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Statuses with meaning: cool sayings about the main thing

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Statuses with meaning: cool sayings about the main thing
Statuses with meaning: cool sayings about the main thing

Video: Best Inspirational Famous Movie Quotes 2024, June

Video: Best Inspirational Famous Movie Quotes 2024, June

Statuses with meaning, cool, original and memorable, are easy to come up with. It is more difficult to formulate them in such a way that they are understandable to others. We offer a selection of statuses with a meaning about the main thing - life, love and friendship.


Cool statuses in the "VK" with the meaning

  • "To have power over your fears and doubts, you need to know them."

  • "It’s much worse to repeat mistakes than to make them."

  • "Weak people are offended. Strong - thank you for the lesson."

  • "To get up in the morning with ease, you need to live a dream."

  • "No one is so busy as not to find time for communication. One reason is unwillingness."

  • "We remember longer what we are trying hard to forget."

  • "What is happening in life is just events. Our perceptions make them problems."

  • "Overcoming obstacles, a person becomes a cut above."

  • "Success does not recognize laziness."

  • "Those who once refused help should be thanked. They help you achieve everything yourself."

  • "Making concessions is a sign of wisdom, not weakness."

  • "Indifference is worse than hate."

  • "We are talking about people what we ourselves are."

  • "Constant doubts do not change life."

Cool statuses about love with meaning

The lion's share of statements on social networks is devoted to love and all its manifestations. Further - statuses with a meaning cool about the relationship of the sexes and feelings.

  • "Eyes shining with love are the best makeup for a woman."

  • "If the presence of a person does not change you in any way, this is not love."

  • "For the relationship, the past is not as important as the future."

  • "Love is the only captivity for which freedom can be exchanged."

  • "The basis of all human actions is love. Its excess or lack."

  • "True love cannot end in either happiness or pain. It does not end at all."

  • "Love is a symbiosis of friendship, passion and mental attraction. Therefore, it controls a person entirely: his soul, mind and body."

  • "Many mistakes are possible in love. But without love, all life is a mistake."

  • "Love is a need. The need to care, be present in the life of another and enjoy it."

  • "Parting is an opportunity to make sure that people need each other or not."

  • "Buying love is impossible. But you have to pay for it."

  • "Usually those who say that no one needs them are not really needed by one particular person."

  • "The desire to change another person for the sake of their comfort is no longer love."

  • "Love is distinguished from passion by the desire to give, not to take."

Original statuses about life

Cool status about life with meaning can be formulated independently. It is enough to decide on a specific thought that needs to be conveyed to the reader and place it in a short statement. Options for such statuses below.

  • "Wrinkles are the paths traveled by man."

  • “Over the years, it’s more difficult for a person to make new relationships with people. Because he begins to treat himself more carefully.”

  • "Life is similar for most people. And to be happy or unhappy is an individual choice."

  • "Life is music that comes to life under the fingers of a musician."

  • "Reflections on life do not bring about a change. Everything can be changed only by actions."

  • "A happy life consists of little joys. A happy person knows how to notice them."

  • "If you constantly wait for the right moment, you can skip life."

  • "It’s unpleasant to realize that we ourselves are to blame for all our troubles. Therefore, we strive to blame others for this."

  • "Not all events of life we ​​can predict. But we can do everything to increase their likelihood."