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What is the difference between proverbs and sayings

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What is the difference between proverbs and sayings
What is the difference between proverbs and sayings

Video: The difference between idioms and proverbs 2024, June

Video: The difference between idioms and proverbs 2024, June

Proverbs and sayings - these two words somehow always go hand in hand, as if the meaning in them is the same and in themselves they are already a saying. Or a proverb? Is this so and what is the difference between proverbs and sayings, we will find out in this article.


The proverb refers to small forms of folklore that carry a complete thought, folk wisdom, dressed in a short but very capacious phrase. It happens that the sayings of great people are called proverbs. However, this is not entirely true, because a proverb is not just a clever idea of ​​one person, but the experience of several generations gathered together and dressed in a laconic conclusion.


The proverb also provides an example of a small form of folk art and reflects individual phenomena of life. This phrase carries an emotional load rather than any deep everyday experience. The main difference between proverbs and sayings is that a proverb never tries to convey an idea that would express an undeniable truth.

One can already understand from this that proverbs and sayings are completely different in meaning and form of utterance, and yet something unites them.

History of occurrence

Each of us in childhood had to hear a variety of examples of folk art. Most often they are so applicable to everyday life that it never crossed anyone's mind to wonder where small folkloric forms came to us from and what in fact could originally mean proverbs and sayings. The meaning and difference of these sayings is much deeper than it seems at first glance.


In the old days, when there were no schools and teachers, ordinary people passed on the experience of generations by word of mouth. This method of learning was called "folklore." Much later, oral folklore began to be divided into categories: this is a fairy tale, and here - a joke. And here is the proverb! And here what?.. And such a phenomenon is present in absolutely all cultures and languages ​​of the world.

As a rule, proverbs and sayings do not remember who composed them: one flew out, the other picked up - and the expression became winged. But there are author's aphorisms, which have become truly popular. Only sayings can become copyright. Author's proverbs are called aphorisms. As a rule, these are lines from fables or fairy tales. So, for example, the proverb was the phrase “with nothing” from “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin.


The presentation style is an important difference between proverbs and sayings. Most often, the proverb is endowed with rhythm and rhyme. The meaning contained in this saying combines life experience, ideas about the world and its place in the world, common truths and rules that are not in doubt. Often, nothing can express the essence of what is happening like a proverb: "Make a fool pray to God, he will break his forehead."


Most often, the proverb consists of two parts, thus building a logically complete thought. And this is another obvious difference between the proverb and the saying. Examples of proverbs: "What is the pop, such is the coming", "What you sow, you will reap." And here are the sayings: "tolerated - fall in love", "fuss", "easier than steamed turnips."


It is often quite difficult to distinguish a proverb from a proverb. Examples are obvious: "Radish horseradish is not sweeter." The expression is short, it is always used very emotionally, it can be used within the sentence. And yet it contains the main difference between proverbs and sayings - a complete and completely independent idea.

Sayings are usually too short for a rhyme to be present, but the rhythm is still sometimes present in them. This is especially noticeable when a proverb becomes part of a poetic text or even a proverb. The main task of the saying is to enhance the emotional effect of what has been said. Sayings find their place within the whole sentence and are almost never independent.