the culture

An old man in poor clothes came to a motor show and asked to be shown a fashion bike.

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An old man in poor clothes came to a motor show and asked to be shown a fashion bike.
An old man in poor clothes came to a motor show and asked to be shown a fashion bike.

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Most of us are already used to stories about employees of branded stores who treat their customers differently depending on how they dress. If an impeccably dressed customer comes to the store, he is given increased attention and is well served. When a sloppy-dressed person comes into a luxury store, they are usually ignored, or served at random.

Disadvantageous customer

But appearance does not always reflect the true financial situation of the client. The sellers from a car dealership selling luxury motorcycles were able to verify this from their own experience.

An elderly man from Thailand decided to teach a handful of sellers a valuable lesson in basic human politeness when he decided to buy a motorcycle. He went into a luxurious lounge, dressed in a full-blown, tattered, t-shirt, baggy, worn trousers, and slippers.


Dressed so casually, he visited several car dealerships in search of a superbike for himself. While he examined the cars in stores, the sellers did not pay any attention to him, passing him like an empty place.

Mistaken impression

Due to the fact that the old man was poorly dressed, the sellers had the impression that he could not afford to buy an expensive motorcycle, so they simply ignored him. A man wandered around the cabin, looking at the luxurious bikes, while sellers pretended that he did not exist. Perhaps the old man was also lucky that he was not kicked out the door. He moved from one store to another, and did not wait until he was served and paid attention to him. And only in one of them the seller approached him with a condescending smile.

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Appearances are deceptive

After wandering around the next car dealership for ten minutes, the old man exclaimed: “I take this one!” The seller did not believe his ears - an ordinary poor man in shabby clothes was pointing to a luxury Harley Davidson motorcycle! The seller, continuing to smile condescendingly, named the price of the chosen superbike. Imagine his surprise when the client only nodded in agreement. And in front of the amazed seller, who was speechless for several minutes, he pulled out several packs of money to pay for the Harley Davidson he liked!

He took about nineteen thousand dollars from the pockets of his battered trousers. The seller’s smile has turned from condescending to respectful and even obsequious. In his eyes, this elderly, sloppy dressed man turned into a client worthy of attention and the highest quality service.

And the client paid off suddenly become an incredibly polite seller and drove off on his brand new superbike.