
Svetlana Bodrova: life after the death of Sergey

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Svetlana Bodrova: life after the death of Sergey
Svetlana Bodrova: life after the death of Sergey

Svetlana Bodrova is the widow of Sergei Bodrov, Jr., who went missing 15 years ago in the spring of 2002. At the moment, the woman works on the First TV channel as the director of the TV program "Wait for me."

Svetlana Bodrova: biography

Bodrov's wife - Svetlana - was born in 1971 in the suburbs. It is known that before her marriage with Sergey, a woman was married to a policeman Mikhailov. However, the relationship did not last long, and the marriage of the young people cracked. Svetlana left for the capital and entered the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography at the Faculty of Journalism.


After some time, she met an influential man who helped her become the author of the Sharks of Pen and Canon programs. When Svetlana Bodrova (the photo of the girl is indicated in the article) was 26 years old, she met a young actor Sergei Bodrov. Their meeting took place in Cuba, where a young journalist went with the television company "VID" to cover the festival of youth and students.

Svetlana Bodrova - wife of Sergei Bodrov

Young people started dating, and a year later they got married. In the same 1998, a girl was born to Sergei and Svetlana Bodrova, who was named Olga, and a month before Bodrov disappeared, the couple gave birth to a boy, Sasha. Not much is known about relations with spouses due to the fact that the couple preferred to keep their personal life secret from the public.

When Sergei went missing, Svetlana was left alone with two children. The woman loved her husband very much and lived with him for 5 happy years. The departure from the life of the spouse was for her and for Olya and Sasha a terrible blow.


At the moment, having lived for many years without a strong shoulder, Svetlana Bodrova continues to independently raise her children. The only thing is that sometimes her mother and mother-in-law help her in this.

According to relatives, the widow of Bodrov has a fairly closed lifestyle. Despite the fact that the woman is beautiful and charming, after the death of her husband (the tragedy happened back in 2002), she never managed to meet a man who could worthily replace Sergei Bodrov.

Memories of the lost idol

Before his death, the famous artist, who was remembered by millions thanks to his participation in films such as “Brother” and “Brother-2, ” built a solid house for his family. To this day, Svetlana and her children often come to that house, but without their beloved husband and father. Until the last, Svetlana lived in hope and believed that her husband was alive. But, alas, the facts say the opposite.


It is known that about his future wife - Svetlana Bodrova - Sergey Bodrov thought a lot since his childhood. The Russian actor claimed that he always knew how his wife should look. He thought a lot about it and looked forward to meeting his lover. And when this happened, Sergey recognized the girl and married her.

When the young people were married, Sergey did not pay the slightest attention to his fans. While away from his beloved wife, he sent his wife incredibly beautiful romantic letters.