
Timur Bulatov (Isaev): biography, activities, family and interesting facts

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Timur Bulatov (Isaev): biography, activities, family and interesting facts
Timur Bulatov (Isaev): biography, activities, family and interesting facts

From time to time, there are reports in the media that a certain Timur Bulatov, a “homophobic wolf” by calling and a jeweler by profession, persistently and methodically spoils the life of homosexuals and transgender people in St. Petersburg. Homophobic activist Timur Bulatov (Isaev) is looking for transgender people, lesbians, gays, as well as people who sympathize with them on social networks, being exclusively interested in employees of state institutions who are in contact with children and minors.


According to the "fighter", often he receives tips from the parents of schoolchildren. Timur Bulatov (Isaev) first selects the target, and then methodically draws up a dossier for this person, after which he transfers the documents to the immediate head of the facility.

The Executioner of LGBT Fascism

One of those who were affected by the activities of activist Timur Bulatov was Dmitry Isaev (St. Petersburg), who earlier headed the psychiatric commission that gives permission for gender reassignment surgery. Bulatov called him the “executioner of LGBT fascism, ” his activity spoiling Russian society. The "wrestler" blamed D. Isaev for the fact that the psychiatrist contributed to the formation of a positive attitude towards lesbians, gays and transgender people. After receiving a complaint from Bulatov at the St. Petersburg Medical University, where the doctor has been teaching and practicing since 2006, the authorities disbanded the commission, and Isaev had to resign. Soon he was admitted to one of the private clinics.

Break the fate of the transgender!

Transgender Yegor Burtsev was forced, after repeated messages with threats sent to him by Bulatov, to leave the state clinic where he worked. The man changed several jobs until he got an informal job. In a new place, the documents do not indicate the name and income of the object of bullying Timur Bulatov (Isaev). The latter was declared that he will not abandon his attempts to break Yegor's career.


“Pink love” - a fight!

Lesbian Polina Mul Bulatov was forced to resign from the post of primary school teacher in one of the schools, and then from the post of head teacher in another. At this time, she earns her bread by tutoring.

Trophy list

Timur Bulat (a pseudonym for a “geoeborg”) claims that over the past two years, “thanks to” he dismissed about forty teachers and other civil servants. The list of victims laid out by Bulatov in one of the popular social networks. It includes personal data of the objects of persecution of the activist: information about the age, profession, place of last job, etc.


Why is this possible?

Journalists explain the success of the campaign of Timur Bulatov (St. Petersburg) due to the metamorphosis that happened with the “northern capital”. From the most intelligent city of Russia, famous for its tolerance, St. Petersburg has turned into a hotbed of intolerance and hostility towards the “other” - homosexuals and transgender people. These issues are increasingly causing hatred among citizens of the country as a whole, media say.

Often politicians forbid gays to hold demonstrations. Representatives of sexual minorities are accused of reducing the birth rate in the country. Many figures advocate that gays, transgender people and lesbians be prohibited from holding government posts. There are those who urge them to deport or send them to psychiatric hospitals.

The main tool to combat “equality”

The Los Angeles Times newspaper, in one of the publications among the main struggle tools used by activists like activist Timur Bulatov (Isaev), names a law passed on the initiative of Petersburg deputy V. Milonov that prohibits propaganda of homosexuality among minors.


This law prohibits a number of things: MTV, teaching evolutionary theory, Halloween, sexuality education, milk bags with the image of a “homosexual” rainbow, concerts by Lady Gaga and Madonna, the production of Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night's Dream” and the novel “Lolita” by V. Nabokov. Homophobic politicians explain their position by the desire to protect the country from, the so-called. "Foreign values."

"Geoeborets" Timur Bulat, as journalists noted, confuses the concepts of homosexuality and pedophilia. He considers both of these phenomena to be “contagious, ” deliberately spreading among teenagers and children through websites, books, and even cartoons funded by the West. "They seek to destroy Russia, " Timur Bulat believes, "and do it through children."

Manifestations of violence against representatives of the LGBT community in Russia have become more systematic, targeted and cruel, human rights activists testify. Most conflicts and clashes in St. Petersburg are motivated by hatred of LGBT people. Human rights organizations have recorded numerous violations by law enforcement agencies and illegal court decisions. It was noted that after the adoption of the prohibitive amendments, attempts by provocateurs to disrupt the actions of LGBT representatives in defense of their rights intensified. Often collisions led to injuries. In almost all cases, the actions of homophobes go unpunished because they are supported by the state, human rights activists say.


Persecution of a minor

Ninth-grader from the Bryansk region, who did not hide her orientation, Bulat Timur tried to convince her of a mental illness. This was the first time that a person under the age of majority fell under the law prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality among minors.

Bulatov, who called the headmaster of her school and reported the girl’s homosexual tendencies to her parents, is known to have been actively persecuting the ninth-grader. A nine-grader was registered by the Regional Commission for Juvenile Affairs "for propaganda." After covering the story in the press, the girl was deregistered. Bulatov did not suffer any punishment for inciting hostility and hatred towards the LGBT representative. Although it is known that after the announcement of the girl’s orientation, the schoolchildren repeatedly tried to beat her on the street.

"The sick part of society"

According to opinion polls, the majority of Russians, like activists, “gay men”, consider homosexuality to be a disease. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization back in 1990 officially determined that homosexuality is not a psychosexual disorder.

Bulatov believes that the “others” are “a sick part of society” and are using obscene language against them. The activist calls the LGBT rights defenders “sexual perverts”, the members of the human rights organizations supporting them - “sectarians”.

Often the fighter for the purity of morals in society transfers his attacks to all kinds of "tolerasts." He considers all oppositionists, people with an active civic stance, including opponents of the war in eastern Ukraine, as such. According to the conviction of the "geoeborets", all of them should "burn in hell."


By publishing such statements on the networks, the activist refers to the Russian constitution, which gives everyone the right to have a personal opinion. Bulatov’s activities in public and on social networks can be called active, but superficial and uninformative, not revealing the true motives and beliefs of the “geebort” himself.

And yet the media learned that Bulatov was at the head of an organization called the Muslim NGO Action, which had a VKontakte page. He owned the Russian Parents VKontakte page. Both organizations are not registered, operate informally. It has been noticed that recently the activist wears a T-shirt with the emblem of the NOD (nationalist association), whose members participated in the desecration of the memorial to Boris Nemtsov, and also continue to disrupt opposition and anti-war actions.

It is also known that Bulatov actively contributed to the "People’s Cathedral" of Artyukh. In September 2014, along with the latter, as well as Dmitry Tsorionov (Orthodox radical, Enteo) from the God's Will organization, he took part in spraying caustic gas at the Queerfest, where, in addition to participants in the human rights festival, journalists and diplomats were present. Previously, “activists” locked both available exits from the premises. After such an "irreconcilable" "geyeborkogo" action, even St. Petersburg MP V. Milonov, who was sympathetic to the movement, renounced the "fighter".


Journalists noted that Bulatov, aka Isaev, flaunts his "wit", openly confessing to a number of violations of the law. For example, when he was a “fighter” in a pre-trial detention center, he boasted about having access to the Internet. According to the activist, he has extensive information databases, he is available to purchase billing data, tracking, etc.

Bulatov often boasts of his many connections in medical and law enforcement circles, dating in various instances of St. Petersburg, helping him to obtain information for organizing bullying of unwanted people and their dismissals. A separate mention he honored his practice of working with the police of the city of St. Petersburg.


According to J. Dzhibladze, cord. monitoring programs for violations of the rights of LGBT people (Init. Exit group), Bulatov is not so cool at all. In fact, he is trying to raise himself in the eyes of the "associates."

The proof of this can be the results of the analysis of statistics. The "geoeborg" himself has repeatedly stated that he has accounted for about forty dismissed teachers. The Vykhod group recorded 4 such cases in St. Petersburg. In 2014, the Human Rights Watch international human rights organization documented in Russia 7 cases of dismissal of LGBT people, in which a connection with the name of the “geoeborets” Bulatov is traced. “Exit” also names at least 6 more cases in which the teachers were not victims of provocations. Isaev was engaged in “forced outsourcing”: he posted on the Internet records that offensively revealed the sexual orientation or gender identity of certain individuals.

Regardless of the number of victims of Bulatov’s activities, all of them should be considered victims of intolerance and incitement unacceptable in a democratic society.

The fighter for the "purity of morals" Timur Bulat, aka gigantic and fraudster

As it became known to the media, the homophobic activist Isaev, who was famous for his high-profile participation in scandals related to the dismissal of representatives of the LGBT community, was wanted for several years. In December 2014, the “Orthodox” leader Timur Bulatov, whose biography is replete with interesting facts, was detained on suspicion of embezzlement of jewelry, money and fraud, including deceiving women. Subsequently, the "geoeborets" was left in custody.


Timur Bulatov (Isaev): biography. What version was offered?

After the adoption of the famous amendment, a little-known character, who called himself Timur Isaev, was increasingly joining the high-profile provocations of homophobes, which intensified in 2013, after the adoption of the famous amendment. At first, he published several posts a day on social networks, and he did not disdain direct threats against LGBT people and regularly contacted law enforcement agencies. For a year or two, Timur Isaev managed to create a promotion for himself even on federal TV channels. He told about himself about the following: he does not have a higher education, is a representative of the “old profession” (either a blacksmith, or a jeweler) and, by the hero’s own definition, a “patriotic Tatar”.

In fact, as it turned out, this person’s name is Timur Bulatov, and his reputation is by no means as rosy as he represents it in the media: in 2014, journalists became aware that the “activist” has been on the federal wanted list for 9 years.