
Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakova: biography and interesting facts

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Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakova: biography and interesting facts
Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakova: biography and interesting facts

It is always interesting to read biographies of famous people, especially those who happened to be born in simple poor families, but work and perseverance to make their way to fame and recognition. Those whose talent simply could not go unnoticed. When you read such life stories, the soul rejoices. One of such examples is the fate of a talented director, and part-time wife of the famous country-wide host of a humorous television program of all time, and just a pleasant woman. Her name is Svetlana Maslyakova, the wife of Alexander Maslyakova, which, in fact, will be discussed in today's article. By the way, on the agenda will be not only a biography of a talented woman, but also a story about her life achievements.


Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing the fact that the modern generation has heard about the wife of Alexander Maslyakov, Svetlana Maslyakova, precisely in the context of information about her famous husband. Meanwhile, she herself is a self-sufficient, gifted and incredibly talented person. Few people know that Maslyakova did a lot for the development of cinema and journalism. But before telling the reader about the achievements of women in these areas, it is first necessary to tell about her childhood and personal formation.

Childish character


Svetlana Anatolyevna had a chance to be born in difficult times. This event took place in 1947, when our country was just beginning to recover from a bloody war that claimed the lives of people and almost completely destroyed its infrastructure. In fairness, it is worth saying that it was at that time that the character of Svetlana Anatolyevna was tempered. She was always attentive to the people around her, she knew how to set goals, reaching them. Thanks to such qualities, the future wife of Alexander Maslyakova, Svetlana Maslyakova, has earned the respect and trust of many people.

Also, the woman herself and many people in her environment note that in childhood there were never tantrums or tears due to lack of gifts. Svetlana never asked her parents for anything, realizing the difficult time she lived. This is also an important point that perfectly characterizes the personality.

Studying and starting a career


The future wife of Alexander Maslyakov, Svetlana, whose biography we are trying to remember today, graduated from Moscow general school No. 519. She showed a craving for the humanities, including literature, quite early. After school, Svetlana continued her studies at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute.

But the truly key moment in her life that marked the beginning of her career was the placement of a young girl as an assistant director in the youth editorial office of Central Television in a project that was gaining momentum under the name "Club of the Fun and the Inventive." Soon after, the wife of Alexander Maslyakova Svetlana Maslyakova took courses that prepared her for more responsible work. So, in 1972 she became a director.

Due to the fact that since that time the girl could not be seen on the screens, and the main activity of the beginning director was behind the scenes, many did not even know that such responsible work rests on the fragile female shoulders. In general, television gave the host of the first channel and his chosen one a lot: it was here that Alexander Maslyakov met his wife Svetlana.

Favorite work


"A talented person is talented in everything!" - so says folk wisdom. And it is absolutely fair. Svetlana Maslyakova for many years combines several roles, successfully coping with them. For example, thanks to the efforts of this amazing woman, in 1986 KVN was revived, although the television project was trying to close.

Another role Maslyakova, so to speak, is motherhood. Her famous son, Alexander Maslyakov, the youngest, is very proud that, with his classical education, he managed to continue his family business and join the world of television and the humorous environment. In many ways, he was supported and helped by Svetlana Maslyakova, the wife of Alexander Maslyakov, who did not resist the desire of her son.

Although initially the plans of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. had a strong desire to become a diplomat. Svetlana Anatolyevna is very delicate not only in communication with her son, but also in conversations with other people. This fact is noted by many people familiar with the director. But at the same time, Svetlana is able to defend her position (especially in terms of creativity). Again, doing this delicately so as not to offend people.



With all the determination and strength of spirit, Svetlana never contradicted her husband. She supported all his ideas in terms of creativity. And this is one of the character traits of a talented woman endowed with worldly wisdom. In her youth, Svetlana Maslyakova (wife of Alexander Maslyakova) was able to help her husband not to be disappointed in the profession and insisted that he in no way give up the idea of ​​continuing to work on the KVN project. Apparently, she is a really strong woman who not only was able to build her own career, but also helped her to make a spouse and son. This adds respect in the eyes of people. At the same time, Svetlana is always modest in an interview, she does not praise herself and her projects, believing that a truly talented person does not need this.

Interesting facts from the life of Maslyakov

After spending more than 50 years on television, which means that the whole country is in full view, the Maslyakov family acquired a sufficient number of interesting facts about themselves and their lives. We list some of them:

  1. As soon as the audience saw Alexander and Svetlana on the screens, they immediately considered that they were in front of a married couple. It turns out that even before the start of their relationship, the television couple had already been married.

  2. It is noteworthy that at one time Svetlana's husband was in a creative tandem with Svetlana Zhiltsova, with whom he led the program "Club of the Fun and the Inventive." Of course, inquisitive viewers thought not only about the creative union of young people, but even attributed a novel to them. However, the girl quickly disappeared from the TV screens, leaving Maslyakova in splendid isolation. By the way, he is the permanent host of a humorous television show of all time for over 50 years.
