
Dragonflies are the most effective predators; on Mondays the risk of a heart attack increases - facts that are not mentioned in the news

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Dragonflies are the most effective predators; on Mondays the risk of a heart attack increases - facts that are not mentioned in the news
Dragonflies are the most effective predators; on Mondays the risk of a heart attack increases - facts that are not mentioned in the news

Video: Introduction to Dragonflies 2024, June

Video: Introduction to Dragonflies 2024, June

Statistics know everything. Where people live, how much they weigh, when they most often suffer from a heart attack. You will be surprised, but scientists keep statistics of everything imaginable. We will talk about 10 such breathtaking statistics that are not covered in the news.

1. About 90% of all people live in the Northern Hemisphere


The total population of the Earth is 7.3 billion people. Of these, about 6.57 billion people, that is, about 90% of the total population, live north of the equator.

This is because on the northern half of the Earth is 67.3% of all land, including all of Europe and North America, most of Africa and Asia, as well as part of South America. In contrast, the Southern Hemisphere is 80.9% covered by the oceans, while the proportion covered by water in the Northern Hemisphere is relatively smaller - only 60.7%.

2. 0.3% of the solar energy from the Sahara is enough to power all of Europe


Radiant sunlight falling on the vast expanses of the Sahara desert attracts scientists from all over the world. To use this clean, renewable source of energy, scientists are calling for a series of huge solar farms.

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The area in the Sahara Desert, which is most suitable for these farms, is slightly smaller than Wales. According to Arnulf Jäger-Waldau of the European Commission’s Institute of Energy, even 0.3% of the light falling on the Sahara desert will be enough to satisfy all of Europe’s energy needs.

According to scientists, local intense sunlight can generate three times more electricity than electricity generated from all sources of solar energy in Northern Europe. Electricity generated in the Sahara Desert will be transmitted to Europe via high-voltage DC cables.

3. On Mondays, the risk of a heart attack is about 20% higher for men and 15% for women


The thought of Monday after a weekend break provokes a mini-heart attack in everyone. But the jokes aside. Scientists have discovered that there are actually more heart attacks on Monday than any other day. This was discovered as a result of studies conducted between 2008 and 2012. in 11 emergency departments of public hospitals with more than 45, 000 patients with heart problems.

The study also showed that patients with a heart attack on Monday were more likely to go to the hospital rather than call an ambulance.

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4. All ants on earth weigh more than all people


An accurate calculation of the number of people, birds, trees, fish and other living things on Earth is almost impossible. Thus, the solution is to evaluate and calculate the “biomass”. This number is determined by multiplying the estimated population by their average weight. After the calculation, the experts determined that the human biomass is approximately 350 million tons. One of the highest biomass is ants, which are estimated to be around 3, 000 million tons.

Do you know whose biomass is greater than ants? These are bacteria. With a population of about 4 quadrillion, their biomass is 1, 000, 000 million tons!

5. About 25% of air pollution in the western United States comes from China


As the United States began outsourcing production to China, pollution in some parts of the United States decreased. But recent studies have shown that US-related Chinese products actually increase pollution in some regions of the United States. This study was conducted by nine scientists based in three countries, and their study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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According to the study, Chinese exports account for between 12% and 24% of daily sulfate concentrations in the western United States. As China produces American consumer goods, their air quality is deteriorating due to the low efficiency of their industries. Pollution from China is delivered to the United States by winds called the Westerly. These winds send chemical, polluted air across the Pacific in a matter of days. The study also suggests that although air quality in the western United States is deteriorating due to Chinese exports, there is a net benefit because population density in the western United States is lower than in the eastern.

6. Dragonflies - the most effective predators on Earth


Who is the deadliest hunter in the world? This question immediately brings to mind some large cats, such as a tiger or a cheetah. Undoubtedly, these animals are dangerous predators. Although, there are other "maniacs." These are army ants. One colony of these insects can capture up to 30, 000 victims in just one day.

But the crown of the deadliest hunter in the world goes to dragonflies. According to a Harvard University study, in 2012 it was discovered that dragonflies caught up to 95% of the prey they were hunting for. This amazing dragonfly success rate is possible due to their intricate eyes and wings, which are controlled by individual muscles, resulting in amazing acceleration and dexterity.


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But, according to neuroscientist Anthony Leonardo, this is also related to the dragonfly’s brain, which uses highly optimized hunting strategies to predict where the prey is heading.

7. Samsung is responsible for 25% of South Korea's GDP


Ask anyone about Samsung and they will tell you that this is an electronics company that is well known for its smartphones. In fact, Samsung's parent conglomerate is based in South Korea. The corporation is one of the largest family-controlled conglomerates that has dominated the country's economy for decades.

Samsung has integrated into almost every aspect of the life of the people of South Korea. They own medical centers, residential complexes, manufacturers of equipment and electronics, funeral homes and even a branch of the University. In 2017, Samsung accounted for more than 20% of the total market value of the Korean Stock Exchange.

8. Beef Production Causes 80% of Brazil's Rainforest Deforestation


The next time you order a beef steak or hamburger, think that your whim can affect the deforestation of the Amazon. Over the past three decades, the Amazon region has lost about a fifth of its forest. There are many factors causing deforestation, but the main reason is cattle breeding, especially in Brazil. Trees are cut down to turn the land into a pasture for grazing.

The lands for food production of livestock also become bloodless. Between 24 and 25 million hectares of land in Brazil is used to produce soybeans, 80% of which serve as animal feed. Brazil is the world's largest exporter of beef. As the population grows, so does the consumption of meat per capita. To curb growing deforestation, the Brazilian government has taken numerous steps to reduce deforestation.

9. Up to 15% of Google searches are not found every day

Google is an integral part of the life of every Internet user and processes 100 billion requests every month, producing results in microseconds. But if you think that Google knows everything, then you are mistaken. According to John Wylie, lead designer of Google Search, every day about 500 million searches the search engine "sees" for the first time. Surprisingly, it is a fact: it has been going on for more than 15 years.