
Which city to move to live in Russia: rating. Where to move to live in Russia with a small child? Which city of Russia is better to move to live?

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Which city to move to live in Russia: rating. Where to move to live in Russia with a small child? Which city of Russia is better to move to live?
Which city to move to live in Russia: rating. Where to move to live in Russia with a small child? Which city of Russia is better to move to live?

Video: Moving to Russia ?? | Advantages, Guide & Interview 2024, July

Video: Moving to Russia ?? | Advantages, Guide & Interview 2024, July

In some cases, a person thinks about which city to move to live in Russia. The reasons for this decision may be a lot, but how to choose a future place of residence is not one of the simplest questions. How to be guided in choosing what to expect in a new city, what climatic conditions, whether there will be work, and so on. So which city to move to live in Russia is the best? We will try to find the answer to this question in this article.

Why move at all

People generally rarely make the decision to radically change their place of residence. They grow soul and heart to their hometown, to familiar people and places, to work, to home, and so on. But there are times when moving is the only way out. Sometimes such a decision is facilitated by protracted depression, loneliness, and sometimes - the lack of a good job or study, as well as the inability to develop further. There is a feeling that life has stopped on the spot, and events are not developing in any way.


The reason for the change of residence may be serious economic problems or hostilities. And maybe after all, the state of health requires immediate changes. Which city to move to live in Russia? For each individual case, there is its own best solution.

Criterias of choice

Which city of Russia it is better to move to depends on the circumstances. Before making a decision, be sure to think about what reasons you are guided by and what you expect from a new residence. There may be several selection criteria. In which city do you move to live in Russia if you have any economic difficulties? This is one side of the issue. But moving for health reasons is completely different. It is also important to take into account your own mobility, the number of obligations to surrounding people and authorities.

The best cities of Russia

In order to determine which city of Russia it is better to move to, you can refer to the statistics. She makes her calculations based on the following indicators: crime rate, ecological condition of the area, the degree of development of internal and external transport links, climate rigidity for humans, the quality of housing buildings, their quantity, how many housing plans are planned to be built in the coming years, how many buildings have been started at the moment, work of the healthcare system and education, conditions for small and medium enterprises.


Statistics also take into account how residents buy housing, whether they often relax abroad, prefer to get an education within their city or go to others, how big is the difference between the number of paid and budget places in universities. The level of attitude of citizens to other races, nationalities, religions, and orientation is also taken into account.

Top cities to work

The financial crisis and the plight of many families have caused quite a strong migration in recent years. Some move to live in other cities with a view to earning money, leaving their family in their historical homeland. Others are moving in full force. The state has introduced programs for the development of certain sections of the country. These programs provide housing, subsidies and benefits to those connected to them. Such programs extend to rural development, to the habitat of the northern sections of the country and its western part. So if the question arose where to move to live in Russia precisely because of financial difficulties, the answer is obvious.

The infrastructure there is not well developed, but you will get your own housing, higher salaries, a permanent stable place of work and other useful bonuses. However, not all of these areas are suitable for a comfortable life with young children. Immunity in babies is not as plastic and stable as in adults. A sharp change of mild climate to uncomfortable can cause serious health problems, and the undeveloped infrastructure of remote areas does not contribute to improvement. If economic problems require relocation and at the same time you have a small child, it is better to choose a million-plus city or a not very remote rural area. In cities with a large number of jobs, it is much more likely to find a job, and there are many conditions for starting your own business.

Environmental friendliness

There are situations when moving is caused by an unacceptable degree of environmental pollution by exhaust gases and other toxic substances. A person’s state of health can inexorably deteriorate until he finally decides to leave this place. Where to move to live in Russia to improve my health? In this case, it makes sense to turn your attention to the cities of the Krasnodar Territory. This area has a fairly mild climate, while the healthcare system is very well developed.


Krasnodar citizens are famous for the law-abiding nature of their cities due to the tightened control of law enforcement agencies. The Krasnodar Territory boasts of its countryside, field employment and personal small business. Huge amounts of government funds are allocated annually for road repairs, medical care, and subsidies to novice farmers. So if the question becomes, which city of Russia to go to live, adjusted for climatic conditions, it is really worth paying attention to Krasnodar and the surrounding areas. In addition, the cost of new housing here is an order of magnitude lower than in many other cities of the country.

Choice for a family with children

When a family has a small child, it becomes difficult to choose the city of Russia. Where to move in this case ?. In order to live in a new place was comfortable and safe, you should pay attention to special points. It is important for the child that there should be a sufficient number of kindergartens, schools, colleges and higher educational institutions.

Time runs very fast, and soon you will have to solve the problem with learning. The presence of a sufficient number of medical organizations, a well-developed care system for various diseases is equally important. Also, for a family with a child, often the cities of Russia in which it is worth living are determined by the crime rate. The lower it is, the calmer the parents will feel. Climatic conditions should not radically differ from the initial ones. Long and difficult acclimatization is not the best result of a sudden move. Choose the city that is closest to your original climate zone.

Which city to move to live in Russia: Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl is a very ancient and beautiful city. The appearance of the streets, churches as if immerses the inhabitant in the history of Russia. Beauty, of course, is not the last criterion in choosing Yaroslavl as a city for permanent residence. Its climate also attracts. Here it is temperate continental. In summer, the air temperature reaches eighteen to twenty-five degrees. There are a lot of rivers in the city, it often rains. Therefore, even the hottest summer days are tolerated quite easily. Virtually no droughts, which can not but rejoice.

Winter in Yaroslavl is quite cold, long and often snowy. The average temperature is from -11 to -13 degrees. Such weather conditions last for five months. The population is 96% Russian. The city has about seven hundred thousand inhabitants. This is a fairly modest figure for Russia. Many migrate here from Kazakhstan. As for the infrastructure of the city, in general it is satisfactory. All utilities are virtually uninterrupted. For a three-room apartment per month, on average, residents pay from two and a half to four thousand rubles. This size of utility bills is one of the lowest in Russian cities.

Moscow and St. Petersburg

When people wonder what city of Russia to move to, Moscow and St. Petersburg are almost the first answer. Such a choice is not at all surprising. Both capitals of the country open up a lot of prospects for visitors, however it will be difficult to break through here. Of course, the largest cash injections from the state account for precisely these cities. After all, here is the best infrastructure, a huge number of jobs, the possibility of developing your own business, the most prestigious educational institutions and a high standard of living. In the ratings of cities, they are mainly not even taken into account due to official status. Such a choice is good for young and ambitious people, those who plan to build their lives, study here, develop a career. As for the climate, it is rather cool and rainy here.

St. Petersburg is a very gloomy city. Lack of sun can permanently spoil the mood of visitors from the southern regions of the country. When asked which city to move to live in Russia with a small child, St. Petersburg and Moscow may well be considered a good option. Still, the living conditions here are really better than in many other places. But first you need to have a sufficient financial reserve. The cost of housing and prices in these cities are much higher. At first, you will have to pay the cost of housing and living from the accumulated reserves, since it is not known how quickly it will be possible to find a new job.


When asked where to go to live in permanent residence in Russia, Rostov-on-Don is not much inferior in ranking positions. Recently, in the Rostov region is actively developing agriculture. The terrain features are great for farming and cattle breeding. Huge territories, state subsidies for young specialists, active involvement of young personnel in the region - all this adds Rostov a huge plus in terms of residence permits. The city itself has about three million inhabitants, which is a pretty tangible figure. Private organizations are developing quite well, there is practically no shortage of jobs.


The region is famous for its southern climate, hot summers and quite comfortable, not very cold winters. Housing here is quite expensive, but in the coming years it is planned a large-scale expansion of the city, the construction of new residential areas. Schools, kindergartens and famous universities are abundant here. Moreover, students not only from other cities, but even from other countries, come to the Southern Federal University to study. The population is very diverse both racially and religiously. But people are quite tolerant both to their citizens, and to visiting guests.

Seaside regions

When asked which city of Russia to choose for life, people often choose areas near the Black Sea. At the moment, these are quite developed territories. After the Olympics, Sochi generally became one of the leading cities in the country. Huge residential complexes, recreational and recreational organizations and so on were rebuilt. The cost of living here is approximately the same as in other developed cities. Although the indigenous population here is not so much. Nationalities are quite large scatter. Both Russian people and residents with eastern roots are here in approximately equal proportions. The mentality of the population is quite hot and quick-tempered, but visitors are well treated. The business is mostly private and seasonal, although another job can be found here. The seaside climate is pleasing.


In many chronic diseases, the only way to feel normal is precisely the way to move to live closer to the sea. Many unpleasant sensations leave here. For example, diseases of the bones and the musculoskeletal system, chronic respiratory problems, asthma, some especially severe cases of infertility, and so on, are treated remarkably in these parts. A very pleasant climate for children with a weak immune system. In summer, temperatures reach high levels, but being close to the sea corrects all the unpleasant effects of the heat. And in winter, the temperature rarely drops below zero degrees.