
“Sunny” son of Bledans Evelina: disease and interesting facts

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“Sunny” son of Bledans Evelina: disease and interesting facts
“Sunny” son of Bledans Evelina: disease and interesting facts

It is no secret to anyone that Evelina Bledans (actress, TV presenter and socialite) and Alexander Semin (producer and director) have a child with developmental problems - Down syndrome. However, stellar parents make tremendous efforts to ensure that their baby grows and develops, is socially adapted. The results they achieved surprise and shock even the doctors.

To give birth or not?

From the very beginning of pregnancy, doctors warned the expectant mother about possible negative consequences for the baby due to her young age. However, Bledans and her husband did not want to hear anything about this, completely rejecting the warnings of doctors.

The son of Bledans Evelina was diagnosed when his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy (14 weeks). News to the spouses was announced on the day when Bledans and Semin flew to Kiev to shoot. The first learned about this Evelina during a rest after arrival. The attending physician called her and announced that the test results had come: “The case is bad.” The further narration of the physician horrified the actress: it all came down to the fact that an abortion was necessary. At this moment, the husband of the TV presenter was absent. Returning to the hotel, he found his wife sobbing on the bed. Finding out the cause of the panic, he called the doctor and announced that they would give birth, no matter what.


The couple decided among themselves that they would love the unborn child without any conditions and no matter who was born - even a dragon. By the way, after birth it was found that Semyon Semenov, the son of Evelina Bledans, has two fused fingers on his left leg, and, as his father jokes, they turned out to be almost right about the dragon.

Birth of Seeds

On this day, April 1, 2012, the birth took place in an atmosphere of jokes and general fun. This all lasted, however, until the time when they got the baby. Happy parents at this moment sobbed with happiness, but around them was deathly silence: the doctors did not share the happiness of the spouses. The reaction of the doctors was generally astounding: the joyful couple began to get the impression that someone was not born, but, on the contrary, died.


One after another, specialists began to come into the ward to the woman in childbirth and examine the newborn. They approached, looked and silently left. At the same time, everyone averted their eyes when Alexander Semin tried to catch their gaze - all this guarded and frightened the spouses. It turned out that the doctors simply did not dare to announce that the son of Bledans had Down syndrome. Instead, they hesitantly repeated the standard phrases: "You understand … You were warned …"

Take it or not?

The top of cynicism was achieved when parents heard from the doctors the question: “Will you take it away?” Such an attitude to “sunny” children can be explained by statistics, but it is depressing. According to her, in Russia the largest percentage of abandonment of children with Down syndrome is 85%. For comparison: in the countries of Scandinavia - 0%, and in the USA every year about 250 people are queued for adoption of children with this diagnosis. So the question is "Will you take it?" With regards to the newborn “sunny” child can be asked only in Russia. In many countries there are special services that deal with the social adaptation of children with Down syndrome, so they can often be seen there walking along the promenade or selling hot dogs, or delivering pizza.


Most of the abandoned children do not live up to their first year of life. Therefore, for Semen’s parents, the question is “Take away or leave?” tantamount to the choice "To kill or not to kill?". But Semyon Semenov, the son of Evelina Bledans, was in good hands …

Caring parents

Health problems in children with Down syndrome begin from birth: they have a severely weakened immune system and are unable to suckle. Despite this, the actress Bledans Evelina, whose son turned out to be a “sunny” child, nevertheless decided to try to breastfeed the baby, although doctors convinced her of the hopelessness of this venture. And mother began to regularly come to the baby in intensive care, where he was connected by numerous wiring to the equipment in order to carry out his plan. Seeing her baby in this position, Evelina could not stand it and burst into tears, but quickly pulled herself together, realizing that the baby feels and understands everything. And yet she managed to achieve the seemingly impossible - Bledans' son, Semyon, began to eat breast milk, which is vital for such children.


The father also takes an active part in the fate of his son. It provides everything you need, it delivers analyzes to laboratories, while having a personal driver and an eternal lack of time. Father, by the way, from childhood talked a lot and was friends with such children, because Alexander’s parents worked with them. Evelina's husband often came to work with his parents, where he made friends with children with special needs. As Semin admits, he developed the ability to communicate with people precisely thanks to his friendship with “sunny” children.

Star parents even refused to live in an apartment in the center of Moscow and moved out of town so that the son of Bledans could breathe fresh air and gain health. For his sake, the actress prepares only healthy food and grows various vegetables on 10 acres of her garden.

First successes

Enhanced parental care is not in vain: even in the hospital, the head noted that the boy was much stronger and gained strength. Son Bledans began to talk, when he was not even two years old, that for such a child - a real miracle. Over time, he became even more active - he learned to dance, draw, and began to play the piano with his father, Alexander Semin. The son of Evelina Bledans underwent a course of dolphin therapy, regularly practices with a defectologist, and also tries innovative techniques. With the help of his mother, Semyon was able to overcome the problem of visual impairment - early astigmatism.


From the very first months, the boy succeeds not only in personal development, but also manifests himself in the social sphere. Moreover, at such an early age he began to provide for himself and earn money. At the age of 6 months, he received his first advertising contract and starred in an advertisement for diapers and wet wipes.

Evelina Bledans with her son conquer the Internet

Semen reports on all his successes and achievements on the Web. To do this, the actress started a page for her child on Twitter, and then on Facebook. There, they actively educate their subscribers about the details of raising children with Down syndrome. And for ill-wishers and envious Evelina Bledans and her son come up with scandalous sensations, one of which “reveals the secret of origin” of Semyon Semin. For this, Bledans posted a photograph taken during the charity race, on which she was captured with Sergey Lazarev, and signed in this way: "Dad, I'm sorry, but I do not look like you." The reaction followed immediately: a flurry of dirty and angry accusations rained down in the comments. But, according to the TV presenter, this dirt becomes healing, if wisely perceived.