
Can elephants swim and other details about elephants

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Can elephants swim and other details about elephants
Can elephants swim and other details about elephants

Video: Elephants 101 | Nat Geo Wild 2024, July

Video: Elephants 101 | Nat Geo Wild 2024, July

Today, there are a lot of myths and rumors about elephants, and many do not even guess what of all this is true, and what is a real fiction. Some are even afraid of these animals, because people have a misconception about them. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out what the elephant can do, and what remains incomprehensible to him.

Briefly about elephants


In fact, this huge animal has a good-natured character. If you do not treat him rudely, he will not harm a person. On average, an adult reaches about five tons. The heart of this beast weighs an average of 20-30 kilograms. The average life span of an animal is 70 years. At 50, elephants stop giving birth. Unfortunately, due to poaching, these animals die before they reach old age. Elephants live in herds in which the adult female takes on the role of leader. Usually in this family everyone is related to each other, and if one member of the group dies, the rest suffer greatly from the loss of a loved one. It is interesting that these good people know how to rejoice and even laugh. When they meet, they gently hug their trunks.

Elephant and sea

Today there is much debate about whether elephants can swim. These questions are not surprising, since it may indeed seem impossible to have such a mass held on the surface of the water and not go to the bottom.


But in fact, these animals are excellent swimmers who love to flounder in ponds. It is also interesting that they bathe not just on the shore, but also dive deep into the water and feel good there. It may become incomprehensible why elephants can swim, because they must sink. In fact, when they enter the water, they start to sort out with their feet, thereby creating powerful waves under water, which allow them to do maneuvers. Such movements cannot be compared with the drowning man’s panic, the animal’s legs move rhythmically and purposefully. Of course, for his swimming, the animal chooses fresh water, but in the sea they flounder very rarely. Now you know if elephants can swim, and you can share this information with your friends.

A little more about water


It is also known that elephants do not just swim, sometimes diving to the bottom, they are able to overcome great distances from coast to coast. Some watched this animal swim for several kilometers, after which it continued its journey on land. In addition, they can dive deeply, while using their long nose as a snorkel. Also on the resort islands, a bathing elephant is an attraction for children who are not averse to being a companion to this beast. At the sight of such a spectacle, the question of whether elephants can swim will probably disappear. It can be noted that they are very fond of water and can feel the moisture for another eight kilometers.

Shout the rumors

Since elephants are the oldest animals, for many centuries different ideas have developed about them, especially among those peoples who have never "communicated" with these animals. Exploring the nature and habits of the good "whoppers", you can find out and dispel another five facts and five myths about elephants. To begin with, we will discuss the main fabrications about these animals and find out how they correspond to the truth.

  1. The best delicacy is peanuts. In fact, elephants do not feel love for these nuts, they do not even eat them in zoos. The reason is that peanuts are too small. To nourish his body, an elephant needs to eat an average of 17 hours each day. To eat, they choose food more significantly and do not waste time on the "trifle".

  2. The elephant's trunk is like a straw through which he can drink. This is another myth, most likely, his nose can be compared with a glass from which he delivers water to his mouth. By the way, so that there is no dehydration, these animals absorb from 150 to 220 liters per day. And the trunk itself can accommodate 7.5 liters.

  3. This is the only animal that is not able to jump. Not true (!), Because they are not alone in this. Many do not know how to jump, for example, moles, sloths, rhinos and other animals.


  4. The elephant is drowning due to the severity of the body. This is another myth, since we have already discussed whether elephants can swim, and found out that they are still those swimmers.

  5. Elephants do not forget anything. With good training, elephants are able to learn about 60 teams and for almost their entire life they remember the trainer. They actually have a very good memory, but still not perfect.