
Stesha Malikova, Alex and other rich children who failed to buy the love of the audience

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Stesha Malikova, Alex and other rich children who failed to buy the love of the audience
Stesha Malikova, Alex and other rich children who failed to buy the love of the audience

Looking at successful people from wealthy families, many are sure that capital alone helped them achieve their podium. And we agree, there are many such examples: Alsou, rapper Timati, and also Decl. But there is a flip side to the coin. The lack of talent in some cases has greatly failed, and even the millions invested could not consolidate the success. Let's talk today about the stars of Russian show business who were not helped by parental money, and everyone quickly forgot about them.

Alexander Chvikov (Alex)

Sasha (daughter of the Ukrainian millionaire Alexander Chvikov) got into the whirlpool of Russian show business at a very young age, she was 16 years old. The girl passed the selection and became a participant in the reality show "Star Factory - 4". Alexa instantly gained popularity and became an idol and a model of style for all teenage girls in the country.

Soft toys and romantic love songs are the image of singer Alexa on the project. In addition, the girl supported her interest in her relations with another of the participants in the show - Timati rapper. However, the relationship between the two young people ended almost immediately after the completion of the musical project. And if Timati, after 12 years, became the owner of the Black Star company and one of the highest paid rappers in the country, then Alexa no longer took the stage. Sasha Chvikova made several plastic surgeries, and also makes attempts to start a jewelry business.

Elena Zosimova

Lena is the daughter of the ex-chairman of the board of directors of MTV in our country and the president of Universal Music. Frankly, we have not even heard of this. However, the girl at one time tried to become a singer. And then the question comes to mind: what are your chances of becoming a pop princess if you are a pretty daughter of the founder of MTV Russia Boris Zosimov?

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But connections and money alone were not enough, since the talent clearly bypassed Lena. Currently, Elena is raising sons and is an exemplary housewife. Or maybe he sings, but only for her husband.

Rodion Gazmanov

Rodion is the son of one of the most popular singers of the beginning of the 21st century and the real celebrity - Oleg Gazmanov. Rodion at a very young age went on stage with his father. And then his performance of the song “Lucy” was quite popular.


However, when the young man decided to return to the stage at a conscious age (he was a participant in the show "Voice"), a miracle did not happen. Musical career never went uphill. But the young man is not discouraged and now works as a TV presenter on Channel 1.

Stefania Malikova and YurKiss

Several years ago, the 20th Golden Gramophone Music Award took place. Typically, gramophones go to really popular artists, but this time everything went wrong … Unexpectedly for all the audience and other artists, the duet was awarded to 16-year-old (at that time) Stefanie Malikova and 17-year-old YurKiss. By the way, the audience did not understand why and why young people were awarded.


Moreover, young "talents" performed under the phonogram. Dmitry Malikov - Stephanie's father - himself admits that Stesha is not quite out of voice data.