the culture

Modern Muslims: stealing a bride is profitable and illegal

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Modern Muslims: stealing a bride is profitable and illegal
Modern Muslims: stealing a bride is profitable and illegal

Video: Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan 2024, July

Video: Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan 2024, July

It seems that without stealing a bride the custom of a wedding is not a wedding. This tradition, probably followed at every wedding, discharges the atmosphere. So that the not sober public does not have a desire to scandal on the abduction of the bride, we recommend that you follow these rules:

  • coordinate the moment of abduction of the bride with the host;
  • do not take the girl far;
  • do not hide it in a dirty place: to stain an expensive dress is the least that the bride wants on this day;
  • do not delay the process in time, everything should last no more than 30 minutes;
  • do not ask much for a ransom;
  • pour alcohol into the shoe is not worth it.

Sparkling scenarios

The bride is “stolen" not only by the “kunaki of a loving jigit” - it’s only the master’s imagination! Imagine stealing a bride at a wedding by knights! Under the roar of war drums in heavy armor, three severe knights enter the hall, surround the bride. They demand a gold ransom, in addition, the groom and his friends will have a number of medieval trials so that the beautiful lady will again be in his arms. For example, hold the “sword” for as long as possible without bending your arm, catch flying rings with the tip of the sword, and be accurate when shooting at the target. As an option, the groom, fighting the knights in the tournament, shows his valor and courage.

Or the bride’s theft by gangsters - the real Godfather. Those who entered the mafia demand from the groom, owed them to the boss, a round sum, they take the bride hostage, the amount is increased. And the groom is undergoing tests to free the girl, for example, you need to throw darts at a 3D target, try your hand at jumping in a bag. After testing between gangsters, a quarrel erupts with impromptu skirmishes. And the groom eventually wins!


The abduction by special forces is a modern version of the scenario for stealing the bride. Powerful guys burst into the room and, appealing to the new order of the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, must take everyone into the army, including the groom. What a bride! But if the "recruiter" immediately passes the "young fighter's course" here and now, he will not be taken away on condition of completing tasks (for example, shooting, fighting with "swords", tug of war). The soldiers will return the bride.

"The bride was stolen, Comrade Petty Officer!"

In the Caucasus and in Muslim countries, stories about bride theft are still popular. This ancient custom of abducting a chosen one is unacceptable for a civilized modern man. The rejection of this custom by the authorities and spiritual leaders has all legal grounds, but today among young people this custom is again gaining popularity (where is the money for kalym?). Marrying a man whom she has never seen is a grief for a girl.

Where does it happen and why

The custom of bride theft and forced marriage is widespread among the Turkic peoples and the Caucasus, as well as in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, in African countries.

The groom and their friends, or they themselves, without the groom, abduct the bride and bring him to the groom's house. The task of the relatives is to calm the kidnapped girl and persuade her to marry.


Even in the Bible there was a parable about the abduction of the girls of Israel. Thus, the male ancestors chose women for themselves.

Progress allowed women to get equal rights with men. Stealing a person even out of great love is a criminally punishable practice. But both men and women of the Caucasus today do not oppose these traditions.

Benefits for the groom

For the kidnapped bride, you don’t have to pay her parents if the groom is lower than the bride by social status. The groom fell in love, and the bride does not suspect anything. Sometimes this is a good way to happiness; many Caucasian families are distinguished by their love and harmony.

Process description

Representatives of the groom's family and friends lead the theft of the bride. Previously, a dzhigit kidnapped the girl, throwing her over the horse’s saddle, today he chooses the option of stealing by car.

The girl is forced to spend the night in the groom's house. Since then, she is considered disgraced, no one will choose the "unclean" bride as his wife. A girl can save honor only by escaping from this house before dawn.


A night in a strange house and rejection of a wedding are catalysts for inciting hostility between families. If the girl agrees to marriage, then in the morning the bride and groom are sent to her parents to ask for blessings. By tradition, the bride’s parents refuse. After the birth of the first-born, they change their minds, the son-in-law is accepted into the family.

Is it legal?

Modern Caucasian elders do not consider bride theft to be a method of creating a family. The mental state of the abducted young girl is so oppressed that it can lead her to suicide (there is an article - bringing to suicide).

In addition, based on the appeal of the girl’s parents to the kidnapper, a criminal case is opened, which can be closed if the young woman agrees to the wedding and her parents calmed down.