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Strengthening Peace on Earth

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Strengthening Peace on Earth
Strengthening Peace on Earth

Video: 7 Stoic Exercises For Inner Peace 2024, July

Video: 7 Stoic Exercises For Inner Peace 2024, July

Everyone on Earth knows that the world is the best condition in which a person can be. Nobody wants war, devastation, hunger and fear. But, unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to maintain quiet relations in conflicts, war and hostilities one way or another, in one place or another, arise with increasing regularity. Scientists estimate that since 1945 there have been only 25 peace days on Earth. Strengthening peace on Earth is a priority for all countries and united organizations.


Eternal world

They thought about the ideas of the eternal in ancient Greece. But even then, Plato expressed the opinion that war is a natural state of peoples, and this can not be changed.

The ideas of eternal peace were even advocated by ruthless wars. Napoleon I wanted to strengthen equality throughout Europe, but other countries could only be subjugated by force.

Strengthening peace on Earth is not an easy task. Prince Alexey Malinovsky was sure that the envoys were fueling enmity, and their activities should be stopped.

They began to attach special importance to the prevention of mass conflicts after the First World War. Then the League of Nations was created, the purpose of which was to disarm the main aggressors. But, as we know from history, this did not lead to anything good, and in 1939 the Second World War erupted. But after it, the idea of ​​creating technology for conflict management and strengthening peace has become truly relevant and necessary.


The United Nations was created in 1945 with the goal of maintaining friendly relations between states and preventing major conflicts. Today, it includes 191 countries, almost all the states existing on Earth. Is it possible to say that the UN has a huge influence on the politics of powers? Not quite so, but for its 70-year existence, the organization still managed to prevent several serious battles.

Its role in the history of the UN clearly played during the Berlin crisis (1948-1949), the Cuban missile crisis (1962) and the Middle East crisis (1963). Now the influence of the organization has somewhat diminished, and many terrorist-minded rulers do not want to listen to the world community. We can say that the UN has outlived itself in terms of fulfilling its functions, and now we need to look for new technologies to strengthen peace.



A huge number of people are ready to offer their help unselfishly in difficult situations. They are called volunteers. But there is a special kind of volunteers who interfere in the internecine affairs of states. They are usually called peacekeepers.

Peace in some cases is not possible without peacekeeping. Since the late 1990s, there have been several examples of successful intervention in conflicts and the prevention of hostilities. First of all, this is an operation in Kosovo (1999), in East Timor (2002-2005).

Today, peacekeeping operations are carried out in two directions:

1. Based on UN decisions.

2. Based on decisions of religious organizations (NATO, African Union) or allied states (CIS, Eurasian Union).

Most conflicts in the modern world are civil strife. The consolidation of peace in this case is complicated by the fact that the parties absolutely do not want to listen to the opinions and advice of third parties. In these matters, peacekeepers are powerless.



Another area known in all countries is pacifism. An ideology whose proponents completely exclude the possibility of violence in order for evil to disappear. That is, we will not offend anyone, and then peace will come in the whole world.

Pacifists firmly believe that any conflict can be resolved peacefully. Their hearts are filled with kindness and light, and on any slap they substitute the other side of the face, claiming that surrender breeds aggression.
