
The secret of the "bottomless" lake in Kabardino-Balkaria, which hides many secrets (photo)

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The secret of the "bottomless" lake in Kabardino-Balkaria, which hides many secrets (photo)
The secret of the "bottomless" lake in Kabardino-Balkaria, which hides many secrets (photo)

A unique miracle created by nature is located in the mountains of the Caucasus, in Kabardino-Balkaria. This is the mysterious lake Tserik-Kel. It looks small. Its width is 130 meters, and its length is 235. But at the same time, a huge thickness of water is hidden in it due to its very large depth. The lake itself, in turn, is located at an altitude of 809 meters.


Lake without bottom

The lake has a fantastic depth for such sizes - approximately 279 meters. At the same time, many consider the reservoir to be "bottomless", since this figure is not final. In 2016, divers made dives, even launched an underwater robot there, which reached the lowest possible mark. But this is not the limit, as caves have been found that go to great depths. Scientists say that the landscape of the slopes and the bottom of the lake is constantly changing, as limestone rocks are gradually eroded. It is possible that Tserik-Kel could become the deepest karst lake in the whole world.


It is also interesting that the lake does not feed on surface waters (not a single river flows into this body of water), but underground sources. Water comes from under the earth, forming a huge volume.

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Strange features of the pond

To begin with, the name Tserik-Kel (or Cherik-Kel) in translation sounds funny - "Smelly Lake". And really the smell of hydrogen sulfide comes from him. With such a repulsive feature, the lake is fantastically beautiful. Due to the presence of this gas, the water surface acquires a beautiful turquoise or bluish-green hue.


The color of the lake acquires particular saturation in the fall. At the same time, the reservoir is practically uninhabited; only algae and crustaceans live in it. Due to its interesting features, Tserik-Kel naturally overgrown with legends and speculation. Which of these is true for you to judge.

Secrets and legends of the lake

There is a legend about a dragon, which was defeated in battle by a local hero, smashing him with an arrow. After that, the legendary lizard fell in the mountains, and the tears of its pain filled a stone niche, forming a lake. Scientists joke that this very dragon still lives somewhere on the bottom of the lake and prevents divers from revealing all the secrets. Find the maximum depth, for example.

On this occasion, there is still a belief that the cave at the bottom goes underground to the Black Sea and merges with it. Others say that there is still a full bottom and treasures are stored there. After all, an entire army of Alexander the Great sank there at one time. But there are other "treasures."


For example, there are still eyewitnesses of the fall of a truck with port in Soviet times. The vehicle itself was found by the expedition in 2016. Question: where did all the port from the truck go? It is annoying that he was never found, because for such a period the port could not have deteriorated. Especially when you consider that the temperature in the lake is about 9 degrees.