
HUNDRED (one hundred) is All abbreviations and words

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HUNDRED (one hundred) is All abbreviations and words
HUNDRED (one hundred) is All abbreviations and words

Video: 100 Common QSO words @15wpm -- Beginning Morse Code 2024, June

Video: 100 Common QSO words @15wpm -- Beginning Morse Code 2024, June

Not all letter combinations are immediately easy to decipher. And at the same time there are ambiguous abbreviations that also coincide in spelling with full words. For example, STO - what is this? Do you know all the definitions, decryption? We will check this in this article.

Meaning of the word “one hundred”

One hundred - a value equal to 100 units of something, a numeral. One hundred rubles, baskets, people, kilometers.


You can replace the following same root words: weaving, hundred, weaving, etc.

Service station

Most often, the abbreviation STO is heard. What's this? Technical service station - an enterprise that provides organizations and citizens with services in scheduled car maintenance, overhaul and repair of damage, breakdowns, vehicle restoration, installation of additional equipment.

What is STO? Most often, such a complex includes:

  • Tire changer;

  • lifts;

  • balancing;

  • wheel aligner;

  • oil change plants;

  • areas for flushing the fuel system;

  • leveling stands and equipment;

  • devices for the diagnosis of automotive electrical circuits;

  • drying and painting equipment;

  • pneumatic, hand tools.



The abbreviation is used in the field of standardization of products along with two others:

  • STO is an organization standard. Normative documentation approved by jur. a person who establishes certain technical standards to which the manufactured products must comply.

  • TU - technical specifications. Regulatory documents that are developed by the manufacturer, but approved by the line ministry with minimal formalities.

  • GOST - state standard. The most serious requirements for products that are developed and approved by the Russian Interstate Council for Standardization.