
Scientist-psychologist Bakhtiyarov Oleg Georgievich: biography, creativity and reviews

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Scientist-psychologist Bakhtiyarov Oleg Georgievich: biography, creativity and reviews
Scientist-psychologist Bakhtiyarov Oleg Georgievich: biography, creativity and reviews

Bakhtiyarov Oleg - a famous psychologist, scientist. He specializes in the study of the psychology of extreme situations, as well as conflict resolution. For help and advice, many people in need turn to him.

Psychologist Biography


Bakhtiyarov Oleg was born in 1948. He was born in Leningrad. He realizes his knowledge of the psychology of extreme situations and conflict management in the training of personnel who have to work in difficult and non-standard conditions. He is also engaged in psychonetics and problems of the psychology of consciousness.

Currently, Oleg Bakhtiyarov heads the University of Effective Development, a limited liability company, which is located in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

He became famous in the scientific community thanks to the development of various areas of psychonetics. In particular, a special technique of attention deconcentration. He also created methods for the formation of modern thinking procedures, which are based on all sorts of mental functions. He is engaged in studying the development and identification of meaning-generating mechanisms, methods for reflecting other thinking procedures in logic, the ways in which hidden environmental parameters are determined. Much attention is paid to psychotechnics operating with huge amounts of information.

Scientist education


Bakhtiyarov Oleg received higher education at the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kiev. He graduated from the Faculty of Biology.

In 1979, he began his career as a junior research fellow at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Psychological Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in Kiev. In this position, he was engaged in the development of methods and methods for managing the state and maintaining self-control in uncertain operating conditions and extreme situations. The customer was the Lightning Research and Production Association.

In the USSR, it was one of the largest enterprises operating in the aerospace industry. Since 1976, it has been the foremost enterprise of the Union Ministry of Aviation Industry. Participated in the creation of the reusable space shuttle Buran. In 1988, he made his only flight, which culminated in the first ever successful automatic landing on the airfield. A number of its technical solutions are still used in the missile and technical industry not only in Russia.

The enterprise "Lightning", for which Oleg Bakhtiyarov worked, was founded on the basis of several design bureaus. Today, the functions of this NGO have actually shifted to Rostec.

Also for “Lightning” Oleg Bakhtiyarov developed unique methods of attention deconcentration for the Center for the training of energy operators.

Work during the adjustment


In 1987, Oleg Georgievich Bakhtiyarov continued his scientific work in a new place. He moved to the Institute of Materials Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. As a senior engineer, he developed techniques for deconcentration of attention, similar to those on which he worked at the previous place of work, but already for training astronauts. In parallel, he headed the company "Perspective".

An important milestone in his career was the work at the enterprise "Advanced Research and Development". Since 1989, he headed the MP and gave him as much as 7 years. He continued to develop the direction of attention deconcentration in order to ensure maximum efficiency for various professional contingents. In particular, he carried out experimental developments on the introduction of intensive seminars, at which special units of military personnel were trained.

Since the mid-90s, he concentrated on working for the Ministry of Defense of the republic. He was a researcher at the Military-Humanitarian University of Ukraine. Priority for him was the study of the psychological aspects of the behavior of soldiers and officers in conflict situations.

Psychonetics concept

In 1997, he received the post of Director General at the Center for Psychological and Social Technologies, which was called "EXPIR". The psychonetics of Oleg Bakhtiyarov was in demand here.

Today she is called a special modern concept, which is based on post-information technologies. She uses the resources of consciousness. The author of this concept is the hero of our article.

Books on Psychonetics


Oleg Georgievich Bakhtiyarov devoted several works to this direction of science. The author’s books were widely in demand among the scientific community. In 1997, Postinformation Technologies: An Introduction to Psychonetics was published. And after 13 years, another fundamental work is Active Consciousness.

In these books, Bakhtiyarov considers psychonetics as an engineering discipline that aims to create new realities of consciousness that help solve pragmatic problems, in particular, to develop new modern technologies.

The development of a new direction took place precisely on the basis of the University of Effective Development, created by Bakhtiyarov. Since the mid-2000s, similar institutions began to appear in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Taganrog, the psychiatric center Freedom World opened.

At the core - attention deconcentration


Bakhtiyarov Oleg Georgievich, whose biography is directly related to the advent of psychonetics, has developed a special technique for attention deconcentration. It is considered one of the main in this science.

In the course of the described process, already held figures in our consciousness are destroyed, and attention is evenly distributed throughout the field of perception. As a natural and involuntary process, attention deconcentration occurs in almost all people during prostration and in certain phases of falling asleep.

The development of attention deconcentration


Bakhtiyarov argued that deconcentration of attention can safely develop under the influence of various modalities. For example, auditory, somatic, visual or tactile. It can also be multimodal, that is, combine several perceptions at once.

Moreover, Bakhtiyarov himself singled out several varieties of deconcentration of attention. Flat, during which detachment from the outside world grows, and the psychophysiological tone decreases. And also surround. With it, sensory contact with the outside world is increased, and the tone increases sharply.

If we consider this as an example of visual modality, then in the first case, a person perceives the outside world as if he is projecting on a flat screen in the form of a chaotic set of color spots.

In the second example, the individual independently fixes the distance to each object he sees, as well as his position in space.