of subscribers appeared on her pages on social networks. There really is something to see: yachts, luxury villas, vacations on the Cote d'Azur and the Maldives, shopping in expensive boutiques - the girl leads the typical life of a wealthy heiress, whose dad spares no money for his daughter’s happiness.



In prim England, the Abramovich sisters are considered the richest brides: each of them will inherit $ 1.5 billion from the pope, which not only makes life very easy, but also expands the circle of princes on a white horse. Nevertheless, both of the married-out sisters, Anna and Sophia, are in no hurry to choose their boyfriends, because each potential heart friend will need to withstand fierce competition with the main man of their life - the oligarch-father. Dad is strict with his daughters, but generous: after a divorce from their mother, the owner of Chelsea, as before, is actively interested in the affairs of his bloodlines and, without stint, finances all their whims. Both heirs miss those times when the father was constantly with them.