
Tatyana Nikitina, biography, music, personal life

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Tatyana Nikitina, biography, music, personal life
Tatyana Nikitina, biography, music, personal life

Video: Whitesnake - Here I Go Again '87 (Official Music Video) 2024, June

Video: Whitesnake - Here I Go Again '87 (Official Music Video) 2024, June

Tatyana Nikitina - Honored Artist of Russia, originally from Dushanbe (Tajikistan). She has been married to Sergei Nikitin for many years, which can not be said, watching them from the side. According to the sign of the zodiac Tanya - Capricorn. She is a kind and bright person who will never tolerate injustice to herself and her loved ones.

Biography of Tatyana Nikitina: childhood and teens

Tanya Sadykova (maiden name) was born on December 31, 1945 in the family of Tajik Hashim Sadykov. Father is a physicist by profession. Mom worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

Since childhood, the girl was a calm and unhurried child who always pleased parents with successes in kindergarten and during school. Teachers noticed a craving for art behind a girl. She was very artistic and fun, always in the spotlight. Studied Tatyana Nikitina in two schools in his native Dushanbe. After receiving a certificate, she enters the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University. The university graduated with honors from the university and decided not to stop there. She enters graduate school at the Institute of Biological Physics.

Music in the life of Tatyana Nikitina

During her studies at Moscow State University, the girl was engaged in a vocal circle, organized by Sergey Nikitin. Mostly young people and girls from here went here. Over time, the team became a quintet and gained great popularity not only among students. In 1972, Tatyana Nikitina and the participants of the quintet flew to Berlin for the Festival of Political Compositions.

During the period of performances with the team, Tanya begins to perform in a duet with Sergei Nikitin. Their compositions were both of Seryozha’s own composition and of well-known authors. The songs of these talented young artists sounded not only from the stage, but also in children's cartoons, as well as films. So, Tatyana and Sergey Nikitin became partners not only in the profession, but also in life. The debut of the duet in the film fell on the "Golden River", which at that time was in demand and popular.


In 1977, Nikitin co-authored a comedy song titled "Almost a Funny Story." She was performed by the same popular duet of Tatyana and Sergey.

In 1978, the Nikitins duet met Paul Moriah (French musician), whose album later included their song “To the music of Vivaldi”.

In 1980, the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” was released. The song of the young author Sergei caught the souls of millions of viewers with the simple and uncomplicated composition of “Alexander, Alexander”. She was performed by the already popular at that time Nikitin duet. After 5 years, the director again showed a desire to work with Tatyana and a partner. So, their songs were sounded in the film "Rides on an old car."


Films and cartoons

In 1987, the famous film by Eldar Ryazanov titled “Forgotten melody for flute” appeared on television. The song, which became the main musical accompaniment of the film, was performed by the Nikitins - “Song of the Officers”. According to the plot, officials wandered around public transport in ragged clothes and hummed: "We do not plow, we do not sow, we do not build …". Tatyana and her husband also performed many songs for films directed by Andrei Petrov. And children's cartoons with their songs were the most favorite among the small viewer. So, a song with the title "Big Secret for a Small Company" gained great popularity. She could be heard from the lips of not only children, but also adults.

The duet of Tatyana and Sergey retained their popularity and the love of the audience, despite the many obstacles that they had to go through.

Filmography of Tatyana

During her career, Tanya managed not only to record many compositions in a duet with Sergey, but also to star in popular films. Among them the most favorite works of the viewer:

  • "Old New Year";
  • "You and me";
  • “I remember a wonderful moment”;
  • “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”;
  • "Times do not choose."