
Archipelagic countries. Places where dreams come true

Archipelagic countries. Places where dreams come true
Archipelagic countries. Places where dreams come true

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Archipelagic countries are places that tourists enjoy visiting. They include a whole group of islands, inhabited and uninhabited. There are a lot of such corners on Earth. Each of them is interesting in its own way, has its own flora and fauna and nature unique in its beauty. Sometimes archipelagos are part of a country located on the mainland.


The most famous archipelago country is Indonesia. Today this corner is the most visited by tourists from all over the world. This archipelago consists of 17, 508 islands. Its total length is 5150 kilometers.

The landscape of the islands is very diverse. On some of them are mountains, whose moisture is softened by beautiful tropical forests. There are islands that are simply buried in the greenery of plants typical of this area. There are also volcanoes that are active to this day.

If we consider all the archipelagic countries of the world, then Indonesia is considered one of the largest states. It is a densely populated country with a population of about 234 million people.


Islam prevails in Indonesia. Approximately 87% of the population are residents of Islam. It should be noted the rich culture of the peoples living here. In total, Indonesia has 580 languages ​​and dialects.

Archipelagic countries are a group of islands located on the high seas. Usually they have a volcanic nature of origin. Despite the large number of islands that make up Indonesia, many of them are uninhabited. Only about 6, 000 islands are inhabited by peoples. Among the largest should be noted the island of Java, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Kalimantan and Sumatra.

Many mountain systems located in this country have active volcanoes. Therefore, earthquakes here are not uncommon.

If we consider all the archipelagic countries, then Indonesia is the largest representative. The three largest islands in the world are part of it. But these are not only unique geographical features.


Many islands have unique vegetation, among which no less interesting representatives of the fauna live. The main industry here is tourism. The interesting cultural life of the country and its unique tropical climate attract tourists from all over the world. The most famous place of pilgrimage is the island of Bali, where you can find the most beautiful places and entertainment for every taste with notes of local flavor.

French Polynesia is also included in the category of archipelago countries. This is a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean. Each of them is distinguished by its originality and beauty. Landscapes that open to the eyes of tourists are striking in the diversity of vegetation, in the splendor of lagoons with soft, gentle sand. In total there are 118 islands of various origin.

Guinea-Bissau also has on its territory a beautiful group of islands that form the Bijagos archipelago. It consists of 88 islands, of which 22 are inhabited. Many tourists visit these places to admire the beauty of nature untouched by man.

Archipelagic countries are very attractive for tourists, as they are unique corners with pristine nature and rare representatives of the plant and animal world.