
Hurricane in Bashkiria and its consequences

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Hurricane in Bashkiria and its consequences
Hurricane in Bashkiria and its consequences

Video: Ураган в Кариево, tin hurricane 2024, July

Video: Ураган в Кариево, tin hurricane 2024, July

At the end of August 2014, a powerful hurricane swept over Bashkiria. His destructive power led to the death of two people and serious injuries to another fifteen. A hurricane in Bashkiria damaged the roofs of hundreds of houses and left entire settlements without electricity. How typical is this weather phenomenon for the region and should residents expect new weather disasters?

August 2014 hurricane in Bashkiria

On August 29, a hurricane hit Bashkiria, which became the strongest in terms of destruction and consequences over many years. According to eyewitnesses, everything happened very quickly. The disaster struck cities and towns in the evening - there were three districts in total in the disaster zone. The strongest wind began. In just a few minutes, a hurricane in Bashkiria caused serious damage.


Eyewitnesses subsequently said that what was happening resembled a catastrophe film. Many noted the unusual behavior and anxiety of domestic animals, who foresaw a natural disaster and at least somehow tried to warn their owners.

Consequences and destruction

That storm in Bashkiria brought a lot of damage. September 2014 turned out to be tense for both rescuers and utilities, as well as for residents of the affected areas. What can I say, because in just a few minutes the elements destroyed many buildings in individual villages, and tore off the roof from many buildings.

More than a hundred houses were unsuitable for housing. Almost thirty villages (and this is more than six and a half thousand people) were left without electricity. But the worst consequence of a hurricane in Bashkiria is the death of two elderly men. According to doctors, both of them died as a result of a heart attack. There were many injured - about forty people, among them were children. Fifteen people had to be hospitalized with serious injuries.

Huge damage was done to the nature of the region. Indeed, in a few minutes of the hurricane, the elements destroyed more of the forest than all the fires that occurred in Bashkiria this year.


An emergency regime was introduced in the affected areas. Intensive measures were taken to prevent looting in the affected areas, because many people had to leave their homes and move to temporary accommodation. In total, nearly eight hundred rescuers took part in the reconstruction of the settlements. According to authorities, the total damage from the hurricane amounted to about two hundred million rubles.

Hurricanes in Bashkiria in 2015

Unfortunately, a strong squally wind is far from uncommon for the republic. And the hurricane in Bashkiria in August 2014 was not the last. This year has also brought destruction, although not so strong. What was the most powerful hurricane in Bashkiria (2015)? June, for example, turned out to be not only hot, but also rather destructive. At the end of the month, heavy rain with a thunderstorm, hail and squally wind fell on Neftekamsk. Bad weather destroyed trees, which, in turn, seriously damaged cars standing on the streets. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Forecasters predicted a strong hurricane in Bashkiria 09/09/2015. The fact is that on the eve of the elements with all its might fell upon the neighboring republic - Tatarstan. There was a severe thunderstorm, wind and hail. As a result, there were fifteen injured in hospitals. Similar phenomena were expected in Bashkiria. Rescuers warned residents about possible destruction and emergency situations, but, fortunately, the elements passed by.

Why do hurricanes appear?

A hurricane is usually understood as a powerful wind, the speed of which exceeds one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. Such disasters usually occur in the tropics, but can also occur in other places. The most dangerous are hurricanes that occur off the coast. They bring the most destruction and human sacrifice.


The causes of hurricanes are the same, no matter where they arise. Usually they begin due to the difference in temperature and atmospheric pressure in different layers of the atmosphere. For example, this happens when a cold cyclone collides with warm air, the temperature of which exceeds 27 degrees. When meeting, these masses create an area of ​​low pressure, where the tornado is born.

Let us recall what the weather was like when a devastating hurricane happened in Bashkiria in August last year. It was very hot and humid that day. Warm air masses collided with a cold cyclone coming from the Mediterranean, which provoked a natural disaster.

How to behave during and after a hurricane?

Of course, a hurricane is an anomalous phenomenon for Bashkiria, nevertheless, natural disasters should not be excluded here. Therefore, it is very important to know how to behave during and after a hurricane. If a disaster caught you in a building, then you need to move away from the windows, turn off the electricity and turn off the gas. The safest are the interior of the house.

On the street you need to stay away from billboards, power lines and light buildings. You can not hide under the trees, in dilapidated and damaged buildings.

After a hurricane, dangling electrical wires, which can be energized, pose a great danger. You should also be wary of old trees, signage and banners.
