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Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna: biography, nationality, family

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Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna: biography, nationality, family
Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna: biography, nationality, family

Video: RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONARY ART - A brief History 2024, June

Video: RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONARY ART - A brief History 2024, June

The biography of the director of the Tretyakov Gallery Zelfira Tregulova today is interesting to many. After all, the life path of this woman makes one admire her and marvel at the numerous achievements. A lady with an unusual appearance is a candidate of art history, an authoritative specialist of international class, the head of unique projects that represent domestic art abroad. And since 2015, Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna took the position of Director General of the Tretyakov Gallery. In a new role, the woman was able to prove to everyone around her own professionalism and her devotion to art.


Biography of Zelfira Tregulova

Zelfira was born on July 13, 1955 in the Latvian city of Riga. True, despite the place of birth indicated in the girl’s metric, she is not Latvian by nationality. Perhaps her bright Asian appearance is now the most convincing confirmation of this. In reality, Zelfira Tregulova is a Tatar by nationality. After all, her father comes from Tatarstan, and her mother is from Kyrgyzstan. The parents of the girl met in the Russian capital, where they came to enter the Institute of Cinematographers. After some time, the Tregulovs got a job at the Riga film studio and stayed there for a long time. Here their daughter was born, whom happy parents called Zelfira.

Children's years and youth

The girl’s father in those years was a military operator at the front, filming the Potsdam Conference, and her mother held the position of sound engineer. So the girl was brought up in a rather creative atmosphere. Maybe this is what prompted her to give preference to an intelligent creative profession. Having successfully graduated from school, Zelfira Tregulova entered the Faculty of Art History at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The girl’s parents fully supported her in the desire to become an art critic and helped her in every possible way during her studies. From an early age, the biography of the director of the Tretyakov Gallery Zelfira Tregulova is closely intertwined with artists and their works. In 1981, the girl graduated from graduate school at Moscow State University.


Carier start

Professional activity of Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna began in 1984. At this time, the girl begins work in the All-Union Art and Production Association. Here Tregulova showed her coordinating and curatorial qualities, organizing exhibitions of Russian art abroad. A little later, Zelfira was entrusted with the post of assistant to the general director of the company. She dedicated 13 years of her life to this activity.

In 1993, Zelfira Ismailovna went on an internship at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, located in the US capital. Returning to her homeland, in 1998, Zelfira began to head the department of international relations at the Pushkin State Museum. A little later, Tregulova received an offer to become a curator of the museum, in which she interned several years ago.


Activities Tregulova

Just a few years later, Zelfira received a new appointment and took the post of Director General of the Moscow Kremlin. In this position, the woman was engaged in international relations and exhibition work. In the Kremlin, Tregulova worked for 11 years, after which she became the curator of the State Museum and Exhibition Association "ROSIZO".

But Zelfira Tregulova herself considers as a qualitatively new stage in her life an opportunity to head one of the leading museums in the capital - the State Tretyakov Gallery. The art historian received a new promising position on February 10, 2015.


In addition to the main work in the gallery, Zelfira teaches at the Moscow School of Business, teaching gallery activities and art management. In addition, Tregulova is a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. In addition, besides the skills of art criticism and conducting commercial activities, the woman is fluent in German, Italian and French.

Creative achievements

At one time, Zelfira Ismailovna showed her skills as a curator of the largest exhibitions in major museums in the world. She led Tregulova with such well-known projects as Krasnoarmeyskaya Studio, Kazimir Malevich and Russian Avant-Garde, Surprise Me, Russia, Amazons of the Avant-Garde, Socialist Realism and others. In each of his exhibitions, Zelfira shows the audience his own worldview, devoid of Soviet fetters and stereotypes. In recent years, the audience has been able to enjoy the brilliant work in the exhibitions "Palladio in Russia" and "Victor Popkov", which were also led by a talented art critic - Zelfira Tregulova.


Behind her shoulders, a woman has not only many famous works, but also numerous creative achievements and awards. For example, Zelfira Ismailovna was awarded letters of honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Order of the Star of Italy for holding the Year of Italian Culture, the Order of Merit in the form of a cross with a crown and became a laureate of the Prize “Honor and Dignity of the Profession”, awarded at the All-Russian festival “Intermuseum”.

In the fall of 2016, Tregulova was awarded the Nikolaev gold medal. In the same year, Zelfira became the laureate of the “Statesman” award.