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Ukrainian ornament on a wedding towel

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Ukrainian ornament on a wedding towel
Ukrainian ornament on a wedding towel

Video: Ukraine Story in Embroidery: How traditional embroidery tells Ukraine's story 2024, June

Video: Ukraine Story in Embroidery: How traditional embroidery tells Ukraine's story 2024, June

Famous wedding towels (towels) are certainly present at all weddings in various regions of Ukraine. Weddings here are loud and involve many events: matchmaking, bride redemption, blessing by parents, painting in the registry office, wedding, meeting a new family with bread and salt, a noisy feast with dancing, games and songs. A lot of towels are prepared for such a wedding; there is a Ukrainian ornament on each towel.


Towels at the Ukrainian wedding

A lot of embroidered towels are prepared in advance for the wedding, in some regions up to forty pieces. This is one of the main attributes at the Ukrainian wedding:

  • Under the feet of the young (this is the most important rushnyk at every wedding).

  • Under the loaf (young people are often met with him, and then this towel flaunts on the festive table of the young under wedding bread).

  • Two towels for icons, two for blessing the parents of a young couple for a new marriage. These towels can be taken to the church for a wedding, but they are not left in the church. A separate option is being prepared for the church, as a gift from a young couple, but this is not necessary.

In total, you need to prepare five different options, you also need to add a towel, which bandage the hands of the young, and towels, which the young wife gives to parents and godparents, you can count up to 20-30 pieces at a Ukrainian wedding.


Ukrainian ornament and guarantee of family happiness

The main towel that will be the key to a happy family life is the one on which the couple will stand during the wedding. In the Kiev region, a girl embroidered it herself, showing someone her work was considered a bad omen. In some regions, a rushnyk is embroidered by a godmother. The fact that the fabric should be whole and white is already known to all. White color is a symbol of a long and happy journey, and the canvas can in no case be combined from two pieces of fabric.

The size of the towel should be proportional to the pattern you have chosen. That is, if the towel is divided into 3 parts, then 2 parts are embroidery on the left and right sides, and the central part remains clean. This is the place young people are becoming. Now the drawing itself. Each region has its own Ukrainian ornament and embroidery technique. Basically, these are geometric ornaments or ornaments of plant type: corollas, tree of life. The tree of life was previously embroidered with symbols of a kind.

The rule of embroidery of the main rushnyk

The fabric for the main towel is taken linen, its width is 45 cm, but the length can be different. Threads of two colors are used: red and black, they should be silk or wool. You should always embroider the Ukrainian ornament on Thursday, before which you should pray. It is impossible to swear and keep negative thoughts during embroidery. To embroider a rushnyk for a wedding you need to be very careful, it is strictly forbidden to make knots from the inside on a wedding towel.

In Ukraine, it is believed that if the front side is turned to people, then the wrong side - to God. The first shows what we are doing, and the second shows what we really think. Therefore, if the towel is untidy, the whole life in the marriage will be only for show. The right side of the rushnyk is embroidered first, and then the left. The right side is for the groom, and the ornament on the bench is always different on both sides.
