
Trump's Status: Finance and Real Estate

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Trump's Status: Finance and Real Estate
Trump's Status: Finance and Real Estate

Video: The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You to Know About: Business, Finance, Marketing 2024, June

Video: The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You to Know About: Business, Finance, Marketing 2024, June

For more than 30 years, President of the United States of America Donald Trump has not left the rating of the richest people on the planet, according to Forbes magazine. In his possession is not only a huge sum of money, but also a large share of real estate. What exactly does the current US president own and how stable is his financial situation at the moment, you can find out by reading this article.

Difference in numbers

It is worth noting that, despite the availability of various kinds of information, it is quite difficult to determine the exact financial condition of Trump: the media data are very different. This is primarily due to the fact that the president himself gave inaccurate data several times, exaggerating the amount of his fortune and not wanting to issue a declaration of profit.

So, Forbes writes that the businessman has $ 3.7 billion, while Bloomberg claims a figure of $ 3 billion. And Fortune magazine does write about a total of $ 3.9 billion. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine an absolutely accurate figure.

In 2016, a statement was published on the state of the businessman, which indicated the ranges of asset value and profit. If we proceed from this document and the lower boundary indicated in it, then we can confidently say that Trump’s fortune is at least $ 1.5 billion.


The most expensive property

Donald Trump's fortune includes a huge share of real estate throughout America. Let's look at some of the largest and most expensive real estate units owned by the American president.

In New York, at 1290 Avenue of the Americas, there is a huge business center with a height of 174 meters. Trump owns 30% of the commercial space in this building. Trump's first major project was the Trump Tower, which is also located in New York. Its height reaches 202 meters. Donald owns most of this skyscraper and the earth beneath it. All this is estimated at 371 million dollars. Trump’s state also includes a skyscraper called Trump Building with a height of 250 meters, the land under which is estimated at 345 million dollars.

In the sunny state of California, in the city of San Francisco, the businessman owns an office building 237 meters high. Trump's share here is 30% and is estimated by Forbes magazine at $ 317 million.


Detailed analysis of financial condition

According to the calculations of the New York newspaper The New York Times, based on data from the Trump declaration, the following components can be distinguished in his condition. First of all, this is the profit that goes into the state of Trump from his business projects and amounts to more than 600 million dollars. This includes first-class five-star hotels, chic golf courses, vast areas in office buildings that are leased to large companies. Another significant share in the state of Trump is the profit earned from using the president’s name and copyrights. This share is at least 10 million dollars. Donald Trump also owns the Miss Universe brand. In this area, almost $ 50 million is attributed to the tycoon.

In addition to the above, Donald Trump's state includes various kinds of assets, for example, stocks with a face value of more than $ 60 million, planes worth at least $ 58 million, as well as vineyards, from which the businessman has about $ 6 million.
