
I saw that the neighbor leaves a spoon with sugar on his plot. Now I do it, because it can save the environment

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I saw that the neighbor leaves a spoon with sugar on his plot. Now I do it, because it can save the environment
I saw that the neighbor leaves a spoon with sugar on his plot. Now I do it, because it can save the environment

In recent decades, apiologists studying honey bees have noticed a depressing trend. Insects began to disappear en masse. This phenomenon was discovered back in the 90s, and in 2006 he was given the name "bee colon destruction syndrome". It so happened that the professors do not find an explanation why this happened and what is connected with.

However, I will tell a story told by my neighbor. Not so long ago, he watched a TV show covering this issue, which was hosted by David Attenborough, a British zoologist and broadcaster. He shared what the extinction of bees is fraught with for people and how to change the situation.

Insect extinction problem


Did you know that about 30% of our food needs pollination by insects, namely honey bees. Now these workers are the basis for the growth of all agricultural crops. In fact, it always has been, but no one noticed this before the beginning of the disappearance of bees.

In 2006, American beekeepers began to panic due to the fact that their "wards" began to disappear in an unnaturally large number. There was everything in the hives: honeycombs, honey, wax, but there was no swarm. No one could understand why this was happening. In 2013, a third of all bee colonies in the United States did not survive the winter. It was found that the bees massively died out or voluntarily abandoned their hives.


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Previously, the number of insects that did not survive the winter was 15%, this time it increased by 42%. The commotion among scientists led to the beginning of a study of the situation and the establishment of reasons. But is the current situation so serious that it caused such a panic?


David Attenborough believes that the disappearance of bees will lead to serious problems. In his opinion, if these insects are still gone, people will be able to live only 4 years. The role of bees in our life seems insignificant, but without them we will lose a lot.

What is the danger of the disappearance of bees

1. Having lost them, we will lose one of the most useful and universal products on the planet - honey.

2. The growth of certain fruits and vegetables that require regular pollination will cease. These include apples, avocados, peaches, watermelons and even some types of coffee.

3. The amount of dairy products will be reduced. This will happen because cattle need alfalfa and other plants pollinated by bees to ensure a vital process.


4. The variety of food will be reduced. Of course, many crops that do not need pollination will grow in the fields. Also, pigs and chickens do not need such plants. However, prices will skyrocket.


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5. The exclusion of certain foods from the diet will affect health. It has been proven that food pollinated by bees provides the body with calcium, iron and vitamins.

6. There is a theory that with the disappearance of bees, the global economy will fall, and in some countries there will be starvation.

Of course, these facts are a little exaggerated, but life without these insects bodes us a lot of burdens. But the bees are still there, which means that not everything is lost. We ourselves can influence the current situation and save the ecology of the whole world.

How to deal with it


All the same, Attenborough gives us simple advice on how to contribute to the rescue of honey bees. The zoologist believes that each person should leave a little sugar in a spoon in his yard, regularly filling it. Insects often get tired, they do not have enough strength to return to the hive, and they die. But unexpected food will help the bee, providing her a burst of energy.