
Sports journalist Andrei Malosolov

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Sports journalist Andrei Malosolov
Sports journalist Andrei Malosolov

Born in the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow, the future journalist and public figure Andrei Malosolov. Year of birth - 1973. The love of football came to him in his youth. Already in 1987, he entered a subculture, which consisted of football fans - ardent fans of CSKA.

Andrey Malosolov: biography of a talented person


Andrei’s life is interesting because at the age of 14 he traveled all over the country, trying to attend all the matches of his favorite team. Being an active and sociable person, he made many friends who gave him the nickname Andrei Batumsky. Such a pseudonym was invented after the scandal in Georgia, when the guides dropped the teenager off the train.

First business project

In the early 90s, Andrei founded his own company, called the “Russian Fan Herald”.


After graduating from an educational institution and receiving a diploma, the young man had the opportunity to work as a photojournalist covering politics and various sports events. Andrei Malosolov always took photos of excellent quality, so the editorial offices of several newspapers bought them at once:

  • "Version";

  • "Russian newspaper";

  • "TVNZ";

  • online edition of onedivision.

For several years, the journalist worked for RIA Novosti, where he held the position of war correspondent, visited two hot spots: the First Chechen War and Yugoslavia during the escalation of the conflict.

Also, Andrey Vladimirovich Malosolov, whose photo is presented in the article, covered the events related to military incidents in Russia, collected information about terrorist attacks, riots and protests.

The work of a journalist in the Government of the Russian Federation

In the period from 1998 to 2005, Malosolov happened to work in the Government, where he was engaged in journalistic activities, telling the citizens of our country about the work of the highest executive body of state power.


During this period he had a chance to get to know better such famous people in Russian politics as E. Primakov, V. Putin, M. Fradkov, S. Kiriyenko, S. Stepashin. In his career as a journalist, Andrei also worked with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, S. Ivanov at that time held this position.

Work in the sports direction

After working in the Government of the Russian Federation, Andrei received the position of sports observer. Since 2005, five years in a row, he was the head of the press service of the RFU (Russian Football Union).


Already in 2007, together with A. Shprygin, Malosolov opened the PSA (All-Russian Association of Fans). Such an organization has become a pioneer in our country. In 2010, the journalist took the position of PR-director in the Sochi football club under the name “Pearl”. At the beginning of 2012, photographer Andrey Malosolov became deputy director for special projects of the autonomous organization under the wing of the ROC Sports of Excellence. In parallel, the journalist began teaching sports marketing at GUU.


Andrei Malosolov often appears on the radio as a presenter. He is especially known in the projects “Hour RFU” and on the radio “Sport FM”.


Andrew has become an active blogger on the Internet. At the moment, he has organized several thematic forums where new legislation is being discussed related to events important for many, such as:

  • life of Russian fans;

  • safety during football matches and other mass sports competitions.

In addition to blogging, journalist and columnist Malosolov manages to give lectures at the MFPU Synergy. The topic for listeners is sports events and a marketing program.

TV presenter

Since the summer of 2012, football commentator Andrei Malosolov has been the director and chief presenter of the TVJam channel. His project is called "Fanzone". This program was created independently by active fans and tells the story of the life of the most active fans, their interests and outstanding events. In 2013, Andrei began to serve as the press secretary of the organizing committee at the OFL.

In 2014, he served as a press attaché at the United Super Bowl, which was successfully held in Israel.

Creation by a journalist of a unique publication in Russia

As Malosolov himself tells reporters, the idea to create a unique organization called “Russian Fan Herald” came to him after completing his diploma work, which was written on the topic “Overview of Political and Music Publications Published by Amateur Journalists in the Soviet Union”.

The first circulation of the brainchild of Malosolov (RFV) was released in the early 90s of the last century. The magazine was published illegally in the office of Vnesheconombank. Such an organization was not chosen by chance. The fact is that there were xerox machines that were in short supply in the USSR.

The magazine was popular from the first day of sales and lasted until 2005. Readers not only fell in love with him, many began to try to imitate the authors of the magazine, releasing their own independent projects. A boom in the production of samizdat has formed in the country.

The magazine was aimed at a narrow audience of CSKA fans, but fans of other clubs fell in love with it. The people called the fan edition, because journalists covered the activities of fan groups from all over the country.

The head of the magazine has repeatedly stated that the inspiration for the creation of the RFV was self-published for lovers of rock music, as well as idols of the public of that time: M. Zoshchenko and D. Harms. Thanks to these people, articles in the RFV journal were printed in a slightly ironic form.

Achievement of the RFV publication:

  1. V. Utkin gave his first interview to this particular print publication (Vasily Utkin is a popular Russian commentator on football matches, he also served as editor-in-chief on NTV Plus).

  2. It was at the RFV that the first detailed interview was published with the legendary man from England - the famous writer Brimson Dougie. He is known for his stories about fans and their activities in European countries.

Active football fan

Commentator Andrei Malosolov gained popularity among football fans by helping to establish the legendary group of CSKA fans - Red Blue Warriors. Its discovery fell on 1994. Together with the rival Spartsak group Flints Crew, CSKA fans made a small revolution in our country in fan football movements. Such associations paved the way for new fan groups.


In the mid-90s, with the support of the famous musician R. Ostrolutsky and actor V. Epifantsev, our hero began to open the first parties for fans and fans of football battles. In addition to organizations gathering fans together, Andrey Malosolov became the All-Russian mediator of fans representing various teams. He advocated maintaining neutrality between warring fan groups.

In 1996, a journalist and columnist became a member of the joining forces among domestic fans.

Community work with fans in Russia

After 3 years, photojournalist and football commentator Andrei Malosolov again noted. He took part in an advertising campaign in which a meeting of CSKA and Spartak fans was planned. It is noteworthy that the meeting was held near the walls of the American embassy. A large crowd of young people gathered to demand an end to the war in Yugoslavia.

Malosolov also acted as one of the ideological founders of a radio program called “Fan Club”, which tells about the life of Russian fans. The broadcast was broadcast on the Sport radio.

About the "heroes" of English football

Not so long ago, Anders Lindegor said that English football is sorely lacking in a gay hero. His words were criticized by football expert A. Malosolov. He said that in English football there is already Winnie Jones, who is positioned as a pogrom and a bully. He successfully transferred to the cinema business. The British also have a cute handsome Beckham. However, despite his sleek appearance, he has a traditional orientation, because he was seen more than once with women.

In Foggy Albion, many worthy people played football, team captains, and just experienced football players showing good results:

  1. Terry.

  2. Gerrard and many others.

And now, journalists say that England does not have enough heroes in football of a different plan. According to Andrey, such opinions may turn out to be the majority soon, because in this country it is now forbidden to be intolerant. Thanks to new laws regarding fans, heart and soul were taken away from football in England, Malosolov said. Now in the stadiums you have to sit calmly and without emotions.

If a statement about homosexuals were made 10 years ago, fans would be furious, and now the time has come when they quietly talk about it about new heroes of the “blue” color. At all football matches, young people from England are decorated so that they can be put on the circus arena as clowns. They only do that they sing the anthem of their country several times. They can do nothing more useful.

Andrei added that they want to adopt similar laws on homosexuals in our country. Probably, this is done so that among our stands they are looking for a national hero of a non-traditional orientation.