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The Svyatussians have blue, the Rasenians have brown: the ancient Slavic classification of races

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The Svyatussians have blue, the Rasenians have brown: the ancient Slavic classification of races
The Svyatussians have blue, the Rasenians have brown: the ancient Slavic classification of races

Surely many people are interested in the history of the Slavs, their amulets and traditions. This is an amazing nation, which has long been distinguished for its peacefulness and loyalty to representatives of various nationalities. The Slavs of the Great Race Clan existed. Moreover, the last of these words did not mean hostility towards those who had a different skin color. The RASA stands for Asra Births of the Assy Country, which was practically the largest in a certain period.

History of the Slavic tribe

According to Vedic sources, in the Universe there were constant battles between Darkness and Light. After the second great battle took place between them, the Ases landed on the North Pole of the Earth. They became the progenitors of the Slavs.


The land, or, as it was also called, Midgard, was divided by rivers into four parts. In each of them these people settled. Traditions say that after this there appeared on our planet 4 people, or the Sort, belonging to the Great Race. They differed from each other in eye color. This iris, as the Slavs believed, reflected the spectrum of the solar system, from which this or that people came out. Among them:

  • Da Aryans with silver-steel eye color;

  • Kharians with an emerald green iris;

  • Rasen with brown eyes;

  • Svyatorusses characterized by a lake-blue iris.

Belonging to the Great Race

What kind of people were the descendants of a people descending to Earth? These are people who had white skin, pure thoughts and a soul filled with good. Moreover, their differences are only in the color of the eyes and in growth. Otherwise, they are fraternal peoples.


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For several hundred thousand years of living on our planet, the Clans of the Slavs were mixed with many other peoples. That is why it is simply impossible to meet the purebred representatives of this race.


Historians are of the opinion that this race appeared on earth first. How to get to know its representatives? By high growth, brown hair and gray eyes, the iris of which is the color of silver or steel. There is a version that it is because of this that Slavic charms were made using silver.

For more than one millennium, the Da Aryans also differed in that they had only the first blood group. However, under the influence of mixes, as well as genetic changes, they also got a second.

According to Vedic sources, da Aryans have always been wonderful warriors who were not afraid of either psychotropic influences or the negative energy of their enemy. Nevertheless, it is a humane and peace-loving race that will never harm others, only standing up for the protection of its land and family.


This race of great clans among the Slavs is considered the second in importance. A distinctive feature of her appearance is blond hair, high growth, as well as green eyes. There is a legend that this people came to Earth from the constellation Orion. Moreover, his talent, which allows him to develop in almost any direction, directly depends on how bright the eyes of a person are. Representatives of the Kharians have the first or second blood group and always only with a positive rhesus.

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Wars of this race have always been considered the most reliable defenders of the Slavic lands. They possessed a strong fighting spirit, which, in addition to physical strength, also influenced the enemy. Representatives of this race were numerous healers and sorcerers, always ready to help those in need.

The descendants of the KhAriyans are most adapted in today's world. After all, they are excellent mechanics, easily versed in any technique. Among the signs of a true Harian can be called insight and wisdom, intuition and a piercing mind, as well as the desire for knowledge and self-improvement.



This genus of the Great Race is also known as the Etruscans. Their descendants are the Scandinavian berseks and Svyatorussy-Rasen. The growth of the Etruscans is somewhat lower than that of the DaAryans and HaArians. However, representatives of this kind were in no way inferior to them in courage and strength.


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They had brown eyes. According to one version, the dark iris allowed the Rasenis to defend themselves against the bad looks of the gods.


Rasen had only a second blood group. According to legend, they lived in the middle lands of the Slavs. Because of this, they did not need to be skilled warriors. However, they could still stand up for themselves. Little experience in battles was more than replaced by combat trance and rage. At the same time, they possessed the ability to subtly feel the world around them on an energy level. They were distinguished by races and their vulnerability to negative energy and external psychological effects.

The appearance of this nationality was somewhat different from the HaAryans and DaAryans. Representatives of the Rasenov, according to existing theory, founded the Roman Empire and became the progenitors of many European peoples.