
Vadim Rabinovich - a Jew with a guarantee

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Vadim Rabinovich - a Jew with a guarantee
Vadim Rabinovich - a Jew with a guarantee

Video: Blast Rocks Kiev: Explosion targets JN1 owner Vadim Rabinovich 2024, June

Video: Blast Rocks Kiev: Explosion targets JN1 owner Vadim Rabinovich 2024, June

The Ukrainian political elite has always been famous for the fact that in its clip is a place for some people who can really be called odious. Such people have a certain charisma and are quite sharp on the tongue. One part of the country's population loves them, another hates them. Today, a striking example of such a politician in Ukraine is deputy Vadim Rabinovich.

Birth and education

The future Ukrainian entrepreneur and politician was born in Kharkov on August 4, 1953. Vadim Rabinovich studied at the Kharkov Institute of Road, but was expelled due to immoral behavior. It goes without saying that such an unplanned graduation could not get away with it. The consequence of the expulsion was a draft in the army, where a guy with Jewish roots spent, as expected, two years.


Start of work

Having retired, Vadim Rabinovich worked for five years as a master of the repair and construction department. But here, he managed to distinguish himself, since he was charged with embezzlement of funds on an especially large scale. January 20, 1980 Vadim Rabinovich was arrested. After nine months, he was released (according to rumors, the then Prosecutor General of the USSR Roman Rudenko personally contributed to this).


At the end of 1980, Vadim Zinovievich was engaged in the manufacture of calendars, various crystal glassware, and wooden doors. Such his turbulent activity did not go unnoticed by law enforcement agencies, and in 1982 a second arrest followed. As Rabinovich himself later admitted, he was able to more than a year successfully simulate mental insanity. But this still did not bring him any dividends, since in February 1984 a Kharkov court sentenced him to 14 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property, as well as a subsequent ban on professional activities for five years. He was released in 1990 (according to other sources - in 1991).


Active business

Literally a few days after returning to freedom, Vadim Rabinovich creates the Pinta company. At the beginning of 1992, he began to carry out activities for the export of metal, and in the fall of 1993 he became the head of the representative office of the Austrian company Nordex, which supplied Russian oil to Ukraine in large volumes.

In 1995, together with Boris Fuchsman and Alexander Rodnyansky, he became the founder of the 1 + 1 television channel.

In 1996, already an experienced businessman, he created the RICO company in Geneva, which was later renamed the RC-Group.

In 2008, he bought the television channel News One.

Gun scandal

Vadim Rabinovich, whose biography is saturated with both ups and downs, from the mid-90s earned a reputation as a businessman who was involved in smuggling Soviet weapons into various zones of armed conflict outside the CIS. Largely because of this, in June 1999, he was banned from entering Ukraine for a period of 5 years. But already on September 29 of the same year, Rabinovich was summoned to speak with the leadership of the SBU, according to the results of which he was still allowed to be on the territory of the Ukrainian state.


In January 2002, a well-respected German publication Der Spiegel announced the delivery of T-55 and T-62 series tanks to the Taliban fighters. According to the weekly, an Israeli businessman was behind the deal (Rabinovich, in addition to Ukrainian, also has Israeli citizenship), who acted with the active support of Pakistani intelligence.

Social work

Rabinovich Vadim Zinovievich (his biography is a real example of resourcefulness), since 1997 and to this day heads the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress. While in this position, he repeatedly stated publicly that world Jewish organizations should provide assistance not only to Jews, but also to Ukraine as a whole.

In December 1999, the businessman was awarded an award from the hands of the then Metropolitan Vladimir in the form of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.


If you list all the awards of this active figure, then they include:

- Order of Merit (second and third degree);

- Order of the Foreign Intelligence Service;

- “The Cross of Valor”;

- "For services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

Political ambition

In 2014, the presidential elections in Ukraine were held, in which Vadim Rabinovich also participated. The biography of this candidate is far from clean, so there was no question of any victory. Ultimately, only about 2.5% of voters voted for him. Although this figure was far from the worst. For example, Oleg Tyagnibok scored half as much. Moreover, in Odessa, Nikolaev and Zaporizhzhya regions Rabinovich gained 5% of the vote, which in general is quite a lot, realizing the lack of experience in Vadim Zinovievich's participation in such "tournaments".

But this debacle did not slow down the politician, and in the parliamentary elections of 2014, he gains the required percentage of votes for the Verkhovna Rada and becomes the people's deputy of the eighth convocation.
