
Ballet soloist Andrei Merkuryev: biography, photo, personal life

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Ballet soloist Andrei Merkuryev: biography, photo, personal life
Ballet soloist Andrei Merkuryev: biography, photo, personal life

Video: Svetlana Zakharova with Maria Sascha Khan 2024, June

Video: Svetlana Zakharova with Maria Sascha Khan 2024, June

Ballet is one of the most beautiful art forms. However, he is very deceiving. Indeed, looking at the dancers fluttering in a weightless dance, it is impossible to believe that hard labor is behind all this. Despite this, thousands of boys and girls dream of becoming ballet dancers. Unfortunately, only a few of them manage to break into the big stage. Among such lucky ones is ballet soloist Andrei Merkuryev. How did an ordinary boy from a family of workers manage to become a star?


Andrey Merkuryev: family

The future artist was born in October 1977 in the city of Syktyvkar in an ordinary working family. In addition to Andrei, parents raised two more sons. Like many other Soviet families, the Merkuryevs lived together five of them in a small two-room apartment. Despite being cramped and busy at work, parents tried to help the children develop their talents. And although only Andrei achieved genuine success in his career, his brothers also found their place in life and are happy with it.


early years

From childhood, Andrei Merkuryev did not differ in special love for the theater, and even more so for ballet. When the future artist was still very small, his mother took him to a choreographic studio. Young Merkuryev did not like to dance. He often skipped classes. However, his teacher convinced his parents that their child had a remarkable talent. Therefore, they insisted that the son continue to learn to dance. Gradually, the guy became so carried away by dancing that he could not imagine life without them.

At ten, a talented boy was offered to change his profile and focus on ballet. At first he was skeptical. But after some time he managed to achieve such successes in this field that an unknown guy from a working-class family was invited to study at the choreographic school of the city of Ufa.

The first two years of study, Andrei Merkuryev was still not completely confident in his calling. He liked ballet, but he did not fully feel his involvement in this art. Moreover, at that time he skipped absolutely all the performances that were staged at the school. However, in the third year, Mercury was imbued with ballet. And he became his main passion.


First successes

After graduating from college with honors at the age of 19, the artist immediately found work in the State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic. However, he danced there for only a year, after which Andrei Merkuryev was invited to St. Petersburg. Here he worked in the legendary Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theater. Here for four years he was a soloist of the ballet troupe, participated in many productions. Among his most famous parties of that period are Prince Siegfried from Swan Lake, The Nutcracker from the Tchaikovsky ballet of the same name, Prince Desiree from Sleeping Beauty, Phoebe from Esmeralda, Paris from Faust and Count Albert from Giselle.


Merkuryev - soloist of the Mariinsky Theater

Extraordinary talent, coupled with incredible hard work, helped the budding artist from the province to hone his skills. The vivid, passionate manner of performing dance parties captured the audience across the country and beyond. Soon they began to talk about Andrey Merkuryev. And in 2001, he received an invitation to go to the Mariinsky Theater. Here, a talented dancer was a partner on the stage of almost every leading ballerina.

For five years of work in this theater, Andrei Merkuryev became a real ballet star. The biography of the artist in these years is filled with numerous events. So, he not only danced the same parts as in the Mikhailovsky Theater, but also got the opportunity to embody new characters on the stage. This is Jose from Carmen, Prince from Cinderella, Romeo from Romeo and Juliet and many others. In 2005, Andrei Merkuryev was awarded the Golden Mask, the national theater prize of the Russian Federation, for mastery in performing his part in the ballet production Where Gold Cherries Hang.

In parallel with his work in the theater, the artist toured a lot. He took part in foreign gala concerts. So, in 2003, he participated in the filming of the Vienna New Year’s concert, and a year later he performed in a duet with Polina Semionova in Japan. Also, the dancer became a regular tour partner of the famous Russian ballerina Svetlana Zakharova.


Mercury at the Bolshoi Theater

While still an artist at the Mariinsky Theater, the dancer participated in individual projects of other institutions. So, in 2006, Merkuryev performed the part of Jose in the production of the Bolshoi Theater “Carmen Suite”. And having gained great fame not only in Russia but also abroad, in 2006 Andrei Merkuryev was officially invited to work there.

The Bolshoi Theater received a new soloist with open arms. The debut part of the dancer was the role of Jan in the ballet "Bolt". Later a movie of the same name was shot with the participation of Merkuryev. Soon, a talented dancer began to offer a wide variety of parts, each of which he performed brilliantly. For 10 years of work at the Bolshoi Theater, the artist performed more than thirty parts, for which in 2014 he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Among the new characters embodied by Andrei Merkuryev on the stage of the Bolshoi are a fisherman from the “Pharaoh’s Daughter”, a bullfighter from Don Quixote, Birbanto from Corsair, James from La Sylphide, Jerome from The Flames of Paris, Crassus from Spartak, Lucien from "Lost Illusions", Pyotr Leontyevich from "Anyuta", Monsieur Duval from "Ladies with Camellias" and Pechorin from "Hero of Our Time".

Among other things, the dancer actively participated in less formal projects of the theater. So, he performed in several productions (“+2”, “Drama Poem”) for the “Workshop of new choreography” of the Bolshoi Theater. As one of the leading soloists, after several years of work, the artist received a studio apartment from his native theater, where he could not only relax, but also rehearse on his own. Since 2016, Andrei Merkuryev has been working at the Bolshoi Theater on a contract basis.


Merkuryev’s career today. Future plans

In 2014, a man was able to realize his dream - became a choreographer Andrei Merkuryev. The ballet “Scream” (based on the plot of A. Zinoviev’s novel “Go to Calvary”) was staged by him in Odessa. And he really liked the audience and critics. In the future, the artist is not averse to lead any other production. Moreover, he has several ideas, but while he is looking for a sponsor. Also, the dancer does not mind trying himself as a teacher. But due to employment in various projects, he has no way to realize this dream.


Participation in public life

In addition to his career, Merkuryev does not miss an opportunity to participate in the fate of others. So, he believes that you need to take care of the artists, support them, including financially. Therefore, in 2011, he instituted a scholarship for talented students of his native school, hoping that this would help them succeed in the future in the profession. Since 2015, the artist has been a member of the jury of the Golden Mask.

Andrey Merkuryev: personal life

Popularity has its drawbacks. For example, many fans are more interested in the personal life of idols than their professional achievements. Andrey Merkuryev was no exception. Does he have a wife or girlfriend? This question is asked by many. However, the artist himself stubbornly remains silent and does not give answers to such questions.

But he is happy to talk about his family. So, despite his mature age, Merkuryev managed to maintain close relations with his mother, who is his adviser in many matters, including financial ones. When the artist just started making good money, he gave his parents a separate apartment in his hometown so that they would live at least in old age for their pleasure.
